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You Might Have a Good Wife If.....


Piss Artist Formerly Known As OllieNZ
May 19, 2020
Member Number
...... She lets you use the oven as a parts drier :flipoff2:
Meh, I have a great wife for other reasons. None of which include ME using her oven, and that's not a metaphor, I mean literally HER oven. :flipoff2:
Yeah, I have to be sure my stuff is out of the dishwasher before mine gets home...:laughing:

Is that a normal format oven in Limeyland? Never seen one that slim but tall in the US. I like it. Couldn't fit that head in mine!
Meh, I have a great wife for other reasons. None of which include ME using her oven, and that's not a metaphor, I mean literally HER oven. :flipoff2:

Mines also great for plenty of other reasons too. It's definitely HER oven, I'm probably only getting away with it because it's for her car :laughing:
Yeah, I have to be sure my stuff is out of the dishwasher before mine gets home...:laughing:

Is that a normal format oven in Limeyland? Never seen one that slim but tall in the US. I like it. Couldn't fit that head in mine!

Nah it's a 36" range thingy, a standard cooker over here is 24" wide

I bought a double oven from the habitat restore for $20. It works great for keeping the peace, and my food doesn't taste like oil and plastic.
:grinpimp:Pics of wife needed to see just how good she is.
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Haha! Funny you say that...I was drying parts in the oven last night. Mmmm, Brakleen!

I used a waterbased degreaser and pressure washer so no smell but also no way it was going to dry anytime soon. 100k worth of that horrible oily sooty gunge that builds up in a diesel intake tract, shit is fawkin impossible to remove even with fire :mad3:
Yeah, I have to be sure my stuff is out of the dishwasher before mine gets home...:laughing:

I forgot one time and holy hell did she ever get mad. she actually expected me to buy a new dishwasher for doing that.:laughing:
Yeah, I have to be sure my stuff is out of the dishwasher before mine gets home...:laughing:

Is that a normal format oven in Limeyland? Never seen one that slim but tall in the US. I like it. Couldn't fit that head in mine!

thats fancy wimmins stuff right there :laughing:
I'm totally geeking out over this thing, that is awesome. And I'm finding nothing like it for sale in MURICA land :(

While not standard they are quite popular over here, I'm guessing it goes back to the somewhat mythical popularity of the Aga https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/AGA_cooker but with the ease and speed of modern fuels.

Ours has electric fan ovens and grill and a 5 ring gas hob.
https://www.leisurecooker.co.uk/ran...0-dual-fuel-range-cooker-90cm#Stainless Steel
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