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Burning a BLM flag is a hate crime?

Pat McRotch

May 19, 2020
Member Number
These fucks can burn American flags, riot for months, squat in houses for years and nothing happens to em. One of their banners gets burnt and criminal charges get handed out. What the actual fuck!


A leader of the Proud Boys is claiming credit for tearing down and burning a Black Lives Matter banner belonging to a local church last weekend.

The Proud Boys is a far-right organization identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group and classified by the FBI as having white nationalist ties. The group has a history of violence, including during recent rallies in Portland, Ore., and D.C.

Enrique Tarrio, the chairman of the organization, told DCist/WAMU he was responsible for destroying the banner. His comments echo claims he made in a post on the social media site Parler, which is popular among fringe groups, and on an episode of War Boys, a podcast affiliated with the Proud Boys, that aired Thursday.

“In the burning of the BLM sign, I was the one that lit it on fire,” Tarrio claimed on the podcast. “I was the person that went ahead and put the lighter to it and engulfed it in flames, and I am damn proud that I did.”

Two Black Lives Matter banners, one at Asbury United Methodist Church and one at Metropolitan AME Church, were reportedly burned during a right-wing rally that turned violent in the District on Saturday night. Tarrio says he was not sure the name of the church where he burned the sign, but believes its name started with an A. He says he didn’t know it was a Black church. He also says he doesn’t know who burned the second Black Lives Matter banner.

In an interview with DCist/WAMU, Tarrio said he decided to come forward after seeing the burning characterized as a possible hate crime by law enforcement officials.

“That kind of made me angry, to be honest with you,” he said. That term, he said, implies the act was motivated by factors like race, cultural background, or religious affiliation, when it wasn’t.

“The crime that was committed was, yeah, OK, it was destruction of property, fine,” Tarrio said. “But I wanna see if this hate crime thing is a thing … I want to see what a jury of my peers would think.” He maintains the act was not a hate crime because Black Lives Matter “isn’t about race.”

On the podcast, which includes video streaming, Tarrio shared an image he claimed showed him lighting the banner on fire. The image shows a group of heavily armored men crouching around the sign, with two lighter flames held to an edge.

D.C. police said on Monday they are investigating the “destruction of property offense” as a hate crime, and in conjunction with the local FBI branch, are offering a $3,000 reward for information the leads to the arrest and indictment of individuals involved in the burning of the banner.

D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine sent a letter to the U.S. Attorney for the District, Michael Sherwin, urging that the destruction of the banners be prosecuted as a hate crime.

“These actions, meant to terrorize Black people, violated DC law and were hate crimes,” Racine wrote. “They harmed people of color, and every person who lives and works in our city who believes in fairness, justice and racial equity.”

A spokeswoman for the Metropolitan Police Department told DCist/WAMU that the investigation into the incident is active, and asked people with information to contact the department.

Local church leaders, activists, and officials quickly condemned the destruction of the banners. In a statement on Sunday, the Rev. Dr. Ianther M. Mills, the senior pastor at Asbury United Methodist Church, called the images “reminiscent of cross burnings. … Seeing this act on video made me both indignant and determined to fight the evil that has reared its ugly head.”

Rev. William Lamar, the pastor of the Metropolitan AME Church, told The Kojo Nnamdi Show this week that he “was aware of a pain of being violated in some way” when he heard the news that his church’s banner had been destroyed.

“We were not the first to experience this type of challenge, and unfortunately until the narrative changes, we won’t be the last,” Lamar said.

At-Large D.C. Councilmember Elissa Silverman also expressed her dismay at the sign burning, and incoming Ward 4 councilmember Janeese Lewis George said on Twitter that the crime demonstrated two “separate and unequal” justice systems in the U.S.

Anthony Lorenzo Green, a core organizer with the D.C. chapter of Black Lives Matter, echoed that sentiment, saying that both Mayor Muriel Bowser and MPD failed “to protect the rights of D.C. residents and to stop the racist attacks by the Proud Boys against Black people, Black churches and others who stand against racism.”
I'm gonna need a BLM flag for my next big get together...

Not that it really matters around here:laughing:
IF this country makes it through this bullshit, we are going to experience a serious problem with extremist factions on both sides for decades to come. Im not calling the Proud boys an extremist faction, but I really haven't looked into them all that much.

history repeats itself. You cannot pour this much hate and gaslighting into a civilization without cost. That cost may be the more simple minded regarding the opposition with violent disdain and hatred.

all while the complacent just want to go to work, make a living, and provide for their families.

This has played out in history before. And its a dangerous fucking game.
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There is a lot going on with what was said.

I am sure I can't spell it all out nor need too.

The American flag for starters

If you don't like the USA feel free to get the fuck out....It is one of a persons many freedoms.

Secondly, What is the going rate for all the destruction BLM has incurred.

Lastly, What if everyone steps up and say's " Ya I lit that banner on fire!"

Are they gonna charge everyone? and how do they plan on collecting? We can all play the BLM game at the end of the day.
Lost in all this fear hate war mongering are two things. Boy Floyd who got snuffed to start the most recent round has handcuffed and lying face down in custody when the Law killed him. Sat there and felt his pulse stop. And, the fact that useless piece of human shit was there, with fentanyl in his system, passing counterfeit money. And he was stupid enough to stay in front of the Liquor store 20 minutes after the store employees confronted him. He sat there in his car.

So which is worse ?

Neither of these are the excuse to incite what happened in this country since. So, where is the movement to hold accountable the shit stirrers ?
Looks like I'm going to need one of the blm and a rainbow along with a China flag to see how many heads I can make explode....:laughing:

Maybe a video for the underground. :flipoff2:
LAnd he was stupid enough to stay in front of the Liquor store 20 minutes after the store employees confronted him. He sat there in his car.

He was way to high to drive away.:stirthepot:
all this shit from both sides smells like manufactured outrage

it's a fuckin' scrap of cloth, who cares if someone burns it
well, so long as they're the owner of the scrap of cloth...
if it wasn't their property they were burning then yeah it's a crime, but 'hate crime' laws are bullshit and always have been
You cannot pour this much hate and gaslighting into a civilization without cost.
thanks man
you're better at the words than I am
He was way to high to drive away.:stirthepot:

he also knew the cops who arrested him as they worked at the same place doing security for several years.... I still think it was payback because he stole the counterfeit money that the fed was putting into the club to track drugs...
Worlds gone nutz:mad3:
how does this shit happen?
All joking aside...
you can burn YOUR OWN flag, but you cannot burn somebody elses.

because it was Church property that was stolen and burned, it is a hate crime.

Could have been any flag

of course, no hate crime for the guy that set the church in DC on fire earlier this year, because he was just trying to burn the building down :laughing:
Lost in all this fear hate war mongering are two things. Boy Floyd who got snuffed to start the most recent round has handcuffed and lying face down....So which is worse ? Neither of these are the excuse to incite what happened in this country since. So, where is the movement to hold accountable the shit stirrers ?

Wait a minute there!! If George was getting busted, he knows the fucken drill... Just cooperate, wear jewelry links & get in the squad car. But NOooo!! He had to get all stiff legged & complain about being claustrophobic?? This isn't George's first encounter dealing with police. ~Hint; he's a convicted felon.

Start this movement... Buy the BLM flag & burn it-
Proud Boys are not far-right anything. They are mostly just normal people who are fed up with the cultural revolution currently under way by the paid liars. They are the only organized conservative "resistance" group I can think of that might actually accomplish something. Fuck antifa and fuck blm.
Wait a minute there!! If George was getting busted, he knows the fucken drill... Just cooperate, wear jewelry links & get in the squad car. But NOooo!! He had to get all stiff legged & complain about being claustrophobic?? This isn't George's first encounter dealing with police. ~Hint; he's a convicted felon.

Start this movement... Buy the BLM flag & burn it-

No argument there. What set off the anarchy was the fact that a cop came up after he was in cuffs and on the ground and murdered him. Because of social media it went viral, like some stupid kitten playing video on Tik Tok with douchy music.

My question is about the ease of information in this country. It is a blessing and a curse. Everyone has a video and a instant link.
Proud Boys are not far-right anything. They are mostly just normal people who are fed up with the cultural revolution currently under way by the paid liars. They are the only organized conservative "resistance" group I can think of that might actually accomplish something. Fuck antifa and fuck blm.

Exactly how I feel about PB.
I usually get a fire started with a Koran and then throw ALL Liberal flags on it.
If it is then why isn't burning the American flag a hate crime? Hate is hate.
The simple fact that there is a "BLM" flag is a hate crime in of itself or evidence of racism, beyond then original Bureau of Land Management logo flag if there is one.

Anybody else think Bureau of Land Management and wonder what the fuss is all about
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