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Chinas growing military a huge problem

I wonder how their "belt and road" initiative is going to work out. It's very clear that the Chinese expects most of those nations to default on their payments, so the Chinese will get repaid in... Other ways. So they are buying a stake in mostly dysfunctional nations that bankrupted their colonial overlords generations ago. It will be interesting to see how that ends.

Agree. It's 4D chess and the pieces are changing all the time.
It's not so they can attack the US, it's so the US doesn't stop them when they stroll into their neighbours countries.

I think it will be a “Great Cyber War” on US soil. Either things stop working right, or all the way down to killing off our energy grids. No power. No internet. No telephone. No running potable water. No water treatment (sewage get all over the place due to no pumping). Whole lot of Nothing of what you’re used to know of and full of chaos. Imagine you someone who moved far away from where you grew up, and all the sudden you’re disconnected from your family. No email, no post mail, no telephone, nothing. Traveling by car to reunite with family can also be difficult because of no power to pump gas into your cars.

China can easily rip US’s economy apart into oblivion. No fighting needed. Which is enough reason to invade China’s mainland, even if it’s “just because” something as petty as if China invade Taiwan. Because it is in US’s best interest.
They do, but in real high-tech, they're quite far behind the West

Highly technical and highly engineered machinery is their weakness.
When we sell it to them they struggle to install and maintain it properly.
Seen it first hand and worked with their top engineers.

It seems like they are behind 50 years even though they come over here and go to school and get trained in these disciplines

Seems like it is a culture difference and maybe they never seen the science fair. Sounds crazy but how many Chinese school children thought about being astronauts when they grew up or building the next 11 second quarter mile Corvette?

I would like to see the Chinese best industrial machinery and control systems. It would probably look a lot like ours because I know they struggle figuring that shit out.
Highly technical and highly engineered machinery is their weakness.
When we sell it to them they struggle to install and maintain it properly.
Seen it first hand and worked with their top engineers.

It seems like they are behind 50 years even though they come over here and go to school and get trained in these disciplines

Seems like it is a culture difference and maybe they never seen the science fair. Sounds crazy but how many Chinese school children thought about being astronauts when they grew up or building the next 11 second quarter mile Corvette?

I would like to see the Chinese best industrial machinery and control systems. It would probably look a lot like ours because I know they struggle figuring that shit out.

I think the culture difference is huge. Here if some punk-ass recent college grad sticks his dick where it shouldn't be on a project, he'll get reprimanded or ignored. There if you step out of your station, it could be the end of your career, and I think that really hinders innovation. Some of those punk-ass kids are genius, it's just finding them.
I think it will be a “Great Cyber War” on US soil. Either things stop working right, or all the way down to killing off our energy grids. No power. No internet. No telephone. No running potable water. No water treatment (sewage get all over the place due to no pumping). Whole lot of Nothing of what you’re used to know of and full of chaos. Imagine you someone who moved far away from where you grew up, and all the sudden you’re disconnected from your family. No email, no post mail, no telephone, nothing. Traveling by car to reunite with family can also be difficult because of no power to pump gas into your cars.

China can easily rip US’s economy apart into oblivion. No fighting needed. Which is enough reason to invade China’s mainland, even if it’s “just because” something as petty as if China invade Taiwan. Because it is in US’s best interest.

I wonder how their "belt and road" initiative is going to work out. It's very clear that the Chinese expect most of those nations to default on their payments for the infrastructure the Chinese are building (which will likely be crap in 10 years), so the Chinese will get repaid in... Other ways. So they are buying a stake in mostly dysfunctional nations that bankrupted their colonial overlords generations ago. It will be interesting to see how that ends.

IMHO Their BRI purpose is to find cheap laborers as they are running out of their own cheap laborers (not a third world country anymore) and to make it very hard or impossible to cripple their economy because of expanded markets to export or import from and access to cheap labor.

“colonial overlords” failed because lack of investments in infrastructure.

I think China is overly ambitious but have good intentions in some ways as it can mean for an opportunity to a better quality of life in dysfunctional nations. Just that they’re a little too invasive.

He's dead on correct. Have you been paying attention to the large hacks lately of SolarWinds network monitoring systems and Microsoft Exchange email servers of North of 60,000 organizations?

China already has all of the military and veteran security clearance info from the hack several years back of OPM SF86s.

It's no laughing matter. There is little doubt that China or Russia can cripple US power generation, infrastructure and economy without firing a shot. And since the average US supermarket is resupplied several times a day (same with gas stations), it would not take much for the nation to descend into chaos.

Given how much of the population of this country has reacted to minor crisis, this can get very ugly very fast.
I don't doubt we are more technically advanced than China. Lasers and shit.
I do however think that in ww2 style combat they would have a huge edge in producing arms and sending millions of fighting age virgins to rape and pillage. While we're trying to figure out where to shoot lasers and shit, they're deploying ground troops 3 to 1. We won ww2 because we had the manufacturing base and real men. Ford launched a bomber every 46 minutes. Now we buy all our shit from China and 33 genders.
I do believe Trump was playing 4d chess with steel tariffs to get the US/ China balance in check to prevent or delay that type of warfare.
Remember those retarded empty Chinese ghost cities? It's almost like we could pew pew half of their shit, and half of their men, and they won't skip a beat.
Wars don't happen, they are planned behind closed doors years in advance.
IMHO Their BRI purpose is to find cheap laborers as they are running out of their own cheap laborers (not a third world country anymore) and to make it very hard or impossible to cripple their economy because of expanded markets to export or import from and access to cheap labor.

“colonial overlords” failed because lack of investments in infrastructure.

I think China is overly ambitious but have good intentions in some ways as it can mean for an opportunity to a better quality of life in dysfunctional nations. Just that they’re a little too invasive.

I don't doubt we are more technically advanced than China. Lasers and shit.
I do however think that in ww2 style combat they would have a huge edge in producing arms and sending millions of fighting age virgins to rape and pillage. While we're trying to figure out where to shoot lasers and shit, they're deploying ground troops 3 to 1. We won ww2 because we had the manufacturing base and real men. Ford launched a bomber every 46 minutes. Now we buy all our shit from China and 33 genders.
I do believe Trump was playing 4d chess with steel tariffs to get the US/ China balance in check to prevent or delay that type of warfare.
Remember those retarded empty Chinese ghost cities? It's almost like we could pew pew half of their shit, and half of their men, and they won't skip a beat.
Wars don't happen, they are planned behind closed doors years in advance.

An old Cold War joke, from the time when the Soviets and the Chicoms became enemies:

War between the USSR and China begins.
Day 1: USSR takes 1 million Chinese prisoners
Day 2: USSR takes 3 million Chinese prisoners
Day 3: USSR takes 5 million Chinese prisoners
Day 4: USSR surrenders
If you're laughing it's because you have no understanding of how much of our IT infrastructure is Chinese made and how many of them have backdoors built into them.

im laughing because he suggest invading main land china but i guess since you guys are so focused on the IT side of it you dont realize how dumb that it is, the last fucking thing we need is a ww3 because china is starting to do what we have been doing for the last 80 years

but yea lets invade china
im laughing because he suggest invading main land china but i guess since you guys are so focused on the IT side of it you dont realize how dumb that it is, the last fucking thing we need is a ww3 because china is starting to do what we have been doing for the last 80 years

but yea lets invade china

China want Taiwan back and probably will need to invade to force it’s reunification (again, a part of their BRI goals)

We have invaded for less.

I don’t think a WW3 is in China’s best interest, so they will either retreat or counterattack via cyberwar (and deny it, of course)
we have never invaded a nuclear capable country for less, lets not ignore that little fact.

you really think china is going to invade taiwan and then retreat? :lmao::lmao::lmao: :flipoff2::flipoff2::flipoff2:

That’s my point. Cyberwar!

we (allegedly the US and Israel) attacked a nuclear capable country, virtually, in Iran at their air gapped nuclear enrichment plant. :flipoff2:
Number of aircraft carriers:
USA = 11
China = 2

Number of nuclear warheads
USA = >3,000
China = ~300

Number of fighter jets
USA = >3,000
China = ~1,500

China's military is not a direct threat to the USA. Not even close. The far bigger threats are 1.) American's addiction to cheap shit made in China and 2.) The clown sitting in the White House.
They have won in all things non-military.
A war would probably solve a lot of our problems.
Military vs military, is still a laughable comparison.
In a full on conventional war China is only a strong contender for 2nd place.

i agree with this, and that would be counting "europe defense" as one thing.

biggest thing though, China has zero reason to come to mainland USA and the USA has zero reason to go to mainland china. non.

china and india had a minor shooting skirmish last year, nobody said anything outside of a NATO letter "please knock it off".

the cold war US/USSR had several hot conflicts that made big news but also made the threat of every local skirmish potentially turning in to the next cuba/vietnam/korea/panama. there was a weird power dynamic that saw the US in several short duration things during the 90's and then the war on terror perked everybody up that the USA was back on the war path, grand enemy be damned.

the war on terror hasn't ended, but the political and media posturing on it certainly has. over the past 10 years there has certainly been another bit of ramping up as everybody everywhere tests the limits of what is or is not tolerable. russia into georgia and ukraine, china into india, iran into syria, uzbeks and armenians. it's been interesting for sure.

with the amount of success that china has had with hong kong politically, i.e. laws and arrests and suppression, I think they will go that same route against Taiwan, see the "democracy" protests end of last year against the king, rather than a land assault. massive blustering and military "pressure" to keep the people aware and stay in the news though.

and china is making huge gains in africa/europe/asia east and west. they don't have a need in the slightest for a shooting war with the USA and the USA does not seemed postured to jump in to a defense of India/Pakistan (china is smart enough to wait in AFG until after we leave, but really, it cannot possibly be a priority for them regardless)

the USA certainly won't jump into africa's defense and we already agreed to go back to funding europes defense, not sure if or why china would seek to walk in to there.

strong military in the USA is certainly worthwhile and effective, but the idea of a ground war or even a proxy war with china seems pretty far out of the cards. I honestly believe china would not back kim in NK if he went off his rocker and assaulted the south or japan or hawaii or guam
americas foreign policy


i wonder how much butt hurt this post will create :laughing::flipoff2::flipoff2::flipoff2::flipoff2::flipoff2:
Number of aircraft carriers:
USA = 11
China = 2

Number of nuclear warheads
USA = >3,000
China = ~300

Number of fighter jets
USA = >3,000
China = ~1,500

China's military is not a direct threat to the USA. Not even close. The far bigger threats are 1.) American's addiction to cheap shit made in China and 2.) The clown sitting in the White House.

100000000% correct and not only does china only have two(soon to be 3) air craft carriers they have pretty much zero clue(experience) how to actually use them in a real combat :laughing:
The US military budget is nearly three times what China spends...Fuck China ,let them be number one,what difference will it make?
Unlike the US where we only think ahead 4 or 8 years China thinks ahead 100 years or more.

They've beaten us and will continue to do so because Political Greed / Power has shackled us, we're trying to "sell" the thought of saving a world that doesn't want to be saved.

If you think it's bad now wait until they complete their highway systems throughout the country.
He's dead on correct. Have you been paying attention to the large hacks lately of SolarWinds network monitoring systems and Microsoft Exchange email servers of North of 60,000 organizations?

China already has all of the military and veteran security clearance info from the hack several years back of OPM SF86s.

Agreed with all of that, except that DOE said SW and Exchange was Fancy Bear/APT28.

61398 is pretty livid that they got caught, as they've been using those for a while.

We're aware.
First thing is to "lose" your guns somehow, I firmly believe that is gonna be the only damn thing that keeps an invading force out of the country.

A comment from someone I met that went through the holocaust. “When the time comes that you thinks its time to burry your guns, that’s actually the time to dig them up.”
Dont forget, today they are still occasionally unearthing guns, for new construction mainly I believe, that were buried to hide them when Hitler took power...
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