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Wisconsin mall shooting, Dem smokescreen?


Red Skull Member
May 23, 2020
Member Number
Jackson NY
Well i think the Dems needed something to take the minds of Americans off the great election hoax. Seems like a good time for a mass shooting with the holidays approaching and the lock downs about to get worse and the Republicans are about to blow the cover off the election sandal.

"WAUWATOSA, Wis. (WLS) -- Police said Saturday that they're still searching for a man suspected in a shooting at a Wisconsin mall that injured eight people, including a teen.

"Investigators are working tirelessly to identify and apprehend the suspect from [Friday's] shooting at Mayfair Mall," the Wauwatosa Police Department said in a tweet Saturday. Police also asked anyone who witnessed the shooting Friday to contact them."

was it a socially distanced shooting?

fuck, he could have killed somebody if he ran off within 6' of somebody :eek:
There is no way Biden legitimately won that election. Hopefully the MSM will eventually be forced to cover it.
I’d been meaning to start a thread asking “how long until the mass shootings start up again”, just been too busy. We all know the dems need a few good cases to push their AWB.
In response to thread last week I said something about school shootings and was roundly chastised, I didn't think of a mall shooting the beer flu is supposed to keep eveyone at home !
Well i think the Dems needed something to take the minds of Americans off the great election hoax. Seems like a good time for a mass shooting with the holidays approaching and the lock downs about to get worse and the Republicans are about to blow the cover off the election sandal.

"WAUWATOSA, Wis. (WLS) -- Police said Saturday that they're still searching for a man suspected in a shooting at a Wisconsin mall that injured eight people, including a teen.

"Investigators are working tirelessly to identify and apprehend the suspect from [Friday's] shooting at Mayfair Mall," the Wauwatosa Police Department said in a tweet Saturday. Police also asked anyone who witnessed the shooting Friday to contact them."


You people are a bunch of fucking lunatics.

Damn narratives, I'm surprised he wasnt wearing a red hat.

“Preliminary statements from witnesses indicate that the shooter is a white male in his 20s or 30s,” Weber told reporters Friday. “Investigators are working on determining the identity of that suspect.”

The Wauwatosa police chief said initial information that was put out regarding the shooter "was erroneous" as to "who we were looking for," adding that they "thought it was a white male, but didn't have an age." As the investigation progressed and they focused in on who was responsible and began developing leads, Weber said they began to believe it was "somebody younger."
Damn narratives, I'm surprised he wasnt wearing a red hat.

hispanics are white, just so yaknow.

as well as turks, middle easterners, probably all the way down to pakistan and likely half of india. kamala harris has sure made a mess of things, i've never met an indian who considered themselves asian before her, so fuck it, i'd say 99% of india is white as well :flipoff2:

edit: also about everybody from the middle of the sahara and north is white along with everybody in the western hempishere mainlands
hispanics are white, just so yaknow.

as well as turks, middle easterners, probably all the way down to pakistan and likely half of india. kamala harris has sure made a mess of things, i've never met an indian who considered themselves asian before her, so fuck it, i'd say 99% of india is white as well :flipoff2:

edit: also about everybody from the middle of the sahara and north is white along with everybody in the western hempishere mainlands

Don't know if they still do I used to be in job where I saw police reports where the perp was called "White Hispanic"
Don't know if they still do I used to be in job where I saw police reports where the perp was called "White Hispanic"

yeah they get the second box for ethnicity, check whatever race you want, but then you are either ethnically hispanic or not. :laughing:

that's what makes them white :rasta:
I thought they were only classified as "white" after they shot a black person.
I can't keep up with all this diversity and inclusiveness.
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