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Bret Weinstein

Bret Weinstein on the events of this last week. I *really* wish he recognized that the DC events were almost universally -and immediately- condemned by the right, whereas much of the left is quiet about, or openly applauds the violence of BLM/Antifa and other groups of the left.

I highly recommend the Triggernometry channel he's on this time.

Good one... Bret brings the unity that’s for sure!!!!
you should post in the Trump/riots thread......
Ya, I've watched/listened to him a bit. I definitely don't agree with everything he says, but he does have a lot of good points. I will pretty much listen to anyone's point of view as long as it's reasonable.


There's also no way in hell I'll ever vote Dem or similar again until this trend of cult like adherence they've got going is over. The left's embrace of fascist attitudes and practices is far worse than any of their actual ideas are and it's scary how much that has escalated in the last 5 years.

There's also no way in hell I'll ever vote Dem or similar again until this trend of cult like adherence they've got going is over. The left's embrace of fascist attitudes and practices is far worse than any of their actual ideas are and it's scary how much that has escalated in the last 5 years.

Yes.... but at the same time have to keep an eye out on the far right.... neither is liberty and freedom for all!!!!

There's also no way in hell I'll ever vote Dem or similar again until this trend of cult like adherence they've got going is over. The left's embrace of fascist attitudes and practices is far worse than any of their actual ideas are and it's scary how much that has escalated in the last 5 years.

Yep, and I feel the same way about the right. What happened to the parties fielding candidates who were middle of the road. I think both sides are working together to divide and conquer Joe and Jane Public so the current politicians can continue to grow in power and money.
Yes.... but at the same time have to keep an eye out on the far right.... neither is liberty and freedom for all!!!!

Yep, and I feel the same way about the right. What happened to the parties fielding candidates who were middle of the road. I think both sides are working together to divide and conquer Joe and Jane Public so the current politicians can continue to grow in power and money.

Less of a concern as it's not as prevalent as it used to be. As the Boomer voter base shrinks the GOP has been steadily moving back to their more libertarian roots. The far evangelical right don't have the hold or influence on the party that they once did and once the last of the Boomer RINO are out of the party I think there will be an even bigger shift back to being more centered.

I don't think the party as a whole is at all trying to work with Dems, but old GOP leadership def wanted Trump gone so they can go back to business as usual.
Yep, and I feel the same way about the right. What happened to the parties fielding candidates who were middle of the road. I think both sides are working together to divide and conquer Joe and Jane Public so the current politicians can continue to grow in power and money.

I disagree. The polarization is a feature, not by design.
I don't think the party as a whole is at all trying to work with Dems, but old GOP leadership def wanted Trump gone so they can go back to business as usual.

This is for sure accurate and they can fuck a blender.
Bret call out Ebrahim X Kendi on his Darkhorse podcast #70.... wants to discuss “anti-racism” with him!!!!
I won’t hold my breath.... Kendy doesn’t talk to outsiders..... only the choir!!!!
Bret call out Ebrahim X Kendi on his Darkhorse podcast #70.... wants to discuss “anti-racism” with him!!!!
I won’t hold my breath.... Kendy doesn’t talk to outsiders..... only the choir!!!!

Would love to see John Mcworther debate Kendi.

If you’re interested in the latest fuckery of our government especially the fda.....
Steve Kirsch says fauci should be put in jail in the comments!!!!
It's not often that one hears someone from the left openly admit that recent events have fully vindicated the need for the second amendment.
Well when the police tell you they cant/wont protect you and you have multiple legit death threats coming at you daily you suddenly become more open minded.

Kinda like that way old joke.
How do you make a democrat a conservative? Let them get mugged.
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Well when thebpolice tell you they cant/wont protect you and you have multiple legit death threats coming at you daily you suddenly become more open minded.

Kinda like that way old joke.
How do you make a democrat a conservative? Let them get mugged.
I made the comment to my wife after watching that video, “I wonder if these people have body guards “????
Yes.... but at the same time have to keep an eye out on the far right.... neither is liberty and freedom for all!!!!
What is on the “far right” that has you so scared??? Or is that your ignorance taking over? You scared they might not let you get an abortion?
I am about the biggest, mind your own business libertarian You can find. And I have no problem pulling the handle for most conservative Republicans. I voted third party one time 30 years ago. Unlike some fools, I learned my lesson.
What is on the “far right” that has you so scared??? Or is that your ignorance taking over? You scared they might not let you get an abortion?
I am about the biggest, mind your own business libertarian You can find. And I have no problem pulling the handle for most conservative Republicans. I voted third party one time 30 years ago. Unlike some fools, I learned my lesson.
That comment isn’t solely based on political party... it’s the thought that, the world works best with a balance of chaos and order!!!! So, the way you took the comment, the world is best with a balance of conservatives and liberals!!!?
I consider myself leaning more conservative!!!!!
What is on the “far right” that has you so scared??? Or is that your ignorance taking over? You scared they might not let you get an abortion?
I am about the biggest, mind your own business libertarian You can find. And I have no problem pulling the handle for most conservative Republicans. I voted third party one time 30 years ago. Unlike some fools, I learned my lesson.

I like to read the press in Spain. In one article, the author called libertarians "far right". Makes all the sense in the world that the people who want government to leave you alone should be right next to the nazis and the fascists, who want an all-powerful state.

You'd be surprised how many Americans think libertarians are far right.
I like to read the press in Spain. In one article, the author called libertarians "far right". Makes all the sense in the world that the people who want government to leave you alone should be right next to the nazis and the fascists, who want an all-powerful state.

You'd be surprised how many Americans think libertarians are far right.
Scary is, liberals in control......
Perfection being, allowing liberals to “think” they’re in control, while conservatives are “actually” in control!!!!!
Same is true for most marriages .... you can piece the puzzle!!!!!
I like to read the press in Spain. In one article, the author called libertarians "far right". Makes all the sense in the world that the people who want government to leave you alone should be right next to the nazis and the fascists, who want an all-powerful state.

You'd be surprised how many Americans think libertarians are far right.
Labels man…..

labels are the best friend of modern “liberals”

you can’t change the definition of definitions but you can change the definition of a label
It takes Bretts brother, Eric only a minute and a half in, to explain his brothers position and where we are as a nation right now!!!!
These guys are true selfless leaders!!!!

Fuck I hate pimpingu-tube!!!!
I don't give one shit about the guy, and his acceptance here is a sign of how privileged white conservative males are.

He still holds the idea that white children owe something to POC. He still goes through the mental gymnastics required for Leftism.

He's explaining how the system turned on him but he still supports that system. The only thing he objects to is that it happened to him.

He happily taught and repeated all of the bullshit that put him right where he's at.

I also don't trust people who try to be too fair, like Provience, and you all deserve a call-out for eating this turd sandwich.

The Left is NOT waking up, they are doubling down, and this guy's viewpoints explain exactly why that is, and so does your excuse making for him.

Same thing with Jordy Peterson, the Psychologist who got addicted to Benzos in year 2018. These guys are not dissidents, they were simply hurt by the system they still refuse to turn from.
Its not very often....but I can't argue this view point.
You see no value in him????
At least he speaks common sense. Might be because he had to turn tail and run from his lefty sided Cush job...... now he’s having to work, real world job, career type shit!!!!! I think he’s seen the light, at least a little, and brings some common sense/common ground giving him a broader audience!!!!!!
That evergreen story needs to be told to as many people as possible and he’s a great source for that!!!!!!
As stated, the only issue he has with what happened is it happened to him.

Fuck him and the situation he supported and helped create.
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