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Biden - Harris Call for mask mandate for next 3 months

Maybe she'll offer blow jobs for votes like she did for advancement in her career?
Ted_Kaczynski said:
I'm amazed at how fucking stupid humanity is. I understand dozers with steel plate armor, rental trucks filled with fertilizer, the Waco stand, and Chris Dorner since this stupid shit began.

Are people really this weak and soft or just plain stupid?

you forget how to send packages or something? I don't care what side of the aisle someone is on, mandate a mask and I'm voting against you.
Shocking, but Nazi High Commander Jay Inslee already had his mask mandate in place set to end the day after the election. Wonder what cabinet position he was promised. :mad3:
Even ratface Fauci said that he expects Covid cases to be "way down" by November. Really? All of us have been predicting this shit from the start as a conspiracy theory and the ratface bastard goes and makes it official. So what is it? Are we better at projecting shit since he's months behind us to repeat our exact words?

The agenda is so obvious and in your face that if anyone doesn't see it by now they must not be paying any attention.
This is nothing more than a set up by Joe and the Hoe.

From here on out until Nov. 3rd; Joe and the Hoe is going to blame 'unnecessary' COVID deaths on Trump.

They don’t want trump to hold any rallies is their main goal.
They don’t want trump to hold any rallies is their main goal.

Yep. No rallies, no debates, nothing......... :shaking:

Trump would slaughter Biden in a debate. They want nothing to do with that. I also think that if Pence debated the hoe, he would push her buttons and set her off, showing her true colors. Neither one of them are good at speaking when they are off balance, and Trump is the King of all Trolls. They need to push hard for debates and force the dems to either play or back down.
Trump would slaughter Biden in a debate. They want nothing to do with that. I also think that if Pence debated the hoe, he would push her buttons and set her off, showing her true colors. Neither one of them are good at speaking when they are off balance, and Trump is the King of all Trolls. They need to push hard for debates and force the dems to either play or back down.

Not being a dick but... you aren't allowed to say things like "true colors" cause you know, you'd be raciat
Good mandate in theory.
​​​​​​Are they gonna supply everyone with N95 or FFP2 masks or better for free?

Good mandate in theory.
​​​​​​Are they gonna supply everyone with N95 or FFP2 masks or better for free?


That’s the plan. Good plan too. Free masks to flatten covid. Just like the free healthcare, phones, food, etc that many people receive and take advantage of. I mean free Money because comes Out of thin air and not taxpayer pocket.
That’s the plan. Good plan too. Free masks to flatten covid. Just like the free healthcare, phones, food, etc that many people receive and take advantage of. I mean free Money because comes Out of thin air and not taxpayer pocket.

I've been saying for 20 years that it's cheaper to pay more taxes than deal with the aftermath of idiots protes.., I mean looting and burning stuff.

Seems they are currently proving my point.

Free phones? A joke, right?
Free healthcare I support. Docs are waaay overpaid, that shit needs regulating. (Edit: private healthcare will always exists, and docs can choose to take only private patients)

Healthcare only if you have a job makes zero sense in the long run.

The system currently is so fucked that the government can't even figure out how to pay each covid job loss only 65% of last 3 months average paycheck so people stay motivated to keep their job or get one.

The entire government needs to come down and be rebuild, and rebuilt transparent.
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Good mandate in theory.
​​​​​​Are they gonna supply everyone with N95 or FFP2 masks or better for free?


And here you are being a covidiot. Again...

Show any real data that says masks work. Hawaii is a great example. They are one of the most extreme, mandatory quarantine for new arrivals, mandatory masks under penalty of arrest. And they one of the worst hit.

Are you off your meds?
I've been saying for 20 years that it's cheaper to pay more taxes than deal with the aftermath of idiots protes.., I mean looting and burning stuff.

I'll respond to your ignorant ass one time. You are either incapable or unwilling to learn about anything in America

Nearly 50% of the population pays no taxes, zero, nada, zip, NEIN. In fact, at tax time, they usually end up with a nice payday from the people who do pay taxes. How much depends on how many crotch critters they spawned. Hence their propensity of shooting them out like a water cooled browning M1919

Those same people qualify for medicaid, ie free healthcare, they also get food stamps, which are now on a debit card because having to pay with other peoples money is shameful, and they didn't like it when the people buying their groceries could tell.

Yes, they get taxpayer provided cell phones, with data plans so they can "apply for jobs"

They get housing allowances, help with electricity, gas, and water services.

Thanks to covid, all the kids around here got laptops, and hotspots if they didn't already have internet at the house, which may already be subsidized depending on where you live.

Furthermore, if anyone regardless of race creed nationality or any other category shows up to a public hospital, that hospital has to provide services to them. They don't even have to provide an accurate name or address. I've seen it happen time after time while in the waiting room.

Where is the line where enough is enough? when will we give them enough freebies that they become self sufficient?

Guess who gets to pick up the bill for all of these things?

Being poor in America is still better than 90% of the worlds population have it.

The only people who get truly screwed are the working poor whose pride wont let them game the system, and the other 50% of the population who go to work everyday and get to pay for it all.
I'll respond to your ignorant ass one time. You are either incapable or unwilling to learn about anything in America

Nearly 50% of the population pays no taxes, zero, nada, zip, NEIN. In fact, at tax time, they usually end up with a nice payday from the people who do pay taxes. How much depends on how many crotch critters they spawned. Hence their propensity of shooting them out like a water cooled browning M1919

Those same people qualify for medicaid, ie free healthcare, they also get food stamps, which are now on a debit card because having to pay with other peoples money is shameful, and they didn't like it when the people buying their groceries could tell.

Yes, they get taxpayer provided cell phones, with data plans so they can "apply for jobs"

They get housing allowances, help with electricity, gas, and water services.

Thanks to covid, all the kids around here got laptops, and hotspots if they didn't already have internet at the house, which may already be subsidized depending on where you live.

Furthermore, if anyone regardless of race creed nationality or any other category shows up to a public hospital, that hospital has to provide services to them. They don't even have to provide an accurate name or address. I've seen it happen time after time while in the waiting room.

Where is the line where enough is enough? when will we give them enough freebies that they become self sufficient?

Guess who gets to pick up the bill for all of these things?

Being poor in America is still better than 90% of the worlds population have it.

The only people who get truly screwed are the working poor whose pride wont let them game the system, and the other 50% of the population who go to work everyday and get to pay for it all.
Absolutely true.

Think I like seeing 1/3 of my gross earnings disappear every week?
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