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White men

"The Problem of Surplus White Men"

It's no surprise. They've long been telling you they want you dead and extinct.

Note the blaring lack of diversity in this campaign:
"can't jump cast"

​​​​​Edit: that is still one of my favorite movies to this day. Fun fact, when I was 7 years old in 1992 and in first grade we hatched ducks from eggs in an incubator in my class. I got to take 2 of them home to keep. I had a black one and a white one. I named them Wood and Westley. True story

All of the wrongs in the world according to _______________ are my fault any way

I will voluntarily stop paying taxes if they are offending you and your cause if the .Biden administration says it’s okay
Google 'black male' and compare and contrast.

For a older millennial that bought into the 'equality' stuff they taught us in school, this was not how the future was supposed to look. 18 year old me was taught to look at character, skills, actions, achievements, etc. What happened to that? Where did the people pushing that go? That's the color blind world I'd like to live in.
Google 'black male' and compare and contrast.

For a older millennial that bought into the 'equality' stuff they taught us in school, this was not how the future was supposed to look. 18 year old me was taught to look at character, skills, actions, achievements, etc. What happened to that? Where did the people pushing that go? That's the color blind world I'd like to live in.

yeah, "color blind" is white supremacy :flipoff2:

that's the whole point of CRT, if you don't judge somebody based on the color of their skin, how can you judge them at all? ignoring their skin color is to ignore them.

Critical Race Theory is toxic as fuck
Google 'black male' and compare and contrast.

For a older millennial that bought into the 'equality' stuff they taught us in school, this was not how the future was supposed to look. 18 year old me was taught to look at character, skills, actions, achievements, etc. What happened to that? Where did the people pushing that go? That's the color blind world I'd like to live in.

Meritocracy is now racist as well!!!!
It’s hard to keep up!!!
Fact. The problem with the riffraff is all they know how to do is focus on others achievements in the negative rather than a positive worthy of looking up to.

And make excuses why that person achieved whatever and they didn't. Which apparently has came down to skin color as an excuse.

For fucks sakes, a black man made it all the way to potus 13 fucking years ago and were still a racist country? :laughing:

I'd argue the US is probably the least racist country in the world.

And make excuses why that person achieved whatever and they didn't. Which apparently has came down to skin color as an excuse.

For fucks sakes, a black man made it all the way to potus 13 fucking years ago and were still a racist country? :laughing:

I'd argue the US is probably the least racist country in the world.


For sure. You'd think that the older generation would beat the brakes off the younger fucktards for crying racism for literally nothing when the older people lived through actual racism 50 years ago.

When was the last time that any race was rounded up and exterminated systematically here in the US? That's some pretty common shit all over the world but we are the racist ones... :laughing:
This is the same logic as the gender pay gap. If you could pay women 80% to do the same job anyone that was running a company and wasn't employing all women would be an idiot.

In the real world it doesn't matter what creed or color you are all genders and races have porch :mr-t: its finding the people that want to work and do a good job. Once you find them its keeping them happy so you don't have to root through 100 :mr-t: to find a decent person again. Doesnt matter the color of their skin every color has their :mr-t:.

Everyone always gives Mexicans the shit end of the stick but thoese fuckers will put work pretty much anyone and be happy while they are doing it.
The magic negro was only halfrican.

And make excuses why that person achieved whatever and they didn't. Which apparently has came down to skin color as an excuse.

For fucks sakes, a black man made it all the way to potus 13 fucking years ago and were still a racist country? :laughing:

I'd argue the US is probably the least racist country in the world.

Ijeoma Oulo

Die faggot die

Not my words but lyrics from progressive punk of the late 80's
"can't jump cast"

​​​​​Edit: that is still one of my favorite movies to this day. Fun fact, when I was 7 years old in 1992 and in first grade we hatched ducks from eggs in an incubator in my class. I got to take 2 of them home to keep. I had a black one and a white one. I named them Wood and Westley. True story

7 years old in 92. That explains a lot.

I'd argue the US is probably the least racist country in the world.


No no no. The US is not the least racist. It still requires a black man to work his way to the top. Or in the case of President Obama and his husband, somebody had to lie, coerce, and cover up his way to the top. Obviously the US wont be racist until every black is given a house large bank account and is allowed to kill whitey whenever they want. You know like all those great successful african nations thriving under that same type of culture. Well at least they get the kill whitey part since they destroyed all the farms they appropriated from whitey.
Ijeoma Oulo

Die faggot die

Not my words but lyrics from progressive punk of the late 80's

WTF is an Ijeoma Oulo? It sounds like some incurable jungle disease.
No no no. The US is not the least racist. It still requires a black man to work his way to the top. Or in the case of President Obama and his husband, somebody had to lie, coerce, and cover up his way to the top. Obviously the US wont be racist until every black is given a house large bank account and is allowed to kill whitey whenever they want. You know like all those great successful african nations thriving under that same type of culture. Well at least they get the kill whitey part since they destroyed all the farms they appropriated from whitey.

And then dumbass Americans wants to "feed Africa"...fuck'um! Kill those that feed you and you're too stupid to feed yourself....starve.
It's Asians now but that won't fit the agenda....

The Mexicans here hate blacks with a passion

From what I have seen from other minorities, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, East European, etc, a large % that have had regular exposure to :mr-t: absolutely do not care for them. In the words of an immigrant former co-worker and friend " I don't owe you shit ".. " I never owned slaves" "I was never art of any mistreatment" and so forth. To be clear, it is not blanket racism, but the realization and expression that there is a racial agenda in play to good effect at almost every opportunity:zzz:by one particular group and it is easy to see. Unless you are a guilt ridden liberal whitey.
From what I have seen from other minorities, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, East European, etc, a large % that have had regular exposure to :mr-t: absolutely do not care for them. In the words of an immigrant former co-worker and friend " I don't owe you shit ".. " I never owned slaves" "I was never art of any mistreatment" and so forth.

Same here. All my ancestors arrived in this country long after slavery was abolished. Fuck them. I worked for everything I got, so they can too.
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