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I'll say it now, public education as we know it is coming to it's long overdue end.
I'll say it now, public education as we know it is coming to it's long overdue end.

Just shut up.

Public Education is the #1 reason that we have a society in which you can reasonably expect to not be killed in your day to day life.

Just because you don't like the teacher's unions doesn't mean you throw out the baby, the diaper, the bathwater, the bath, the bassinette, the mother, the father, the house, and the house's foundation.

Why is Literacy one of the basic human development indices alongside infant mortality and lifespan?

Why did Western Europe crawl up out of the muck of pre-Industrial human existence and take over the entire planet?

Spoiler: It's because Public Education is the foundation of modern civilization. That's why we need the Marxists out of it.
Yup. I bet it's really because of the teachers union and has NOTHING to do with student privacy.

You'd lose that bet.

The school absolutely has an obligation to protect the academic privacy of students who are normally within a well-established forum, the classroom.

Putting children in the home and essentially broadcasting their behaviors into private homes is a whole new ballgame with no rules established.

The school district tried the easiest way out: make the parents sign what is essentially a form of NDA.

I think they will, and should, fail.

Schools have been protected from the Online revolution by and large, which is a huge inconsistency with what everyone has been dealing with. No doubt more and more classrooms will be virtual, so policies, legal precedents, and laws will have to be established to govern this model.

The School District is simply taking the first step: "Welp, we asked people to not look in to our classrooms, so it's not our fault that Parent X put a video of your stuttering child on Facebook and it went viral".


That's all this is, the School District's #1 priority has always been protecting itself from liability. That's not actually bad, we have to form some type of convention to reasonably teach large numbers of children while at the same time protecting them from being spied upon by parents and preverts.

Overall this is fully expected and should be done.
I would not sign that.

Nobody would.

But this is about protecting children from harassment, spying, disruption, etc.
  • Then the issue will get shoved back into the District's lap.
  • Then the District will have to implement policies to protect children and itself from the online world.
  • That will cost money, then the District will ask for more money.
  • The parents will of course object.
  • The District will remind them that nobody wanted to do the (impossible) job of locking their children into cages and expecting them to do work at home.
  • Haggling will ensue
  • Policies will be written
  • Cases will be brought
  • News stories will be published
  • A new mode of public behavior and educational standards will be codified into accepted norms and mores.
Oh yeah? You think it's about protecting the students?
Well, I have a feeling that if a particular student didn't meet the criteria for most teachers(liberal) and perhaps had an airsoft gun in his room that happened to show up on a virtual class, well, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't give a shit about protecting that student and would gladly cheer if a parent(or teacher) called the cops to visit the house make sure it wasn't a real gun.

Tell me I'm wrong.

(only posting this because I saw a story about that exact subject not long ago)
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ironic that people claim that the biggest issue facing education is the lack of parental involvement... and then the school district demands parents not be involved, so to speak.
Oh yeah? You think it's about protecting the students?
Well, I have a feeling that if a particular student didn't meet the criteria for most teachers(liberal) and perhaps had an airsoft gun in his room that happened to show up on a virtual class, well, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't give a shit about protecting that student and would gladly cheer if a parent(or teacher) called the cops to visit the house make sure it wasn't a real gun.

Tell me I'm wrong.

(only posting this because I saw a story about that exact subject not long ago)

I think you’re likely wrong on this being a liberal issue. My wife is a public school teacher. Her and her peers are quite uncomfortable with the idea of some parents with too much time on their hands taking a comment/action they make in the classroom out of context and being the next “bad teacher” going viral on social media.

Student privacy had not crossed my mind before now. I can see that as an equally difficult issue.

For context her district is planning to live stream the class all day and expecting the students to be logged in. Most of the details have not been ironed out (school starts Monday). The preferred option in her mind is dedicated online teachers and dedicated classroom teachers.
I think you’re likely wrong on this being a liberal issue. My wife is a public school teacher. Her and her peers are quite uncomfortable with the idea of some parents with too much time on their hands taking a comment/action they make in the classroom out of context and being the next “bad teacher” going viral on social media.

Student privacy had not crossed my mind before now. I can see that as an equally difficult issue.

For context her district is planning to live stream the class all day and expecting the students to be logged in. Most of the details have not been ironed out (school starts Monday). The preferred option in her mind is dedicated online teachers and dedicated classroom teachers.

Yeah, I doubt that the "liberals" are having meetings in dark rooms about how they can keep "indoctrinating" the kids on Zoom and not allow the parents to listen or notice. Seems pretty tinfoil to me.

I do worry about saying the wrong thing and having myself on the news. Especially when the right thing and the wrong thing are such blurred lines to so many now.

Not sure how many of you are around your kids schools and how kids act but just FYI, kids are brutal. Kids recording other kids who struggle with math, reading, whatever. Do not have the nicest house, have a sibling in a wheelchair, or is "retarded" and then making fun of that kid by posting video to Tik Tok or Instagram happens. Seen it a dozen times already.

Parents are even worse sometimes. There is not a Karen out there than doesn't prop up her own little golden child by tearing down the other kids around them to her crew of gossipy, wine sipping circle.

I think I get what they are trying to do but I wouldn't sign it either.
Probably for science classes to minimize holy rollers from complaining about kids being taught things outside of what the bible or their pastor says.

And I would be if you're going to try to teach my kids something I don't believe in you will not be doing it in my house! You can do it in the public school building.:stirthepot:
Not all...but many teachers do not want parents to know exactly what they are telling their kids. Don't really care if you believe it or not.
The ONE good thing about this "virtual classroom environment" IS that parents are finally becoming aware of the absolute Marxist crap that many teachers push on the children. Between the Marxist material and "Comprehensive Sex Education" B.S. that get taught in public indoctrination centers (a.k.a. "school"), it is well past time for parents to become aware of EXACTLY what is being taught to our children AND put an end to it.

The entire system needs to be revamped, we need to get back to the basics and start teaching children HOW to think instead of WHAT to think.
The ONE good thing about this "virtual classroom environment" IS that parents are finally becoming aware of the absolute Marxist crap that many teachers push on the children. Between the Marxist material and "Comprehensive Sex Education" B.S. that get taught in public indoctrination centers (a.k.a. "school"), it is well past time for parents to become aware of EXACTLY what is being taught to our children AND put an end to it.

The entire system needs to be revamped, we need to get back to the basics and start teaching children HOW to think instead of WHAT to think.

I'm sure there are legitimate concerns (child abuse/neglect at home), but THIS is what I suspect is happening in many cases :mad3:


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