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$6M in revenues

How many employees does linked in say they have? 6mil is really small for what I was thinking.
It's not about the ad revenue. It's about controlling information dissemination. That's what Alphabet does. That's what the big social networks do. How do you think the venture capital guys who funded that feel about spending hundreds of millions to buy up all the forums just to generate 6 million in revenue before expenses?

How much of Pirate now uses Facebook since VS bought out PBB? Now ask yourself how many would still be on PBB instead of locked out for their email change?

"whoops, sorry all your data got hacked. We're just a foreign company, you litigious hosers."

-VS :caugh: Torstar :caugh:

Seriously, this isn't even conspiracy. It's just multi-national corporatism. Look at how companies like Monsanto behave. All of the media conglomerates were in charge of all the information we all recieve about the present. That's a huge amount of power and influence. You don't think those media conglomerates are making sure they still have a roll to play?

Think about the demographic that frequents automotive forums. That's probably one of the most valuable subcategory in the population. It would be a shame if they lost their freedom space in the internet where nobody could control what they said, how they shared knowledge, and what products they used their money on.

lololol big forum conspiracy
It's not about the ad revenue. It's about controlling information dissemination. That's what Alphabet does. That's what the big social networks do. How do you think the venture capital guys who funded that feel about spending hundreds of millions to buy up all the forums just to generate 6 million in revenue before expenses?

How much of Pirate now uses Facebook since VS bought out PBB? Now ask yourself how many would still be on PBB instead of locked out for their email change?

"whoops, sorry all your data got hacked. We're just a foreign company, you litigious hosers."

-VS :caugh: Torstar :caugh:

Seriously, this isn't even conspiracy. It's just multi-national corporatism. Look at how companies like Monsanto behave. All of the media conglomerates were in charge of all the information we all recieve about the present. That's a huge amount of power and influence. You don't think those media conglomerates are making sure they still have a roll to play?

Think about the demographic that frequents automotive forums. That's probably one of the most valuable subcategory in the population. It would be a shame if they lost their freedom space in the internet where nobody could control what they said, how they shared knowledge, and what products they used their money on.

Is this an act or are you really this delusional? I hope it’s an act. :laughing::laughing:
Did someone ever figure out how much V$ paid for PBB?

As for V$ worth and amount of employees. Don't need a lot of them if you core out the forums one at a time. The rest runs on autopilot and neglect...
Did someone ever figure out how much V$ paid for PBB?

As for V$ worth and amount of employees. Don't need a lot of them if you core out the forums one at a time. The rest runs on autopilot and neglect...

Well? Anyone?


We could guess. 2.7m?
Did someone ever figure out how much V$ paid for PBB?

As for V$ worth and amount of employees. Don't need a lot of them if you core out the forums one at a time. The rest runs on autopilot and neglect...

I have heard it was 3 million. We all know how telephone works.
Thing is, I deal with data scientists.
He is not that crazy. Information aka data is the most valuable thing on the planet. (Space as well now, eh?)

Valuable in what sense? If monetarily valuable, I find it unreasonable to believe that VS bought PBB and intentionally drove it into the ground as a targeted result unless it was owned by Facebook or some other competing interest. If valuable from a social or political perspective, I don’t see how VS benefits by pushing its data source or influence targets away.
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Valuable in what sense? If monetarily valuable, I find it unreasonable to believe that VS bought PBB and intentionally drove it into the ground as a targeted result unless it was owned by Facebook or some other competing interest. If valuable from a social or political perspective, I don’t see how VS benefits by pushing its data source or influence targets away.

I'm saying that Facebook or some other competing interests seeded the money used to drive the forums into the ground.

I'm also saying that we had our data illegally harvested in a data hack that went completely investigated and unpunished. It's a huge red flag the way they handled that situation. They were not even a little bit acclimating or proactive in getting people's accounts reinstated with new login emails, knowing that the pirate email service was how a large portion of users had their accounts set up.
Assuming the numbers tossed around in that thread are correct, Lance probably go somewhere in the neighborhood of $700k for Pirate4x4. Not bad.

i'd imagine it is closer to here, i'm not sure why everybody is always so fucking secretive about $$ and these kinds of things :confused: For what it's worth, i'm exceptionally confident that Lance is making more money doing RE as a wheel cog, uh agent, than the sale of pirate. the sale seemed to be a good launch pad, and i hope everything else works out for him and such and whatnot
lts just be honest with ourselves here: if it was an actual payday would lance be a real estate agent?

i mean, yes :laughing: Shit, you want to talk about an "everyman" job that takes little effort and has outsized reward? Fuck, RE, done and done. less work than a safety inspector and more time off than a government employee.
i mean, yes :laughing: Shit, you want to talk about an "everyman" job that takes little effort and has outsized reward? Fuck, RE, done and done. less work than a safety inspector and more time off than a government employee.

did you just call lance lazier than a gov't employee? I'll allow it. I've heard stories about his RE stuff. too busy taking his social media bragging trips to be bothered with managing deals.
did you just call lance lazier than a gov't employee? I'll allow it. I've heard stories about his RE stuff. too busy taking his social media bragging trips to be bothered with managing deals.

dude, that isn't (just) a lance jab. that is 100% the whole industry and why it is so painful an experience until you find "the one" that doesn't flat out suck for no reason :laughing:
Has vs ever sold one after they bought it? Wonder what they'd want for pirate?

several people have tried several times, there is no number and there is no process.

i think that if they were to try and sell some of their holdings, it would destroy their way of valuing the acquisition as well as the way they "value" and sell themselves.
too busy taking his social media bragging trips to be bothered with managing deals.

Sounds like a typical realtor. There's a reason why the majority of deals in any given area are handled by a small handful of realtors. Most of them don't want to work and saying you're a realtor sounds better than "house wife" or "trust fund brat".
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