Haha I was just thinking about and posted about these last week on the book of faces shed to cabin group I'm in, Here is my story:
Back when I was little (70s) we lived in New Jersey and had summer house (4 room, 600 sq feet) on a lake it upstate NY.
It was built in the 1920s, and was originally designed as a summer only house.
Water was from a spring. If someone between you & the spring ran water, we had to wait. (cold water only).
We had snowmobiles and liked to use it during the winter. My father went as far as to install a door type window on the 2nd floor because the front door would get snowed in, as well as a super loud, over-sized propane furnace in the kitchen.
During the winter, due cold, there was no water. We could deal with the lack of running water, but my parents hated using the outhouse.
So, my father installed a propane powered toilet... aka "incinerating toilet".
I loved throwing TP in it, turning it on & then looking at the burning paper.
It had a tray on the bottom and we'd empty the ash every couple days.
We eventually installed a well, which gave us running water during winter after a day, but kept the toilet because we had a grey water leach field.
Sold it in 1982 (5 years after we moved) to fund a cabin in Arnold Ca.