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Who wants to bet.....


Refugee from syrup
May 19, 2020
Member Number
East Coast
That Biden gets covid right before the debate with trump and uses it as an excuse not to debate and then stay off the campaign trail until the election while harris stays on the road.
How do you view the Pence and Harris debate going? He'll school her and the media will make him out to be picking on her....can't show the bitch for what she is.
How do you view the Pence and Harris debate going? He'll school her and the media will make him out to be picking on her....can't show the bitch for what she is.

Pence debating will be incredible. I think he really has his ducks in a row. i just want him to ask her about Willie Brown and how she moved through California politics with his help.
Pence debating will be incredible. I think he really has his ducks in a row. i just want him to ask her about Willie Brown and how she moved through California politics with his help.

Oh....can't have that...lol the media is going to be all over him for degrading their princess :laughing:
That Biden gets covid right before the debate with trump and uses it as an excuse not to debate and then stay off the campaign trail until the election while harris stays on the road.

That's alReady been discussed at least a couple times here and on the other site.:flipoff2:

That being said;
It is 100% plausible and highly likely that it will happen.

It the only reason they're milking/pushing the mask-wearing and social-distancing orders.
That's alReady been discussed at least a couple times here and on the other site.:flipoff2:

That being said;
It is 100% plausible and highly likely that it will happen.

It the only reason they're milking/pushing the mask-wearing and social-distancing orders.

There's another site? What is it?:flipoff2:
Maybe the man behind the curtain puts a lame horse up against Trump so they can lose, contest it, incite more riots, then start a shooting civil war, then rule over the ashes. Kind of like they have done for thousands of years, "divide and rule"
How do you view the Pence and Harris debate going? He'll school her and the media will make him out to be picking on her....can't show the bitch for what she is.

Pence will debate on facts and harris will debate on feelings. Press will side with harris
That's alReady been discussed at least a couple times here and on the other site.:flipoff2:

That being said;
It is 100% plausible and highly likely that it will happen.

It the only reason they're milking/pushing the mask-wearing and social-distancing orders.

Sorry must have missed it. IT's amazing how fast things go on this site. And such a new site. Wonder where all the people came from? :laughing:
That Biden gets covid right before the debate with trump and uses it as an excuse not to debate and then stay off the campaign trail until the election while harris stays on the road.

That's.... not beyond the realm.

You will get all the credits if/when it happens. Maybe the FBI will come and ask you some questions.

Did you come up with that? Seems logical, or did it come from a talking head or something?
Biden will wear a mask so you cant see his mouth move. Obama will be backstage with a mic controlling the puppet.

i get the feeling that Obama doesnt really like Biden. He was just a necessary evil to help Obama get elected. he was the likable uncle who wasnt a radical marxist.
How do you view the Pence and Harris debate going? He'll school her and the media will make him out to be picking on her....can't show the bitch for what she is.

It’ll be entertaining for sure.

Harris: says something absurd
Pence: quotes a bible verse with a thinly veiled insult
Harris: says “oh no you didn’t “ and snaps fingers overhead
i get the feeling that Obama doesnt really like Biden. He was just a necessary evil to help Obama get elected. he was the likable uncle who wasnt a radical marxist.

It's all about the party though. When push comes to shove, he will line up behind him like the rest.
Pence debating will be incredible. I think he really has his ducks in a row. i just want him to ask her about Willie Brown and how she moved through California politics with his help.

I don't think Pence has it in him to fight in the mud like that. He is too polite. He needs to channel his inner Trump!
I think it will help him to be overly polite. It will give the press one less thing to bitch about and leave it up to harris to make an insult/mistake.
I think it will help him to be overly polite. It will give the press one less thing to bitch about and leave it up to harris to make an insult/mistake.

He'll find an excuse like "I can't be in a room with a woman that isn't my wife" or some whacko evangelical garbage like that.
I just do not see how they (his handlers) will let SloJo actually show up for a debate. The fucker can not even string together a complete and coherent sentence.........and that is WITH a teleprompter
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