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Conspiracy Theories


Jul 2, 2020
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I'm interested in modern conspiracy theories that turned out to be incontrovertibly true. Anything come to mind?
Russian collusion happened
Bidens aren't peddling influence
Obama isn't still trying to wield power out of office
Theres no such thing as voter fraud
EPA regulations dont affect economic growth detrimentally
Electronic and mail in voting is safe and secure
Americans want open borders
QR codes are safer than a true printout ballot
Election by mail will be secure
D-Govs are actually acting out of concern for you based on their own self protection requirements for the Vid
Antifa is a mostly peaceful whatthefuckever
Socialism is not the endgame
ID aren't necessarily useful for clean voting
Hunter isn't a crackhead security nightmare


Want some more?

What fucking bugs me is that if the left wants to argue for socialism, their first reaction to any response is to discredit any argument without debating the merits, but on the right, the other side can call for anything and we argue policy minutia. WTF?
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Interesting, but not really what I am looking for. Maybe to you those are incontrovertible but what I am looking for is something that was considered a crazy conspiracy by most but turned out true with proof so clear everyone believes it and now it would be a conspiracy theory to not believe it.
Trump campaign was spied on. This is pure truth that nobody today rejects, yet back when he claimed it they called it a crazy conspiracy theory.
The government spies on the citizens. Big tin foil crowd until Snowden came out with proof. Now, everybody knows and just doesn't care.

Like that?
Yes, perfect examples of what I am interested in. Thank you.
The Snowden stuff for sure fits, I think most average people used to think you were crazy if you said the government was spying on you, recording your calls. Now it's known to be fact that everything is recorded. Obviously they can't review it all nor is there reason to, but it's definitely on a hard drive somewhere.
​​​​​I was surprised to see the pentagon releases navy ufo video. That's still a mystery.
I am both intellectually curious and I want some examples that I can use if people think I'm talking crazy. So I can say, "we all used to think (whatever) was crazy,...
Even more curious would be a "conspiracy theory" that was debunked and then proven to be true.
​​​​​I was surprised to see the pentagon releases navy ufo video. That's still a mystery.

I've been building ridiculous R/C aircraft with my cousins for decades...not to mention rockets, and AFF 'chute modifiers when I could afford the dropper ride prices. We used to drop from 10.3k (at 300 ground) for $60 all day for open seats. its at 75/jump with your own gear now. With the LA "Rocket Men", I'm betting refs will make it harder unless you're one of the chosen few.

LoL! Way off topic. Please ignore.
As far as aliens among us and huminoid reptiles that's way too far out there for me. I like to think I have an open mind but I would definitely need some serious proof before I could make that leap.
I'm not sure how it fits in this thread but hop and pops are still $10 at the parachute center in lodi
Just stumbled on one about the missing Antarctic film crew who all disappeared in 2002. Pretty interesting, though the only true thing is that they definitely vanished without a trace.
Explorers gone missing in Antarctica. Seems kind of normal. What's the conspiracy theory?
IMO the reptile people is a creation to lump in with somewhat valid theories to discredit all theories. A drop of piss in s bucket of water is now a bucket of piss.

hockey stick graph proving msn made global warming has been discredited

what about epstien island. people said for years the elite pedo's had a island get away. Everyone thought it was horse shit.
then poof its real. Pizzagate too...Frazzledrip...adrenochrome...

its a rabbit hole if you start reading on it...creepy as fawk
Interesting, but not really what I am looking for. Maybe to you those are incontrovertible but what I am looking for is something that was considered a crazy conspiracy by most but turned out true with proof so clear everyone believes it and now it would be a conspiracy theory to not believe it.

aliens, broke over the summer. check it out :eek:

I was thinking that would be how we end 2020....

Pentagon admits UFO program still exists. But Navy's alien sightings don't quite add up.

The Navy will supposedly make regular reports on at least some of its findings. But disclosure could rob believers of their best piece of evidence — a dearth of good evidence.

google "navy pentagon aliens 2020"
The idea that our government would allow us to arm drug cartels for the purpose of possibly tracking the guns, yet have no real mechanism in place to track said guns, and then have one used to kill an American LEO. sounds pretty far fetched to me.

The idea a US Secretary of state would sell influence to foreign governments through a shady charity set up as a front sounds pretty far fetched to me.

The theory a sitting Secretary of Sate would use a non government approved email system to handle government business sounds pretty far fetched to me.

The Idea that our state governments would suspend the legislative process and issue edicts, actions didn't come about by bills, committees, and votes by our representatives. Who would believe that the government would be able to shut down private business? Stop land lords from evicting tenants? Force people to wear masks? That all sounds pretty far fetched to me.
I'm not sure how it fits in this thread but hop and pops are still $10 at the parachute center in lodi

Haven't there been an unusual amount of diving deaths from there? I remember a woman got a helmet cam tangled in her lines around 2001 and burned in. Seems a couple others died from Lodi if I recall. Unless it's on fire I'm sticking with the airplane, even if it's only $10 to fall out!
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