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MMW Dana 300 waiting list

LLC…so his personal finances are protected. Definitely fuck that guy’s world up.
I though he used the money to open his new business. I swear there was something somewhere where he's got a new business going already

The fact he couldn't open up a line of credit, with 50+ pre orders... speaks volumes on his character. Need to steal money to fund his next ponzi-esque scheme.
As my lawyer put it when I filed for an LLC, your personal shit is only protected if you follow everything to a T. If you don't, it's pretty easy to pierce the corporate veil.

And if you're doing all of the "claim your personal shit as business shit as much as you can" that the legalese-illiterate boomers around here peddle well then guess what.... The veil is basically nonexistent.

An LLC for a personal business should be viewed as a tax strategy, not legal protection.
As my lawyer put it when I filed for an LLC, your personal shit is only protected if you follow everything to a T. If you don't, it's pretty easy to pierce the corporate veil.
Hopefully the lawyer you’re paying for helps you follow everything to a T.
Where can I get one of them "sovereign citizen" badges to flash, you know, the get out of jail for free card?
Where can I get one of them "sovereign citizen" badges to flash, you know, the get out of jail for free card?
See a few shows dropping in behemoth collosus 300s now! The packaging alone is amazing!

There's no excuse for taking someone's money and going bankrupt.
Platitudes and empty apologies are not putting a transfer case in my buggy that is currently limping along with a noisy, leaky case that needed to be replaced over a year ago. :mad3:
I think taking personal responsibility in this situation is calling everyone he charged and finding out who wants a t-case or a refund.
I don't think he knows how to use a phone nor email, nor knows how many people he owes a case or money llol.
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The portal-tech dude did that, made the leap from a failed portal-tech to Torq axles without anyone noticing and then got away with a second round of pillaging people’s money.

Jim Jackson was just very good at deflecting, always blaming the business partner(s). And it was three rounds of screwing people over. Once with Portal-Tech, once with Torq #1 and then again with Torq #2. Who knows where he is at with the next company he started? UTV bikini tops or something.
I'm not sitting here out $5k and a tcase, but I'll give the guy credit for facing the music.
yeah talk is cheap. words, much less text, do not mean anything without follow through. hopefully those waiting get something through all of this.

time to move on. another 300 replace a case bites the dust. hopefully who is next to follow learns from these mistakes and history doesn't repeat itself... but it still might .

behemoth does look to be killing it these days. some new ideas and products as well. that's pretty cool, never saw that coming.
yeah talk is cheap. words, much less text, do not mean anything without follow through. hopefully those waiting get something through all of this.

time to move on. another 300 replace a case bites the dust. hopefully who is next to follow learns from these mistakes and history doesn't repeat itself... but it still might .

behemoth does look to be killing it these days. some new ideas and products as well. that's pretty cool, never saw that coming.

My point is that, just because he's a shitty business man, doesn't mean he's a bad guy. I could be wrong, but his post sounds authentic.

Like I said, I have no skin in the game, just outside looking in perspective.
My point is that, just because he's a shitty business man, doesn't mean he's a bad guy. I could be wrong, but his post sounds authentic.

Like I said, I have no skin in the game, just outside looking in perspective.
Of course it sounds authentic when you have no skin in the game :confused:

People here been dealing with his bullshit and lack of communication for months, you think a nicely worded post smooths over the money and time lost?
Of course it sounds authentic when you have no skin in the game :confused:

People here been dealing with his bullshit and lack of communication for months, you think a nicely worded post smooths over the money and time lost?
Especially when it's one more post after getting this song and dance since your money was relieved from your pocket....
What new products has behemoth released?

I’m not in a rush for anything so I’m waiting to see what that one guy in Oregon? Is going to release before I consider pulling the trigger on an empty case to swap my guts to.
Wounder how much the company is worth with what's left of it?
Is 3D printed material strong enough to potentially be used for a case
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