Full tooth-for-tooth implants top & bottom happening here, with two sets of BioTemps in the interim.
Process started two weeks ago when I had 13 root canals over the space of 2 days, to prep assorted teeth top & bottom to receive the first set of BioTemps. We were attempting to do everything with oral sedation (Lorazepam and Diazepam)...the first day was 3 root canals and I needed 2-3 doses sublingual, but that went ok. Day two was an additional 10 root canals and 3 doses was just almost enough, I was uncomfortable and twitchy by the end of it, but it wasn't bad.
Last Thursday I went in to get the bottom ones pulled (the ones that weren't root canaled/anchors for the BioTemp), whatever bone stuff was needed (I think not much, the guy was very happy with bone structure/density), and the screws placed for the remainder. Attemped to do that with 3 doses, they had to administer a 4th a few hours in (so they tell me), and by the end of it the guy was basically ready to give up because I was fighting so much. Plan was to come back the following day to do the same on the top (plus sinus lift) but he flat refused to do it unless I was gonna do IV sedation. Which is fine, that's what I was planning on from the start anyway, and already saved about $15k in the process by having those first procedures done with the oral. But that also required scheduling the anesthesiologist so since then I've just had a few random teeth on the bottom and a bunch of screws placed, they didn't want to fit the BioTemps until they could do top & bottom at the same time.
So the IV session happens tomorrow, which will be extractions, sinus lift, bone stuff, screw placement, etc and placing BioTemps top & bottom. Go home and rest for a day, come by on Thursday for a followup where they'll do adjustments on the BioTemps to get the bite where it needs to be, then it's gonna be a few months before anything else happens (aside from maybe a checkup here & there).
Then go back in, yank the BioTemps off, yank the remaining original teeth out, place the screws for those, place the abutments on the screws before, temporary crowns on those, second set of BioTemps anchored there, etc. Wait a few more months.
Go back, yank that second set of BioTemps off, place remaining abutments, install the full actual set of crowns, smile and be happy
Or something like that. Will probably be $150,xxx by the end of the day. I believe all hardware is Zimmer.
Sound about like your typical day at the office? I think they're excited that I'm giving them full reign to do their best work with no compromises and it'll likely land me a spot as one of their front page testimonial/videos for their practice
For many, many reasons I am very glad that this is all occurring at a very highly rated office that happens to be down the street from me instead of a country that requires passport travel way far away.