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May 26, 2020
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I cant whistle for shit. I tried learning, nada. Are there some people who are just unable to whistle?
I can whistle good enough to get people's attention.
My coworker would get upset when I would shout at him to get him attention so I started to whistle at him.
you probably need to practice more.
I cant whistle for shit. I tried learning, nada. Are there some people who are just unable to whistle?

I can whistle like Bing Crosby but I can't do the fingers-in-the-mouth whistle like a real man. My dad could do that, split your eardrums. I could hear him 2 blocks over :laughing: Better get home fast!
I can whistle like Bing Crosby but I can't do the fingers-in-the-mouth whistle like a real man. My dad could do that, split your eardrums. I could hear him 2 blocks over :laughing: Better get home fast!

I can't whistle like that either my mom can. Same thing too ear splitting.
One of the few gifts I have. Kinda just taught myself in my late teens I think. No fingers in my mouth, just curve my to tongue right, get my lips in the right position and let er rip.
Yup, can whistle better than most people....with air movement both in and out, so I can continue a tune without taking a breath.
Gap in front teeth combined with several years of playing a coronet and a lot of time listening to mom's canary song records,and meadow larks outside I have a pretty good repertorire of bird songs.
I once had a dentist who suggested that he could straighten the close the gap :eek:
I can't do the two fingers don't need to
I can whistle like Bing Crosby but I can't do the fingers-in-the-mouth whistle like a real man. My dad could do that, split your eardrums. I could hear him 2 blocks over :laughing: Better get home fast!

Me too... Did satellite installations for a while and made it a habit to whistle while I was in customer's homes so they would know where I was. The habit stuck with me... Wife can't whistle at all, drives her nuts that our daughter and I walk around the house whistling different tunes.
Or when he pulls out too fast:flipoff2::barf:
nah, but that does result in untrustable farts

you end up making a lot of mucous when taking it in the ass, that along with the lube tends to come out when you let out all the air that gets in with a quick pullout
[486 said:
nah, but that does result in untrustable farts

you end up making a lot of mucous when taking it in the ass, that along with the lube tends to come out when you let out all the air that gets in with a quick pullout

Yup. Some POF chick just did that last night.

Fucking sanitary cycle on the washing machine for the win!!

Off to go text that chick again!! :smokin:
I could give some sort of tutorial on just using you tongue to make a "groove" correctly ???? Fuck if I know. I learned it when I was bucking bales about a thousand years ago during harvest. Get it right or you get ran over or run after the flatbed with a bale.

It is sort of like taking your tongue and pressing it against your top front teeth with a small " u" an..............fuck it.

Try what works. EVERYONE can whistle, and damn loud if you practice.
I can whistle The Andy Griffin Show all day long and call the dogs back home every time. I guess licking windows busted your whistler. :flipoff2:
God damnit, this is funny as fuck. I can light up an entire jobsite, or city block, make sure the kids know to come NOW!! Somehow if I need to do it with a stranger watching....fucking falls flat.
I can whistle just fine. After getting braces in my early twenties I lost the ability to do the two fingers in the mouth, that was a loud one. Miss that ability.
Can do it the regular way or through my teeth. Freaks people out to hear you do it without making the normal whistle face. A friend of mine can whistle with an acorn cap and blow your eardrums out
My wife can't whistle, at all. Funny watching her try though!

I can whistle quite well, but I've never mastered the two finger ear splitter despite numerous attempts.
I can whistle like Bing Crosby but I can't do the fingers-in-the-mouth whistle like a real man. My dad could do that, split your eardrums. I could hear him 2 blocks over :laughing: Better get home fast!

My dad whistled that way. Was my dinner call :laughing:
Can't do the 2 finger thing. I can whistle with my tongue against the roof of my mouth, as if pronouncing an S sound. My wife LOVES when I do the creepy old man whistling voice:laughing:.

Or a normal pursed lips whistle to call the dog or kid.
I can whistle like Bing Crosby but I can't do the fingers-in-the-mouth whistle like a real man. My dad could do that, split your eardrums. I could hear him 2 blocks over :laughing: Better get home fast!

That would be me.

My kids knew it as the "dad whistle" as it carried throughout the neighborhood....handy before cell phones and texting were invented.
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