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Allan Lichtman Predicts Biden Wins 2020 Election


Ordinary Average Guy
May 21, 2020
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If this is an "R" :flipoff2:!

What do you all think?

Eviltwit you can save your time and keep your booger hooks off the keyboard. We know how you feel.
His whole forecast was not that far hard if you kept up with the news in 2016

This year I pray he'll be wrong, but we are planning for the worst
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Biden will win only by democommies cheating on mail in ballots.
in the spirit of being prepared... What happens post election?

Trump wins:
COVID cases increase?
Russian collusion accusations return?
Impeachment attempts soar to new lengths?
Biden, et al, investigated for Ukraine?

Biden wins:
Assault weapons ban?
COVID disappears?
Trump investigated for any and all possible reasons?
Epstein case disappears?
Investigation into Ukraine dropped, records sealed?
Economy contracts farther?
Taxes increase?

I'm kind of curious... don't want to know the answers to the questions, necessarily, but they are things I wonder about.
once the election clears, regardless of the winner, I believe the virus will take a back seat to whatever
Part of me wants Biden to win just to see this giant thing come crashing to a burning halt. Just watch the whole thing collapse.
once the election clears, regardless of the winner, I believe the virus will take a back seat to whatever

Part of me wants Biden to win just to see this giant thing come crashing to a burning halt. Just watch the whole thing collapse.

I'm sure we'll see angry protests for either winner.

Meh, he has no particularly interesting viewpoints there. Most Trumpkins are just sitting silently waiting for election day and don't give any fucks about the pollsters, Twitters, or anything else. I still think Susan Rice vs. Trump will be the choice for president. What are Bernie bros going to do? Sit at home, vote by mail 10 times, or vote for Trump? Some of these people are so stupid that they would vote for Trump like they did last time. It makes no sense. 2020 syndrome, nothing makes sense.

After the massive election fraud happens and the Dem is declared victorious by the media the stock market will tank, rona will explode so massive gov't controls take over.
They are already trying to keep Biden out of the debates as much as possible. The Dems know he is mentally unfit and while whomever he pick for his VP spot is important for votes, it's who ever is his chief of staff that will be running the show.
If Biden wins=
-the virus will disappear
-market will collapse
-successful people will continue to be successful.
-People that blame their failure of a life on the evil corporations and the “right” will continue to be failures at life
-racism will suddenly disappear
​​​​​​-we will be attacked multiple times by terrorist on our soil
-school shootings will ramp up
-everything bad will be trumps fault
​​​​-banning guns will be a daily topic everyone argues about

Here’s just a few of the things I see coming.
I still think biden will win more of the popular vote and that is probably part of what is skewing the predictions. swing states are going to be even more swingy

in the spirit of being prepared... What happens post election?

Trump wins:
COVID cases increase? of course
Russian collusion accusations return? this time it will domestic interference claims, the ballot counting and issues will make 2000 election look civil and simple
Impeachment attempts soar to new lengths? only president to be impeached, reelected, impeached and serve 2 full terms
Biden, et al, investigated for Ukraine? just like Clinton is still free, biden won't get shit on him

Biden wins:
Assault weapons ban? Yes, certainly renewed push moreso than during obama
COVID disappears? after national mask mandates and essential determinations, yes.
Trump investigated for any and all possible reasons? certainly, this will be the same either way
Epstein case disappears? yes
Investigation into Ukraine dropped, records sealed? nothing further will happen regardless
Economy contracts farther? given
Taxes increase? obviously, clearly stated already

I'm kind of curious... don't want to know the answers to the questions, necessarily, but they are things I wonder about.
Part of me wants Biden to win just to see this giant thing come crashing to a burning halt. Just watch the whole thing collapse.

Pay attention to his VP pick, because I think someone will try to force the 25th. Its not just Biden to worry about, but his replacement
Well, this has turned into a depressing thread.

I just want the wife to get on board with moving into the mountains, and saying goodbye to modern society.
Well, this has turned into a depressing thread.

I just want the wife to get on board with moving into the mountains, and saying goodbye to modern society.

Whatever you can do to lower your tax burden would be a wise move right now. It always is, but maybe sacrifice a little more to lower that burden. Hell, living in an RV might be a good choice, too. Scary to think about with hobbies and all that, but it might have to happen.
We're doing Biden as president predictions?

If he wins, I predict he doesn't do shit except hook up his other political buddies.
Pay attention to his VP pick, because I think someone will try to force the 25th. Its not just Biden to worry about, but his replacement

10 to 1 we're going to see another Obama on the ticket.

Honestly she's the only one that could rally their base.
Whatever you can do to lower your tax burden would be a wise move right now. It always is, but maybe sacrifice a little more to lower that burden. Hell, living in an RV might be a good choice, too. Scary to think about with hobbies and all that, but it might have to happen.

We're working on becoming debt free ASAP. Hell, all the Trump money from the first round went to bills. Screw "stimulating" the economy. Other people can blow all their cash on furniture and whatever.
serious question to my fellow 401k holders. Whatcha gonna do if it truly looks like Biden is gonna win? I don't have money market options on my 401k...I just have bond and stock indexes to choose from....Bonds are garbage right now due to near zero interest rates but they still might look better than stocks in the near term.

I have a fair bit socked away and I'm turning 50 this year, so the time to take big investment risks is getting behind me if I want to step out of corporate life in the next ten years. How that 401k holds up dictates how long I keep working.
I expect Trump to pull off the win, but I'm still pulling all my 401k money out of stocks and etf's a week before the election.

And, if you paid attention and pulled your money out when Wuhan was quarantined and then put it back in when they announced the Covid Bailout 1.0 then you are golden. I made more money off Covid than I did the weeks after Trump was elected!
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Part of me wants Biden to win just to see this giant thing come crashing to a burning halt. Just watch the whole thing collapse.

Yeah acceleration is really appealing right now.

If this is an "R" :flipoff2:!

What do you all think?

Well, let's profile Allan Lichtman:

He is a Professor at American University and has been for decades.

Nothing he does is a challenge, he is congratulated for literally everything he does.

He got the 2000 election wrong, even though his marketing apparatus says he has been right since 1984. In 2000, he predicted Gore would win.

He wrote a book advocating the Impeachment of Trump. The impeachment case against Trump was so weak it was ridiculous, and Schumer and Pelosi only went with it because they had to in order to placate fringe Socialists.

Lichtman has two economic keys, short and long term, for Biden. That is ridiculous.

He has the Social Justice for Biden. Nobody who votes Trump cares about that shit. How does Licthman know, from inside the bubble of Jewish Academic Intellectualism, whether just as many voters are turned off by BLM/Antifa as are crying for Boy George?

Just another Leftist pundit with a rather unremarkable prediction record.

His book about the 13 Keys should see a bump in sales, though.
I expect Trump to pull off the win, but I'm still pulling all my 401k money out of stocks and etf's a week before the election.

And, if you paid attention and pulled your money out when Wuhan was quarantined and then put it back in when they announced the Covid Bailout 1.0 then you are golden. I made more money off Covid than I did the weeks after Trump was elected!

This is exactly why I believe the market is going to crash if trump loses. Everyone I know, including myself is pulling all money, right before The election.

Many of us stand to make a ton of money if trump loses and yet I still hope he wins because I believe he’s a better candidate for the majority.

Obama made me hundreds of thousands of dollars when I only had a small amount of money to invest in property’s.
This go around, if Biden wins, I will turn it into millions.

Democrats have been making the rich, richer and the poor poorer and their idiot sheep will continue to vote for them.
Historically, the stock market goes up when a Democrat is elected. Part of the reason why is because corporations become more attractive, because they are cash rich and unwilling to invest. There have been instances where that is not true, but not super frequent. Additionally, there is usually a recession just before a presidential election. It happens frequently enough that I think it is because of market manipulation by the big boys.
What happened when Trump was elected was amazing to watch, because within days of his election two things happened, impeachment proceedings started, and the market started soaring. When he was inaugurated, everyone doubled down.
As for the party of the rich, if you look, the Uber wealthy, the Gates, the Buffetts, the Musks, etc all tend to be democrats. They have figured out how to use government manipulation to increase their wealth. It is made worse because they have the means, and the reputation that people listen to what they say. There is a financial reason why the tend towards being a democrat, and it isn't altruism. If you look at surveys, you will find that conservatives are far more generous with their money than democrats. And Democrats are far more generous with your money than republicans. So, Democrats don't donate their money, they give away your money, while for the republicans, the reverse is true.
At this point it doesn't matter who wins

Trump wins- thank God its not Biden, postmodern liberals lose their minds and destroy this country

Biden wins- we're fucked, postmodern liberals happily destroy this country
At this point it doesn't matter who wins

Trump wins- thank God its not Biden, postmodern liberals lose their minds and destroy this country

Biden wins- we're fucked, postmodern liberals happily destroy this country

I predict a large expenditure of gun powder and brass as well. No matter the outcome.
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