There's a lot of moving parts, right now it's a waiting game IMO
a few years ago, inflation was already high, I wrote myself a mental note "deflation happens first", so that I didn't push my cash into assets too early in a crash, that the bankers would inevitably print us out of.
hot money creates a boom, and malinvestment, once the prices are run up, and everybody (from home owners to mega corps) is carrying too much debt to make the payments, a small slowdown causes a cascade. Then the defaults, then the liquidation, this is where the deals are, then before things actually find their level, the bankers print money to bail out their cronys, scooping up assets to later rent and sell to us peasants. They've been doing it for hundreds of years, they don't send their children to the same schools we do.
this time around it's a wild card until the dust settles around the election.
The wild card is MMT, modern monetary theory, print more money forever. Trump has gone bankrupt before, but keeps building his empire, if he gets a 2nd term, I could see him juicing cash forever to keep the country running, being productive, low unemployment, meeting social security obligations with weak dollars, can buy favor with single payer healthcare, etc. I think this is all wrong, and immoral, and honestly, theft, but I can see him doing it. This would just be ramped up inflation.
Buy productive land, buy precious metals, acquire as much productive debt as you can and pay it back with watered down dollars
be in business for yourself so you can pass along increased costs
Hyperinflation, basically same as above, but collect the above more aggressively, and food, and productive land, and weapons, frankly
deflation, basically, market crashes, possibly due to Trump losing, or election contested, the egret increasing asset prices stop climbing, and things that are financed drop in value as banks tighten up lending, food, gas, shit you buy at the store might climb, but the expensive shit goes down, biflation
stagflation, this is a grind, basically, things stop moving, but prices get higher, you can't quit your shitty job, and every week your check buys less, Japan had "the lost decade"
buy a fucking funeral home
me? My silver about doubled in the last 60 days, I expect it to double again in the next year, drop a little while people take profits, then once people realise how under valued it is, $50 will be the new normal and it will climb with inflation from there
I'm waiting to see what happens with the election, do I buy some used equipment cash, or do I buy as much productive stuff on credit as I can, and use my savings to service the debt while things are rough
And food. I bought a shit load of canned food, a calorie is the most basic store of value, 5 months ago you couldn't find eggs or milk and there was a limit on meat, in case y'all forgot. There's a slim chance that food goes parabolic this fall, if not, next summer I'll throw a block party