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2023 Dead Pool

Betting on the police officer slut (Megan hall?) to have a case of suicide this year. I've read that she has suicidal tendencies and that her husband is unhappy with her :laughing:

Can we just rename this the det107 I found another dead nobody thread…. Honestly at this point it’s like a game of spending hours patrolling the web for new death

Enjoy life not looking for death I can almost beat the next 10 posts of a person passing will be from said member and no this isn’ta bash it’s a realization life is short it’s valuable and we should enjoy our time.

20 years ago I wold have probably had a different mindset to this topic these days do I come to look ya but at the same time I’m more like damn that sucks.
Can we just rename this the det107 I found another dead nobody thread….
I didn't put a gun to SoFried's or PAE's heads to enact another dead thread albeit belated... But hey, let's celebrate the Constitutional free press/free speech... Not like some of youse guys prefer to pout over being offended/sore losers...

Honestly at this point it’s like a game of spending hours patrolling the web for new death.

Spend hours on the net? The celebrity deaths pop up just about everywhere on telly, radio & social media...

... Enjoy time/life? I live in rural upstate and the rat race is being encroached by cupcakes & snowflakes trying to give power to the government instead of "We The People"... No Stand Your Ground rule here, only Castle Doctrine and that's shady as best. Cherish your new house, wedding & honeymoon- :beer:
Gordon "Country Boy Eddie" Burns who was on TV/Radio & the Alabama music scene for 37 yrs~ 92
Lucile Randon died today...

she was 118 years old :eek:
lucile Randon (French: [ly.sil ʁɑ̃.dɔ̃]; 11 February 1904 – 17 January 2023), also known as Sister André (French: Sœur André), was a French supercentenarian. Living to the age of 118 years and 340 days, she had been the world's oldest verified living person since 19 April 2022, following the death of Kane Tanaka.[1][2] She was the oldest known survivor of the COVID-19 pandemic, having tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 a month before her 117th birthday.[3][4]

Randon was a Roman Catholic nun, having converted to Roman Catholicism as a young adult, working as a governess, teacher, and missionary before retiring at the age of 75. She resided in a nursing home in Toulon, France, from 2009 until her death in 2023.
Vaya Con Dios
🇨🇦 Author Rebecca Godfrey who wrote 2 critically acclaimed novels; The Torn Skirt & Under The Bridge~ 54
Dancer Jean Veloz; starred in the musical of Swing Time, perfected the Lindy Hop~ 98
Professional wrestler Jay Briscoe died in an car crash(?)~ 38

Lotsa social media hype on this fella-
Van Conner, bassist from Screaming Trees.

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