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Biden dropping out

Immigration. He wants to talk about immigration. It's what bugs him the most down there by the border in Texas. Texas97 I hear and acknowledge you telling us there is a problem with illegal immigration. You're right at ground zero so you probably know more about it than I. Happy?
It seems like he just wants to be the driver of conversation period and anyone not wanting to talk about whatever he wants to rant about is a problem.
I think many are under estimating him and have forgotten what it was like under Obama for 8 fucking years and how quickly Trump turned things around....even while the GOP fought against as hard as the Democrats.

Remember how fast gas dropped from over $3.00 to below $2? I think (just an opinion) once the energy cost start dropping, the cogs of the economy will start turning again.

Obama asked what was Trump going to do? Wave a magic wand to get the GDP up? He claimed a sub 3% GDP was the new nrom. That changed within the first year.

Again, just my opinion.
I agree wholeheartedly.... buuuuuuut..... I wouldn't compare 2015 (or 2008-2016) to 2024 (2020-2024).

2016 Trump came into office and we had a sprained ankle, two black eyes, and a really bad back. 2024 we've got stage 3 ass cancer.

Fixing things now will not be like fixing things then I'm afraid.
I agree wholeheartedly.... buuuuuuut..... I wouldn't compare 2015 (or 2008-2016) to 2024 (2020-2024).

2016 Trump came into office and we had a sprained ankle, two black eyes, and a really bad back. 2024 we've got stage 3 ass cancer.

Fixing things now will not be like fixing things then I'm afraid.
Agree with that. Huge amounts of inflation have changed the game.
Immigration. He wants to talk about immigration. It's what bugs him the most down there by the border in Texas. Texas97 I hear and acknowledge you telling us there is a problem with illegal immigration. You're right at ground zero so you probably know more about it than I. Happy?

i don't really want to talk about illegals but it goes hand in hand with voter fraud and representation of Congress based upon illegal immigrants being counted in numbers for representation.

yes, i get to see it. yes, i have to deal with it. yes, i have to worry about kids safety when they're chasing illegals through my little town.

it would get your attention too if the LEOs/EMTs in your rural area call you on occasion to say "heads up, a van was chased and wrecked east of town, about 12 on foot ran and are headed north towards you cross country. be alert and ready and armed"

as to the subject of this thread, it should be evident Biden isn't dropping out. so a logical line of discussion is why would the oldest, most senile, and least popular president in our history, continue to run for president? because he doesn't need to "win* if his extensive voter fraud team can do their job.
It seems like he just wants to be the driver of conversation period and anyone not wanting to talk about whatever he wants to rant about is a problem.

hey calm down chief, obviously ive hit a nerve. i just said the IRS isn't really the issue with anything we are talking about. no one threw a fit about it, other than you.

maybe im making some headway in helping an election fraud denier to see the light? i hope im the reason someone loses confidence in the government
I agree wholeheartedly.... buuuuuuut..... I wouldn't compare 2015 (or 2008-2016) to 2024 (2020-2024).

2016 Trump came into office and we had a sprained ankle, two black eyes, and a really bad back. 2024 we've got stage 3 ass cancer.

Fixing things now will not be like fixing things then I'm afraid.
Oh I think it may take longer but I think it can be turned around. Especially if the GOP will actually fight with him this time.

That and this time the gloves can come off. He won't be running for reelection.
as to the subject of this thread, it should be evident Biden isn't dropping out. so a logical line of discussion is why would the oldest, most senile, and least popular president in our history, continue to run for president? because he doesn't need to "win* if his extensive voter fraud team can do their job.
Could also be the democratic party huffing their own farts. In my area, there are plenty of devout Biden followers who find the idea of someone voting for Trump unthinkable. If you do bring up Biden's shortcomings with them, they dismiss it on the grounds that it doesn't matter because Trump is so horrible. It doesn't help that the media continues to keep the Trump Is Bad bubble inflated so everyone can stroke their confirmation bias.

Maybe the delusion has traveled so far up that the administration believes they are the obvious choice come November? Or maybe there are vastly more fart huffing people packed into all those US cities robotically nodding along with the news media than you think?

I hope you're wrong about voter fraud, but I'm also not going to sit here with my head in the sand and deny there isn't a possibility that it's true.
Oh I think it can be turned around, I just don't think it will be a quick fix. It's not like he wins and summer of '25 we're all back in hypothetical 2019 and life is good.

Also understand, Trump printed 2.something trillion dollars out of thin air. A small percentage compared to The D of course... but he's not exactly 100% Mr. Clean. Our best shot at kicking the can down the road? Yes. And as a negative person, that is my ultimate goal. Get my kids grown before we turn into Venezuela. #a_boy_can_dream
Yup. I believe dumbass was also calling for negative interest rates at one time as well. I see a lot of people putting hope into Trump being a savior but I have a feeling it will be a dud presidency.

Before the direction brains chime in, just because I criticized Trump ,doesn't mean I by default love Biden
Yup. I believe dumbass was also calling for negative interest rates at one time as well. I see a lot of people putting hope into Trump being a savior but I have a feeling it will be a dud presidency.

Before the direction brains chime in, just because I criticized Trump ,doesn't mean I by default love Biden
Trump has good foreign policy. While that would certainly help us economically (less war, more secure border) his economic policy is generally crap (stimmy checks and whatever else the "experts" advice)
Trump has good foreign policy. While that would certainly help us economically (less war, more secure border) his economic policy is generally crap (stimmy checks and whatever else the "experts" advice)

you know stimulus checks are just the government stealing less of your money. unless it goes to non tax payers and then its wealth redistribution which is what all taxes are
No, Biden is specifically demanding he not be included before he'll agree along with a bunch of other ludicrous demands.

and no audience and demands that the mics are cutoff. hes a prick and knows he can't debate fully with a healthy back and forth
you know stimulus checks are just the government stealing less of your money. unless it goes to non tax payers and then its wealth redistribution which is what all taxes are
I think Donnie boy and Robert would create angry sparks, good for ratings. Isn't that what CNN wants ?
Didn't Clinton basically get humiliated in one of the 2016 debates? Lots of clapping for Trump. Might explain why they don't want an audience.
agree. Also something in his video is fishy. Dude claims that the IRS no longer associates SS with a name, but an employer, but he also said that you spread all of these illegals out around the state at different employers. Doesn't seem like that would work if the IRS has the SS linked to a specific employer rather than a name. Also doubtful that is true since at some point it would have to pay out SS to an individual. Unless I'm missing something, at which point I'm open to someone telling me how I'm wrong.
I worked for a low cost, limited benefit health insurance company (major clients were McDonalds & Walmart) in Arizona. We couldn't use SSN as a unique identifier because certain SSN's were used by illegals; some to the tune of 100's of duplicates in our system.

Based on what I saw, 10,000 is a low number.
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