Is that area known for quakes?
Or is this the beginning of 2010 again..
Yes. Quakes brought on by injection wells, sure... but historically they happened long ago as well.
Is that area known for quakes?
Or is this the beginning of 2010 again..
Was it the old Madrid’s fault too or did the kid just go off the rails?New Madrid Fault.
You don't have to be right on top of the epicenter to feel it. BTW, I was answering Stubs question as to if quakes were ever in that area.
Look at the USGS map. It occurred outside the imagery you posted. Like completely outside the entire frame of the image.
Then why do San Diegians feel the earthquakes from the high deserts and offshore (radius: 30 to 100+ miles)?
What does that have to do with anything?
The New Madrid fault zone is 500 miles from the epicenter of this quake.
What does that have to do with anything?
The New Madrid fault zone is 500 miles from the epicenter of this quake.
Look at the USGS map. It occurred outside the imagery you posted. Like completely outside the entire frame of the image.
Then why do San Diegians feel the earthquakes from the high deserts and offshore (radius: 30 to 100+ miles)?
Never mind. You'll never get it.
Talking to the mirror?
The epicenter is shown in the USGS map. Your map doesn't even have the epicenter in its frame. This quake originated on a fault line over 500 miles from the New Madrid Fault, and was only a 4.5...
Thank you for proving my point.
Wichita Earthquake would be a good band name.
Better than Ness City Dustbowl?
Must be because the fracking and we aren’t paying enough taxes to the government to fight climate change
I guess by your standard the san andreas makes utah seismically active.