Where do you think the next "autonomous zone" will pop up?

Bunch of internet bs about it being in Nashville.

saw a live feed for it a couple of hours ago but got bord after 45 seconds and turned it offf.
This is what I'm planning.. A Right Wing Zone encircling a Left Wing Zone! Let's get this shit started!
My living room, no one but my wife and daughter are welcome and sometimes even they aren't. All you fockers, GET OFF MY GRASS.:flipoff2:
There will be no next because things are calming down. It's peaked. Now the downhill part of this begins and we enter the simmer mode. Coronavirus 2nd wave will be the new thing soon enough.
They are setting up a tent city to protest housing costs not too far from Obamas Chicago residence. I will be surprised if chicago doesn't come up with some kind of zone. The Mayor and Governor are both looking to move up in national stature in the Dem party and would embrace the issues the autonomous people are pushing. Would give the Mayor and Gov opportunities to give speeches and go on tv to a national audience. I dont know about other places but Illinois and Chicago seem to be engaging in a life or death struggle to discredit Trump.and will sacrifice their economy to try to defeat him.
There will be no next because things are calming down. It's peaked. Now the downhill part of this begins and we enter the simmer mode. Coronavirus 2nd wave will be the new thing soon enough.

Maybe it'll just morph in to Occupy v2.0?
Maybe it'll just morph in to Occupy v2.0?

and occupy wall street actually lasted for a while with the tents.

not sure what it accomplished at the end of it, but it did prove, yet again, that looting and riots are more effective than peaceful protests.
They are setting up a tent city to protest housing costs not too far from Obamas Chicago residence. I will be surprised if chicago doesn't come up with some kind of zone. The Mayor and Governor are both looking to move up in national stature in the Dem party and would embrace the issues the autonomous people are pushing. Would give the Mayor and Gov opportunities to give speeches and go on tv to a national audience. I dont know about other places but Illinois and Chicago seem to be engaging in a life or death struggle to discredit Trump.and will sacrifice their economy to try to defeat him.

Fat fuck and bug eyes are probably working out a free autonomous zone tax scheme as we speak. 10% freedom tax within the zone:lmao:

I really hope fat ass caught the COVID at one the rallies he attended and nature sorts the rest out, hes gotta have at least 5 co morbilities.

I need to start looking at the laws and what paperwork I need to declare my house a zone free from Illinois governance.
Looks like DC protestors are trying to get there "Black House autonomous zone" going
I vote for Kaycee Wyoming... Might nice friendly folks will take real good care of these shit stains.
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