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Antifa declared terrorist group

Yes post it...

right off their wiki pages

BLM got 100 mil from the Ford Foundation, 33 mil from Open society Foundation.

Open society foundation is run by george soros and his son alex soros. Remember any of those other protests they funded?

antifa isn't organized like blm, it's a bunch of small groups like refusefacism that get money from soros.

a bunch of dipshit millennials can afford full page newspaper ads, do millennials even read the newspaper?

sort of on topic, got the joy of watching Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler get gassed by the feds tonight :smokin:

bunch of videos on twitter

"ted wheeler: the gas is so indiscriminate, there are many people here who are just being peaceful, having a hard time seeing the value in tear gas"

"ted wheeler: nothing provoked this federal response (after 10 minutes of fireworks at the building and a large bonfire set inside the fence and a handful of people breaking into the fence) and this is basically urban warfare"
Lets not forget this is happening where the cops have been told to stand down.

I imagine most cops would love the chance to stomp the fuck out of some Antifas ass. Our city cops and state troopers will fuck you up real fast around here, they don't need a riot, they just need you to say something stupid.

The longer this shit goes on, the harder it will be to stomp out.
yes it is

it takes a fake pandemic, forced economic shutdown, thousands of libtard baristas at home getting $800 a week in unemployment, and the media blasting some dipshit nog that died from a drug overdose in police custody to get them off the porch

all 6 months before an election

It's almost like you forgot the communists took over 6 blocks of of an american city by force with guns, killed a bunch of black people, and the .gov did nothing about it for weeks. If a right-wing group did that, the .gov would have carpet bombed them in less than 24 hours.


by the time it reaches their doorstep it's too late

they do like to toot their horn on the internet about how badass they imagine themselves being. meahwhile there are 90 pound soyboys actually stepping off the porch and starting their boogaloo

so wait, they're useless millenials that have to be led into things, or they're revolutionaries starting a boogaloo?

I think you're confused about all your stereotypes.

sort of on topic, got the joy of watching Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler get gassed by the feds tonight :smokin:

bunch of videos on twitter

"ted wheeler: the gas is so indiscriminate, there are many people here who are just being peaceful, having a hard time seeing the value in tear gas"

"ted wheeler: nothing provoked this federal response (after 10 minutes of fireworks at the building and a large bonfire set inside the fence and a handful of people breaking into the fence) and this is basically urban warfare"

And his "followers" turning on him as well was quite amusing. Its fun watching the attack dogs these politicans have created and allowed to operate turn on their owners.

there is a support the police rally in downtown chicago on Saturday, should be entertaining to watch the mayhem ensue from that.
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