So, placed some concrete blocks 2'x4' ro so to park the front pizza cutters on, because this is going to sit in an area I just made about 20 yards of topsoil "disappear" into.
Get the motherfucker up to about 20 or so in the yard aimed at these plinths of virtue and justice
Mind you I've only got front brakes and I don't want to skid the concrete bits outta where they're sitting
so I end up becalmed just before the final resting place, shoulda given her a little more beans, hadn't spun the tires yet, so it still could go well.
Skidsteer won't pick up a single corner of this fat whore, and it just ain't got the traction to push it up onto those plinths, so I give it some thought. Could call the neighbor over to push with the skid steer while I drive the busmobile... Nah wouldn't want to be a bother.
So I chain the bucket to the rear frame crossmember so the bus won't take off on its own, get bus in low gear and apply the hand throttle to about 1500 rpm. Gave a brief thought to tying a rope to the shutoff cable and running it through the back door but decided against it.
Ran around, hopped in the boob**** and started pushing, getting nowhere so shut it down and jack up the front to put it on higher blocks so there's less of a hill to climb.
Set it all up running and push/pulling again and it is still not moving.
I start rocking it and finally get moving a little! Whoo great, now time to stop, get some tension on the chain and that's about where the bus takes off good enough to drag the skidsteer along with it. Yup, drove right off the front of the foot high blocks.
Well alright, I'll just do the same thing but in reverse.
Proceed to spin the tires and dig to china.
Jack up the rear (more like jack a bunch of rocks and plate steel down into the manure/topsoil) and toss some old trailer ramps under the rear.
Jack up the front (same deal where the ground moves 3* what the bus does) and try and angle the jack to it pushes it back and onto the blocks, sorta kinda successful looking until I start pulling it back with the bobcat, then it pushes the blocks outta the way and drops into the poop again.
So to put it succinctly, life is hard when you're one person.
I'll work at it more tomorrow.