Who doesn't need this for $1500

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There are a few houses in that area that have snow cats to get out at all in winter (way out Gold Lake Highway, closer to Bassetts than Graeagle).
My old man restored a Thiokol 601 Trackmaster when I was a kid.

Couple things:

With that short/small of tracks, it is going to suck in any deep powder snow.

Probably powered by an industrial Ford straight 6, 200 cu in if I remember right. Really gutless.

They had a proprietary steering diff setup where they had a box off the back of the t-case that then split into 2 driveshafts/diffs. Very complicated and impossible to get parts for. He ended up swapping a newer Piston Bully rear diff/steering setup into it, which was a whole nother can of worms.

Long story short, worth it to buy something a little more modern.
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