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When to replace crawler rubbers?


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Jun 27, 2020
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I tend to use mine until they’re DONE. On the left are triple-grooved sticky 37’s, next to new 40’s. (Pic is a few years old). Who else runs till the chords are sticking through?
I can honestly say the triple-grooved worked fine. They just got small 🤣

The whole “bald and beautiful” thing really doesn’t work so well on the East side wet roots and slick rock.
My last set of reds had three to four inch strips of steel belt poking out... and I sold them for $500.

Kinda wish I was running them in Sand Hollow this year, I think they worked better at times than my new ones.
The whole “bald and beautiful” thing really doesn’t work so well on the East side wet roots and slick rock.

I don't know... if you use the new tires clog with mud math and bald tires don't clog cuz of lack of tread depth.. technically balder tires have more grab... :grinpimp:
My last set of reds had three to four inch strips of steel belt poking out... and I sold them for $500.

Kinda wish I was running them in Sand Hollow this year, I think they worked better at times than my new ones.

I know what you mean.. its so frustrating.. :lmao:
I tend to use mine until they’re DONE. On the left are triple-grooved sticky 37’s, next to new 40’s. (Pic is a few years old). Who else runs till the chords are sticking through?
I can honestly say the triple-grooved worked fine. They just got small 🤣

If I weren't so wide I'd run em!
My Treps are about the way the OP posted are. Been regrooved twice and still work fine here in the NE unless it's muddy.

My last set of reds had three to four inch strips of steel belt poking out... and I sold them for $500.

Kinda wish I was running them in Sand Hollow this year, I think they worked better at times than my new ones.

Years ago, the we rock guys said they work best right when the shoulders are bald.

To answer the op question. I think either run them all the way down to nothing. Or run them to ~50-60% and sell them for 80% of new, assuming your market is as screwy as ours. :laughing:
Years ago, the we rock guys said they work best right when the shoulders are bald.

To answer the op question. I think either run them all the way down to nothing. Or run them to ~50-60% and sell them for 80% of new, assuming your market is as screwy as ours. :laughing:

They really work best once they have a hard time staying on rim. 30% to belts is their most magical traction. As long as you rotate and flip and get them round they start to work awesome. Sidewalls go fast so that doesn't really matter. I've seen lots of 80% with no sidewall. Just depends what your doing and how your wearing them. I've found start posting for sale at 90% and they'll sell by 80 or wait till bald as fuck and get your $500 for them.
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