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Are we still doing the Covid-19 thing?

Deleted Member

I thought we moved on to riots and civil war sometime in August.... and I still feel like we skipped the "murder hornets". Can I get an Amen?

I am pretty sure Covid will be making a big come back in late October- early November, but for now I think we are still doing the civil war thing, no? That is unless the Western Wildfire's kick in to 4th gear again and we go into "watching the world burn" mode again...
I took my brother and sister in-law to dinner tonight. She wore a mask in but took it off when we sat down and didn't put it back on. She is a cook for a local school district so it was likely force of habit. :homer:

Otherwise locally there isn't much mask wearing going on.
It depends upon location, our town some people still mask up, but more don't. Resteraunt workers and most of the grocery store people do also.
Will report back after this weekend, since we'll be going to see family in 2 different NM towns
Masks here yes, but everything pretty much normal otherwise in my area of NY.

Beat me by a second! :flipoff2:

His posts are seemingly not as shockingly stupid to me anymore. I've kind of come to terms with the fact that he's really just that much of an idiot.

However, each post of his I read, I get just a little closer to hitting that ignore button.
Got temperature checked before being seated in a restaurant in Santa Fe New Mexico last week. Never had that happen before. Here in CO masks are still State mandated but not everywhere enforces it. At work they do temperature checks every start of shift. WalMarts are starting to take down the idiotic blockades directing traffic in and out the doors but they still have one entrance blocked off.
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Pretty much everyone here was following our idiotic governor's mask mandate. Then we hit his magical number and he held a press conference and announced that it really didn't matter, and still mandated masks. That day I noticed a significant increase of people not wearing masks. It seems to be growing daily. We are over this crap. Look at the numbers or positive cases between California, Texas, and Florida. Florida was pretty much open as normal, Texas was open but nearly everyone was wearing masks. California is still really restricted. The positive case graphs are pretty much identical. If anything worked there should be a vast difference in cases, and there isn't. All three states are pretty much averaging 3-5k cases daily.
Hurricane Sally blew it away down here. About 1/2 the people wearing mask than before. They are still mandatory.
In my normal day, no corona mask is worn.

If I go to Canandaigua for foods or stuff, there are many Karens. So the social experiment starts.

Ice cream shop:
Regular mask; 0/10 dirty looks.
No mask at all; 1/10 dirty looks
Trump 2020 mask; 6/10 dirty looks

Advance Auto
Regular mask; 0/10 dirty looks.
No mask at all; 0/10 dirty looks
Trump 2020 mask; "Where'd you get that? I want one."

Have fun with it.

My reformed Democrat buddy just gave me a "Liberalism, find a cure" mask.

In illinois its COVID full force still, however it was racial injustice for a bit. It flip flops back and forth, and honestly you never would even know it was an election year up there, no real ads or signs.

Down here in NC its politcal signs everywhere and outside of chain type places (publix, McDs etc) it seems normal. You see some masks, but theres no outside dining and stupid clown world shit like back in Illinois. Even here at work, the mask rule is wear one if you are within 6ft of someone, just focused on social distancing and cleaning as the primary mitigation.

0% concerned about COVID.

Now that I typed that I'll get it LOL
I thought we moved on to riots and civil war sometime in August.... and I still feel like we skipped the "murder hornets". Can I get an Amen?

I am pretty sure Covid will be making a big come back in late October- early November, but for now I think we are still doing the civil war thing, no? That is unless the Western Wildfire's kick in to 4th gear again and we go into "watching the world burn" mode again...

Yesterday NASA announced there was a bus size asteroid passing close to earth
Yesterday NASA announced there was a bus size asteroid passing close to earth

It's either this, or some major fuckery going on with the fed and our currency. Like they are going to pop in with a digital dollar on the other side of this or some shit. It looks like they are already going to try to inflate away the debt which is going to REALLY fuck over americans and our quality of oife:barf::frown::frown:
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Michigan masks are still required before entering everywhere. Restaurants are still open at half capacity, stores still have one way in, one way out barriers in lots of cases. Schools are mostly closed, and kids are doing computer classes. You can't get into the vet with your animal, you just drop them off at the door. You can find TP on the shelves now, but cleaning sprays are still unobtainium. Some places scan your temperature before entering, and I went to a Ford building the other day for work related stuff and they required me to wear their own mask. In order to enter my work every day, I have to fill out a questionare on my phone, and show it to a security guard at the entrance with my ID, and get a temp scan at the entrance to the buildings and wear a mask at all times. So, yeah, Michigan is still really doing the 'Rona thing unfortunately. Most people are over it and couldn't even name someone they know that had the virus.
I was outside,in a public park a couple days ago BBQing a pile of grub. The park is mostly wooded and plenty of space.

I didn't have a mask on. 2 older woman seen me and a gal there cooking,nobody else around. They were headed the other direction on a walking trail.

They stopped,pointed at us and turned away from their destination just to walk over and ask me "if I realized I didn't have a mask on (not even required there) it was all I could do to not say something that would get the police called.

​​​​​​I'm still in the back of my mind trying to sort out their reasoning to approach us with such an attitude and the whole stupidity of their thought process.

So I guess it's still happening but that was not something that's happened to me like that during this BS. I thought most have moved last that stage at this point.
Just did some travelling over the last week. Flew into Minneapolis, got pissed at the rental car place, took mask off and walked through the airport the rest of the time without a mask on. No one seemed to care. Going to stores in Minneapolis, they cared about masks. When we went out into the smaller towns or suburbs, most people didn't care. They had the required signs on the doors stating you had to have one, but they didn't enforce it unless there were police cars in the parking lot.

Over to Wisconsin, didn't wear a mask at all. No one said anything. About 50% of people were wearing masks in the small towns we were in. In the airports on the way back, we just munched on snacks and had water to drink and didn't wear masks. That's the loophole. Just be actively eating or drinking, and they won't enforce the mask.

People are getting over it.
I was outside,in a public park a couple days ago BBQing a pile of grub. The park is mostly wooded and plenty of space.

I didn't have a mask on. 2 older woman seen me and a gal there cooking,nobody else around. They were headed the other direction on a walking trail.

They stopped,pointed at us and turned away from their destination just to walk over and ask me "if I realized I didn't have a mask on (not even required there) it was all I could do to not say something that would get the police called.

​​​​​​I'm still in the back of my mind trying to sort out their reasoning to approach us with such an attitude and the whole stupidity of their thought process.

So I guess it's still happening but that was not something that's happened to me like that during this BS. I thought most have moved last that stage at this point.

My response would have been:flipoff2: and I'm not near anyone/having racial justice protest or vigil. That makes you immune to catching COVID.
Masks are still .50¢

I'll wait until they hit a quarter before I buy into any of that bullshit, flecker. :lmao:

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