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Another spinoff, bands/shows you wish you could have seen?

Turnpike Troubadours. Got to see all the other acts I wanted to see.

Fuckin great show. seen them several times, they actually put on medicine stone (concert festival) here in tahlequah but they are also local to here so theres that
Waylon, Merle, Paycheck, Jones, Cash

Got to see Merle in a small theater in Fresno 1982 or so. The full band, lots of Black Velvet on stage, and the best CW concert I saw for many, many years. Would have liked to have seen Cash, and Willie, but did sound for Vince Gill (Nicest guy in show biz) who is a seriously good picker.
Alice in Chains for me.

My aunt is their accountant. I've been to a number of their shows, unfortunately all after Layne's passing. She was the one who found him dead.

I really wish I would have seen them with Layne, but they still put on a great show without him.
I hope that's true. Coming from you saying that about him means a lot and you're 100% correct.
I agree. I think they’ll be back. And there’s a shit ton of people that want to see them play again. I had the chance to see them twice and put it off both times. I’m in for sure if they ever make it back together.

Another vote for Audioslave. Linkin Park and Uncle Tupelo are in there as well. I’m really hoping AC/DC will throw another a tour. I’ve bitched out the last three tours.

This. I did actually see the regrouped group with new lead singer in 2008, and it was a great concert. New guy did them right.

Also, I would have liked to see The Civil Wars, specifically one of their live sets at SXSW.
This. I did actually see the regrouped group with new lead singer in 2008, and it was a great concert. New guy did them right.

Also, I would have liked to see The Civil Wars, specifically one of their live sets at SXSW.

I’ve seen SWR a couple times. He does a good job and the shows are good, I just would have like to see Bradley. There is also a tribute band called Badfish that is decent to watch.
I’ve seen SWR a couple times. He does a good job and the shows are good, I just would have like to see Bradley. There is also a tribute band called Badfish that is decent to watch.

i quit smoking weed about 11 years ago. i went out in style...or the closest i could a bad fish show...at the cains ballroom. There a bbq joint attached to that building wiht a walkway to some bad ass bbq ...i spent a good part of the show fucking up some ribs on in the back of the concert
i quit smoking weed about 11 years ago. i went out in style...or the closest i could a bad fish show...at the cains ballroom. There a bbq joint attached to that building wiht a walkway to some bad ass bbq ...i spent a good part of the show fucking up some ribs on in the back of the concert

I saw them last year. Little Stranger and Tropidelic opened. All around and excellent show.

for any Sublime fans, I highly recommend checking out “The House that Bradley Built”. Compilation albums with various bands in the surf rock/reggae genre covering Sublime songs. Proceeds go to a rehab center.
Jul 01, 1983 Richmond Coliseum Styx Kilroy Was Here tour...

Good friend had tickets, but Mom said I wasn't old enough to go to Richmond overnight without "chapperones"...
I never got to see the Grateful Dead with Jerry Garcia. I was planning to go to the next show they came around for and then he died.
Motörhead. I had tickets 4 fucking times and never got to see them.
First time I missed out because I fucked my back up and blew out 3 disks when I was 19. Wasn't able to walk for almost a year because of that shit and it happened a day before the concert.
Couple years later I got tickets to sold out shows in Philly and NY. Friends car broke down on the way to Philly, missed out on that show. Got it fixed, broke down again on the way to NY and missed it again. Had a ticket to another one again a few years later and it got cancelled due to Lemmy's health issues.

That's one that's always going to bother me. Other than that, I don't really care for large concerts. I don't like being in/around big crowds. I've been to a million smaller shows and probably will keep going to those as long as I live, but I can count on two hands the number of big concerts I've been to and that's just fine with me.
Got to see Merle in a small theater in Fresno 1982 or so. The full band, lots of Black Velvet on stage, and the best CW concert I saw for many, many years. Would have liked to have seen Cash, and Willie, but did sound for Vince Gill (Nicest guy in show biz) who is a seriously good picker.

I was three when you saw Haggard
AIC with original lineup. Rush on the Moving Pictures tour and Pantera on the Trendkill tour.
Would have liked to have seen Willie.

I saw Willie maybe 10-12 years ago. Was cool just because it was Willie, but wasn't exactly great. He had a broken arm at the time so obviously he was just singing, but he sounded like he didn't know where he was.

He's still recording though and just put out a new album. Was still touring prior to COVID in his mid 80s.
I never got to see the Grateful Dead with Jerry Garcia. I was planning to go to the next show they came around for and then he died.

When I worked for Bill Graham Presents, we would have The Dead twice a year for three days at a time at Cal Expo Amphitheater in Sacramento, and they'd let the Deadheads camp in the parking lot, so on day 2 and day 3 everything would be already set up, so we'd walk among the freaks. My roomate at the time was a part-time cop and would work events at Cal Expo, and one day he comes ripping up to me in a golf cart and says, "Are you busy?" and I said, "No, we don't have line check for another 3 hours>", and he says "Hop in". So we get out to this hippie van with some dude and his old lady eating their lentils or whatever, and some punk is rolling around on the ground, hog-tied and gagged with duct-tape.

My buddy says, "OK, what happened here?", and dude says, "This guy was harassing my old lady and poked her in the face, and I couldn't allow that." Dude had a big old Army Ranger tat on his shoulder. :laughing:
Would have liked to have seen Cash, and Willie, but did sound for Vince Gill (Nicest guy in show biz) who is a seriously good picker.

Seen Willie with the full band two times in the late 70s.
‘Excellent concert and he showed his musical skills.

Seen him ~2015 in Cheyenne at the local municipal auditorium with just him and Paul.
He talked through most of his songs. No way to hit any kinda high notes.
When you see someone at their prime and then when they are on the downhill slide it makes me feel old. Crap😏
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