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5hp mercury outboard

Just to throw salt in the wound. You may want to check that corner seam for leaks now. If it moved enough to crack the paint on that seam it may have moved enough to leak. Put the boat in the water without the engine on the back and stand back there. If its dry then throw on the motor and go to town.

I fully expect it to leak. Everything else has gone that well. :lmao:I now am the proud owner of 8 used free orange life jackets. By my math, that's enough for me1, a copilot1, the dog1, the boat2 and the motor3. Fuck everything else, it can drown.
Got the stickers on. Then proceeded to spend the rest of the day helping my neighbor/ landlord clean his shop that the boat almost crashed into. (I haven't told him about that and don't plan to.)
He's an old dude that likes to build hotrods.
Current build is basically the car from the song "hot rod Lincoln". His projects make mine look like amateur hour.
Only pic I snagged.
Will try to do trailer lights tomorrow. Then shakedown run. FTW!

Accident story totally sounds like something that would happen to me!

The neighbors barn should have got smashed, the boat should have been mangled, the tractor should have a wrecked motor running upside down, I should have been crushed by the tractor and I should not have been fucking around half lit.
God takes pity on drunks and fools.
I got the trailer lights on and mostly bootleg wired. Flare gun and air horn showed up. So I think I have everything to be all legal beagle.
Life jackets
Throwable floaty
Gas can
Going to throw together a little toolkit
What else need I bring along for the ride in the high seas???
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