you know this is comming here next...


Refugee from syrup
May 19, 2020
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East Coast
Midwives told to stop using terms such as 'breastfeeding' and 'breastmilk'

Hayley DixonTue, February 9, 2021, 1:02 PM

Midwives have been told to stop using terms including "breastfeeding" and “breastmilk” as part of a new trans-friendly policy at an NHS trust.
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals (BSUH) NHS Trust is the first in the country to formally implement a gender inclusive language policy for its maternity services department — which will now be known as "perinatal services".
Staff have been told to avoid using the word “mothers” on its own and have been given a list of alternative terms to use when addressing patients including "mothers or birthing parents", "breast/chestfeeding" and "maternal and parental".
Instead of saying "breastmilk", they can choose from "human milk" or "breast/chestmilk" or "milk from the feeding mother or parent".

The language changes will be implemented in the trust's webpages, leaflets and communications such as letters and emails. Staff will be asked to use language which reflects people's "own identities and preferences" when talking to patients.
Other changes include replacing the use of the word "woman" with the phrase "woman or person", and the term "father" with "parent", "co-parent" or "second biological parent", depending on the circumstances.
There has been fierce debate around attempts to reduce the use of the word woman in discussion around subjects including pregnancy and childbirth, and any move to do so has provoked ire from some feminists.
Author JK Rowling was vilified last year after she questioned a decision to use the term “people who menstruate” in a headline.
In a policy document, released this week, the BSUH said staff should not stop using the word "woman" or other terms describing motherhood but they should consciously start adding in the word "people'' and other more inclusive language.
It said: "Gender identity can be a source of oppression and health inequality. We are consciously using the words 'women' and 'people' together to make it clear that we are committed to working on addressing health inequalities for all those who use our services.
"As midwives and birth workers, we focus on improving access and health outcomes for marginalised and disadvantaged groups. Women are frequently disadvantaged in healthcare, as are trans and non-binary people... By continuing to use the term 'woman' we commit to working on addressing health inequalities for all who use our services."
The policy was written by Helen Green and Ash Riddington, described as “Gender Inclusion Midwives” at the unit.
Ms Green, who uses the pronouns she/they and describes herself as non-binary, wrote on social media: “The work is for us and by us, developed from grassroots research and lived experiences in the trans and non-binary community.”
Freddy McConnell, the transgender man who in 2019 lost his High Court battle to register himself as the “father” on his child’s birth certificate, is listed as an external advisor of the document.
Brighton and Hove NHS Trust has long championed itself as a “leader for LGBT inclusion” after receiving a number of accolades from the controversial charity Stonewall.
It is listed on Stonewall’s website as a member of their Diversity Champions Programme. It has been questioned in court whether membership of the scheme, which is paid for, is compatible with public bodies maintaining impartiality.
Stonewall is currently lobbying for self-identification of legal gender, which is a disputed concept, and it has come under fire for its stance on transgender issues with one of its founders Simon Fanshawe claiming it had “undermined women’s sex-based rights and protections”.
The guidance from BHSU follows a 2017 dictate from the British Medical Association which said pregnant women should not be called "expectant mothers" but "pregnant people" as it could offend intersex and transgender men.
An estimated one per cent of the adult population in Britain identifies as transgender or non-binary but the trans population in Brighton and Hove is thought to be larger.
Although no official figures exist on the trans community, research has shown nearly 10 per cent of the population of Brighton and Hove identify as LGBTQ+.
I seriously can’t even fathom this bullshit anymore. I mean grow the fuck up already.

biology and science is real fucking simple. What was between your legs the day you were born?
got a dick? You’re a fucking dude.
got a pussy? You’re a fucking chick.
end of list.
It's like they're on a mission to create newspeak for everyfuckingthing just to have some shit to be smug about.

In my humble(ish:laughing:) opinion, adults must face the soft-headed kids making up this bullshit and say, "NO".

If adults are afraid to be uncool & tell their kids "no", the kids won't learn that not every idea is a winner.

I say we just get away from male and female. It's obviously triggering for the children in the room. I say we adopt innie and outie. If you have an innie then you do this. If you have an outie then you do this. and if you get your outie turned into an innie then you get to be an innie.

I say we just get away from male and female. It's obviously triggering for the children in the room. I say we adopt innie and outie. If you have an innie then you do this. If you have an outie then you do this. and if you get your outie turned into an innie then you get to be an innie.


:laughing: You just pissed off all the gays... er, I mean people with an innie who want to do what people with an outtie do and also people with an outtie that want to do what people with an innie do.

Meanwhile, I'm over here just trying to get my innie in an outtie as many times as I can.
Got me new license the other day. Michigan still has 2 genders for vehicle driving privileges. :smokin:
:laughing: You just pissed off all the gays... er, I mean people with an innie who want to do what people with an outtie do and also people with an outtie that want to do what people with an innie do.

Meanwhile, I'm over here just trying to get my innie in an outtie as many times as I can.

thats the beauty of the innie outie system. No feelings or science!

good luck with you innie/outie problem you Half-Witted, Scruffy Looking, Nerf Herder
Less than 1% of the population is confused as to where they should piss, but the other 99+% of us has to cater to them? Fawk that
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