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Chinas growing military a huge problem


The dude abides
Jun 8, 2020
Member Number
"Guam Needs a New Air-Defense System to Protect Against Chinese Missiles, US 4-Star Says" https://www.military.com/daily-news/...-says.html/amp

There are several places where we are at a disadvantage in terms of military force. We have fallen behind and they are speeding up with no signs of slowing down.

This is a problem.

We 'won' the cold war with russia without firing a shot. We basically won by outspending them into oblivion. We built up our military and space program so much that trying to keep up put them under. We may not have that option with china. We beat down germany by building ships and planes faster than they could sink them. Again, we may not have that option with china as they are the ones who build all our stuff!

They are getting the edge financially. And now are getting the edge with their military. If this keeps up, I see war looming in the future. A big war. A bad war...

Everyone needs to wake up
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The world's insatiable desire for cheap shit ripped off from elsewhere via government backed corporate espionage has created this problem. I make a conscious effort to avoid Chinese made stuff when possible, but it's pretty damn shocking how impossible that often proves to be.
The Chinese have already beaten the US. We just cannot bring ourselves to admit it

no way we could beat them in a military conflict, we are more concerned about being PC and making sure trannies feel welcome and have their own bathroom in the armed forces.

Chinese own Africa, the last outpost for mineral resources

Chinese own our debt. Chinese own at least one of our political parties

too late to wake up and even if we do we no longer have the mental fortitude to tackle the yellow peril. I hope your kids are learning Mandarin so they will be able to more efficiently serve their Chinese masters in the coming decades
The Chinese have already beaten the US. We just cannot bring ourselves to admit it

no way we could beat them in a military conflict, we are more concerned about being PC and making sure trannies feel welcome and have their own bathroom in the armed forces.

Chinese own Africa, the last outpost for mineral resources

Chinese own our debt. Chinese own at least one of our political parties

too late to wake up and even if we do we no longer have the mental fortitude to tackle the yellow peril. I hope your kids are learning Mandarin so they will be able to more efficiently serve their Chinese masters in the coming decades

All things considered, we've had it too good for too long. People want to fight for something. It's just in our nature. If people don't have anything to fight for they'll create shit in their own heads to fight for. Hence where we're currently at. This is why it's really important to teach history from a point of truth, not a point political correctness. Anyone who thinks things are awful right now for Americans as a whole (or any particular group of Americans for that matter) has absolutely no fucking grasp of history.
Biden says " China is our friend and will magargle bingo dapplerumble nibbleybobertum".

And you can take that to the bank!

"They're good people, folks!." is what Commander Inept said on the campaign trail. Some of the dumbest shit the media put out during the scamdemic was the crap about "we can't call it Chyna virus because that leads to Chinese Americans being treated meanly. :shaking: Meanwhile, Chinese mole professors" teach" at MIT.
I have to agree we already lost. History is gonna paint the Us as a great country that destroyed itself by selling out to Chinese. The war was won without a shot being fired.
The Chinese have already beaten the US. We just cannot bring ourselves to admit it

no way we could beat them in a military conflict, we are more concerned about being PC and making sure trannies feel welcome and have their own bathroom in the armed forces.

Chinese own Africa, the last outpost for mineral resources

Chinese own our debt. Chinese own at least one of our political parties

too late to wake up and even if we do we no longer have the mental fortitude to tackle the yellow peril. I hope your kids are learning Mandarin so they will be able to more efficiently serve their Chinese masters in the coming decades

Quoted for truth. Our disposable culture is full of Chinese made junk. Manufactured obsolescence and the need for the newest whateverthefuck just keeps pumping dollars into china. If there ever is a shooting war china will round up everyone they can to fight, meanwhile we will have a bunch of fruits crying in the fetal position. The amount of money china has pumped into Africa for infrastructure is staggering, they've also realized its smarter to outsource. Why pay Charlie Chan $500 a week when you can pay Dikembe $50 and sell for the same price?

I for one would like to welcome our new overlords :homer:
history will show the downfall of the US started when we made kids wear bicycle helmets. We used to let Darwin take his course now we celebrate the weak and weak minded

downfall started when we stopped keeping score in kids soccer games and everybody got a trophy just for showing up. You can bet the Chinese keep score and celebrate winners.

almost every world leading country has seen a downfall and most can be linked to getting too fat and happy and letting liberals dictate the morals and education. Soddom, gomoroah, Rome, the Muslims, British Empire now sadly the US
They have won in all things non-military.
A war would probably solve a lot of our problems.
Military vs military, is still a laughable comparison.
In a full on conventional war China is only a strong contender for 2nd place.
I literally just took this picture. In this picture there are 3 things of note. The first is of massive grain silos, so large that the pictures do not do it justice. This is our grain being shipped to China. The second thing to note is every piece of steel laying on the ground that we are unloading. This is one ship and will equal 280 truckloads. It has all come from China at an astronomical cost to North American manufacturing firms because of the cheap labor. The third and less notable thing is the name of the port that I am at. It's called DP World, or Dubai Port world. They are buying up the ports around the world as quickly as China is shipping product to them.

My point in all of this is that we are way past the point that we should be recognizing this as a huge problem. It's too late now and you can never go back to the good old days. I agree with the OP did a massive war is coming if not in this lifetime then in the next.

Scary stuff :eek:


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The chinese might be pumping out ships and military equipment quickly but how good is it? If it's like the rest of their goods, it's going to all just fall apart or be constantly broken. Also the US has so much more experience in actual modern conflict. Thirdly, it's not just US vs China...it's the entire western world vs China. You think if shit got real with China that Canada, UK, France, Germany, Japan, Australia, etc. wouldn't step up? How many useful allies does China actually have? Owning a bunch of shit in Africa doesn't give them useful allies.

That said, to underestimate the enemy is also stupid...so we need an administration that keeps the chinese in check and doesn't make it any easier for them. Shame that's gone now.
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They have won in all things non-military.
A war would probably solve a lot of our problems.
Military vs military, is still a laughable comparison.
In a full on conventional war China is only a strong contender for 2nd place.

:rolleyes:Unless they use their back door into our military technology and shut us the fuck down... then all we gots is us with our pew pews vs them with control over our military might:(
They have won in all things non-military.
A war would probably solve a lot of our problems.
Military vs military, is still a laughable comparison.
In a full on conventional war China is only a strong contender for 2nd place.

If we are honest the US has not conducted a “gloves off” conventional war since WW2. Korea maybe but Vietnam on have been conducted by the politicians not the brass or the troops. Rules of Engagement bullshit at the troop level.

The current generation(s) do not have the testicular fortitude that the greatest generation did. And the general populace would rather surrender than have to go through the actual hardships it takes to win. From everybody. We won’t have enough safe spaces for everyone.

Most likely the Chinese cyber forces would bring us to our knees long before the first shot is fired in anger. I doubt and sure hope the world never sees another conventional war the likes of ww2 again. The next battle grounds will be cyber and biological- perhaps already are

The Chinese are patient people. Westerners, especially Americans are not
If we are honest the US has not conducted a “gloves off” conventional war since WW2. Korea maybe but Vietnam on have been conducted by the politicians not the brass or the troops. Rules of Engagement bullshit at the troop level.

The current generation(s) do not have the testicular fortitude that the greatest generation did. And the general populace would rather surrender than have to go through the actual hardships it takes to win. From everybody. We won’t have enough safe spaces for everyone.

Most likely the Chinese cyber forces would bring us to our knees long before the first shot is fired in anger. I doubt and sure hope the world never sees another conventional war the likes of ww2 again. The next battle grounds will be cyber and biological- perhaps already are

The Chinese are patient people. Westerners, especially Americans are not

Fyi we are on year 20 of war in the middle east to fight terrorism. Perhaps MAYBE the younger generations see how stupid this all is and is war fatigued.

Fyi you can thank nixon and fighting the Russians economically for where we are at with china.
If we are honest the US has not conducted a “gloves off” conventional war since WW2. Korea maybe but Vietnam on have been conducted by the politicians not the brass or the troops. Rules of Engagement bullshit at the troop level.

The current generation(s) do not have the testicular fortitude that the greatest generation did. And the general populace would rather surrender than have to go through the actual hardships it takes to win. From everybody. We won’t have enough safe spaces for everyone.

Most likely the Chinese cyber forces would bring us to our knees long before the first shot is fired in anger. I doubt and sure hope the world never sees another conventional war the likes of ww2 again. The next battle grounds will be cyber and biological- perhaps already are

The Chinese are patient people. Westerners, especially Americans are not

You think Desert Storm was a joke? Iraq at the time had the fourth largest army in the world and it wasn't even a challenge. The capabilities have come so far since then too.
The chinese might be pumping out ships and military equipment quickly but how good is it? If it's like the rest of their goods, it's going to all just fall apart or be constantly broken.

If you think that Chinese equipment is all the same, you're fucking high. There was a thread on the old board where someone laid out their dealings with a Chinese manufacturer. It boiled down to their ability to meet spec (and the Chinese's continual press to get as close to the spec as possible).

I garauntee they can make some damn fine equipment. They don't make it for the cheap shit they're exporting here though.
You think Desert Storm was a joke? Iraq at the time had the fourth largest army in the world and it wasn't even a challenge. The capabilities have come so far since then too.

It's a lot less about headcount and a lot more about technology levels these days. It's a good thing too because we can't touch China's headcount.
If you think that Chinese equipment is all the same, you're fucking high. There was a thread on the old board where someone laid out their dealings with a Chinese manufacturer. It boiled down to their ability to meet spec (and the Chinese's continual press to get as close to the spec as possible).

I garauntee they can make some damn fine equipment. They don't make it for the cheap shit they're exporting here though.

I like that they couldn't make a good ball point pen tip until a few years ago. They made billion of pens with imported balls up until then.
The chinese might be pumping out ships and military equipment quickly but how good is it? If it's like the rest of their goods, it's going to all just fall apart or be constantly broken. Also the US has so much more experience in actual modern conflict. Thirdly, it's not just US vs China...it's the entire western world vs China. You think if shit got real with China that Canada, UK, France, Germany, Japan, Australia, etc. wouldn't step up? How many useful allies does China actually have? Owning a bunch of shit in Africa doesn't give them useful allies.

That said, to underestimate the enemy is also stupid...so we need an administration that keeps the chinese in check and doesn't make it any easier for them. Shame that's gone now.

Their fake pandemic was good enough to cripple the first world. Allies? Everybody went along with it. The american people have no allies, not in washingon or overseas. Keep underestimating them. They fooled you with cheap garbage at walmart.

The US died 70+ years ago and has been rotting ever since. By now it's starting to stink pretty bad.
My point was that their military is not on our level.
I doubt we will butt heads, and I'm positive they don't want that. Remember, they haven't invented anything since gun powder. Their best stuff is made from stolen plans of our old junk.
Same as Iran talking all kinds of shit about Israel.
They absolutely want no part of a war with Israel. They would last only hours in that war and stand to lose everything.
Think if it ever came to an actual war that any allies would actually answer the call?

Sure, they may send a token few, but not enough to actually accomplish anything... just look at NATO efforts.
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