Buggy picture thread?


Well-known member
May 20, 2020
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Can we start a buggy picture thread? We all know it’ll have stupid ass jeeps with a dumb long arm kits....

But still.... I know you fuckers have buggy pictures stashed dating back to the Clinton presidency.

This will help non social media people see the new, cool shit. Let’s get IRATE
I know you’ve never seen mine....or my buggy. So here’s a pic!

For better or worse....mine lives on as the banner at the old place :laughing:


Just before leaving for Moab 2016:


Run to the local gas station before loading up for a race.


Short course race at a local track before I had all the skins done.


It's still together, just had it out for a rec wheeling trip last month. Haven't had the time for racing lately but the 50th anniversary big race of our regional series - the Line Mountain 7-miler - is coming up in September. Should be able to make that one :)
YROC FAB So, seeing as you have run Trepadors, Krawlers, and SXs all on the same rig (assuming they were all sticky compounds and 42-43"), what is your preference/opinion?
Trent fab 151 - 4 seater. Picked up as a roller in so-cal w/a friend and finished the build 2017-2018ish .... so busy I barely get to use it.... LQ9 - th400 2500 stall-atlas 3.8 - 60/14b w/5.13s ----PNW----

nice 4 seater! whats the wheelbase on that thing?
Trent fab 151 - 4 seater. Picked up as a roller in so-cal w/a friend and finished the build 2017-2018ish .... so busy I barely get to use it.... LQ9 - th400 2500 stall-atlas 3.8 - 60/14b w/5.13s ----PNW----

One of the very few good looking 4 seaters I've seen. Very nice.
One of the very few good looking 4 seaters I've seen. Very nice.

thanks guys.

I believe it is sitting 114" wheel base but would have to pull a tape to be sure... lol

With spools front and rear and drive flanges it turns like a boat compared to some, but no way I could ever justify rear steer.

It already out wheels my driving abilities :smokin:
My old willys buggy, sold it last fall. And the last turnkey JHF I built for a buddy (its already on its third owner, he keeps stuff for a week).

I seen AJ's car just after you finished it. Seriously some of the cleanest work I've seen. Great job on it.
Adam, you need to bring a build thread over here! I loved build on PBB
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