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You crash in the Amazon...


RIP 3/13/23
May 20, 2020
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The plane you're on crashes in the Amazon jungle ,you and one other person survive and must walk out. Yes, head hunter savages, snakes and jaguars in trees......so..suppose the other survivor is a past President president still living...Who would you pick, Carter,Clinton, Bush, Obama or Trump?
I pick Bush, remember him duck the shoes thrown by a pissed Iraqi politician? He's got some moves and I believe he's got your back..
I'm going to take the one that I think will cook up the best. Other than that they are all worthless in that situation.
I'm going to take the one that I think will cook up the best. Other than that they are all worthless in that situation.

Pretty much. Probably Trump. He's got the most meat on his bones.
Clinton, just so I could kill him and go about my day and die with a feeling of accomplishment.
I'd bring Obama.

He's a good bullshitter, he'll have all the natives put on welfare, fly in food and cell phones and 1998 losing team super bowl champion tee shirts. Plus he can probably speak that click click jigaboo shit.

I believe the Amazon natives like the Indians are originally from Asia not Africa so Obama talk may not work, you both lose your heads.....
Obama, I would name him Friday and make him wear a loin cloth to deal with the natives. Really I would pick Bush, the most likely to actually help in this situation.
Carter. He'd sacrifice himself and take the loss without complaining and I can outrun him. He'd probably even suggest that he sacrifice himself.
If you want to be rescued, Obama.

The Liberals will turn over every leaf in the jungle to find him.

Then again, Obama, because he's going to drown also...
Biden. I dont need help from an old dude but I would like to push Biden into a River full of piranhas.
First time I read the original post, looked like: a plane crashed at Amazon

My first thought was, just order your replacement parts, shipping would be like lightspeed fast

Whoever runs the slowest

You don’t need run faster than a jaguar. You only need to run faster than your fellow survivor.

For practicality I’d pick Bush since he actually does some outdoorsy shit.

Or I’d pick Trump and make him promise to have Ivanka personally thank me in a special way for saving her father :smokin:
Biden. I dont need help from an old dude but I would like to push Biden into a River full of piranhas.

Yep, but I'd fuck with him real hard first. Then trick him into some hand fishing.:smokin:
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Interesting question.

On one hand, all but obama are north of 70 and probably are going to be pretty much physically useless / not able to move anywhere quickly. Really wouldn't want to be slowed down trying to keep a 75 year old dude alive in the jungle, and I'm not going to just leave a man to die even if he is a scumbag.

On the other hand, since there'd be lots of people looking for any one of them, does it really matter? In which case pick the one who seems like he's be the most interesting to chat with, which probably means Bush.
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