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ATF changes decision on AR pistol braces

The ATF as a whole isn't really supposed to make up laws on the fly either, buuuuuut....

They still don't. They made a determination and it pertains only to the HB.

My understanding is there is an issue with the way they measured the OAL. They did it diagonally which is incorrect, so much so that they have had at least one case thrown out because of it.
While I don't own one and don't care much, I still worry about how their doing this. (Pick at our rights till they get to something I care about) Also I don't understand how they can make something illegal and not pay you for it.

When it comes to SBR's, am I the only one that never understood why they are special?


It doesn't really have anything to do with the power of the gun. (Some handguns are more powerful than SBR's)

It doesn't really have anything to do with the accuracy of the gun. (Some handguns have better accuracy)

I can't even say it is about length because if you get a rifle with the chamber in the stock, it's about the same length as a AR SBR.

I just don't understand how or why that rule got made.

You need to care even though it doesn't affect you this time. Next time, or the time after that, it might affect you.

The NFA initially included pistols, but they couldn't get it passed with that on the bill. In the 1930s the $200 was a massive barrier, only someone wealthy could afford to spend that much on a gun that wasn't very useful for hunting.

Yes the SBR and SBS laws are stupid, but don't think that they won't ruin your life and send you to jail over 1" of barrel length. The ATF has painted themselves into a corner with the brace thing. They are not happy about it, if the Democrats win and take the senate, a new AWB will be passed. They will do whatever it takes to get it. Braces will probably be included in it.

Trump needs to clean house at the ATF and a bunch of other .gov agencies, but I doubt it will happen. He likes to pay lip service to gun owners, but in the grand scheme of things it is probably pretty low on his list. His candidates to the courts have been good and that is one of the main things.

The Bushes and other Rinos would and did give gun owners the shaft.
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Got this email today
Update: ATF vs. Q LLC

On Oct. 22, 2020 I reported on the ATF’s unclear and unjustified decision to 60-Day Cease and Desist suspension of the production of the Honey Badger pistol. The Alcohol Tobacco and Fireams had written a letter to Q LLC, the manufacturer of the Honey Badger, stating that it’s been classified as an NFA firearm and must now be registered through the ATF form 2.

On 10/21/2020 The ATF received a letter in response from Congress members Matt Gaetz and Doug Collins delivering a statement on the ATF’s recent pistol brace ruling due to the constituents who brought it to the congressmen’s attention. The letter is specifically written to the ATF’s acting director Regina Lombardo. The letter highlights its ATF’s overreach of its authority and firearm classification falling outside the regulatory scope of the National Firearms Act (NFA) and Gun Control Act (GCA). You can read the entire letter below.

The letter states:
“Dear Acting director Regina Lombardo,
As you know, the Honey Badger pistol with a stabilizing brace, manufactured by SB Tactical, is a pistol - not a short barreled rifle (SBR) defined by the NFA - meaning that it falls outside the regulatory scope of both the NFA and the GCA and, thus, outside the ATF’s enforecement authority.”Then, describe what makes your product unique, useful, or gift-worthy. Be sure to highlight the main features, and let people know where it's available.

The ATF’s unwillingness to cooperate with the Deparment of Justice to solve this matter, attempted rogue agenda of the criminalization of firearms with braces, subjecting law-abiding citizens with costly regulations, large fines and long-term imprisonment create a negative trickling affect for other future outcomes challanged by the ATF in gun right cases if nobody stands by to receive them with chin check.

Matt Gaetz and Doug Collins added a demand that the ATF immediately cease abusing its enforcement authority by threatening small businesses - already hit by the economic disruptions by the coronavirus pandemic.

In closing, this was a fast and postive response from the two congressmen. The key takeaway from this is that Matt Gaetz and Doug Collins listened to the people’s concern regarding ATF’s ruling and took immediate action. Both Congressmen aknowledged the abuse of power and infringment against out second amendment rights.

This may well be considered victory or at least a step in the right direction, but the battle is still not over.

The Congressmen gave the ATF a deadline to respond no later than November 1st, 2020.

We will continue to monitor this developing situation and bring updates.

Written by Firearmchronicles
So the ATF is run by a Karen that knows little to nothing of firearms. How convenient. She looks like she should be posting pumpkin spice muffin recipes on Pinterest.

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That article is about imported shit like the Draco pistol and HK type variants. Mrgunsngear has a video on it.
arent they talking about a weight limit also? braced pistol over 8 pounds is not a pistol, its an AOW, or some such dumbassery.

Ya, but they aren't putting out a hard number, just a subjective if our tech can shoot it with one hand. It is utter and total BS.

The AFT needs held accountable for this shit.
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