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When did people become so desensitized?


Upgrayedded user
May 19, 2020
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Farm lands and horse's asses
And how do we come back from it?

dude gets shot multiple times less than 4 feet from this dude, bleeds out, and dies. I'm sorry, but that should affect a normal human being, regardless of skin color.

sure, the shot guy was being dumb, fucked around and found out...but if you can watch a dude bleed out and die in person and you aren't disturbed, you are broken.
Mixed feelings all the way around on that one. Without knowing what happend before it looks like the cop could have tried harder to get away from the situation, however the way the guy took the bullets I doubt a taser would do much.

Mehh, no big loss. Everyone puts to much value on life anyway
And how do we come back from it?

dude gets shot multiple times less than 4 feet from this dude, bleeds out, and dies. I'm sorry, but that should affect a normal human being, regardless of skin color.

sure, the shot guy was being dumb, fucked around and found out...but if you can watch a dude bleed out and die in person and you aren't disturbed, you are broken.

Once you accept that no lives matter... you will find peace.
Once you accept that no lives matter... you will find peace.

Easiest way to do that is go into the middle of nowhere, 40 miles or more from anything, and it really gives you an idea of how insignificant you are.
"That's the shit I like to see!" I laughed.

people value life far too much. If I dont know you in some capacity, why do I care what happens to you?
And how do we come back from it?

dude gets shot multiple times less than 4 feet from this dude, bleeds out, and dies. I'm sorry, but that should affect a normal human being, regardless of skin color.

sure, the shot guy was being dumb, fucked around and found out...but if you can watch a dude bleed out and die in person and you aren't disturbed, you are broken.

It was a white guy... nobody gives a shit if a white guy gets shot.
Look like garden variety type of suicide by cop.

Don't bring a piece of pipe to a gun fight......
"That's the shit I like to see!" I laughed.

people value life far too much. If I dont know you in some capacity, why do I care what happens to you?

I can't make you care about anything.
this nation was founded and created by men then genuinely cared about something greater than themselves.

and now we sit here with thumbs up our asses with the world in the state it is today and dumbases can't understand why.

probably because of viewpoints such as yours and how they've gone mainstream 🤷‍♂️
Humans? Can't say I have.

Nope, not talking about humans, just animals in general.

Most hunters have no empathy towards their prey. The few that do, understand the greater importance of their kill.

We are nothing more than animals and our society as a whole is being pushed farther and farther towards individualism.

Cliffs: more and more people don’t fucking care about others.
this nation was founded and created by men then genuinely cared about something greater than themselves.

The founding fathers lived in a time when dueling was common; engaging in gunfights over political arguments & mud slinging/ shit talking. People would gather to watch these duels. (Most famous being the Hamilton/ burr duel.). Not a ton of value for life.

any dude wildly attacking someone like that vIdeo would have most likely been shot & left to bleed out in the gutter.
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Sadly with what's probably coming hardened hearts are going to be necessary.

Because of my past work, I had to be desensitized and have a hardened heart. 6 years ago I was absolutely jaded by the state of humanity, fluctuating between hateful indifference and depressed anger towards people themselves.

Its taken a lot of work to learn to appreciate the beauty of humanity again. I don't accept that hardend hearts are the answer.

thats not to say I won't tenaciously and viciously defend me, mine, and my community, but I will refuse to derive joy, glee, or feelings of being righteous through the suffering of others. I may disagree with their viewpoints, I may disagree with their morals, I may absolutely detest the way they live their life, I will absolutely detest the hate they have in their heart they hold towards me, but I refuse to sink to their level. I am in no position to be in a position of moral judgement over another, so theirfore I have no place for hate in my heart for another human being.
Humans are humans, no matter the color of their skin or the ideas they have in their mind. The second humanity stops caring about itself is the second we become absolutely and undeniably fucked. You have to be the change you want to see, becoming just like your enemy just continues the spiral down to decimation.
Violence is the result of tribalism. Which is what we are seeing happen in our country right now.

violence is the results of disagreement.

tribes are violent internally. high resource areas still engage in violence against themselves. some of the most sadistic violence happens among the most satisfied people.
The founding fathers lived in a time when dueling was common; engaging in gunfights over political arguments & mud slinging/ shit talking. People would gather to watch these duels. (Most famous being the Hamilton/ burr duel.). Not a ton of value for life.

any dude wildly attacking someone like that vIdeo would have most likely been shot & left to bleed out in the gutter.

They fought a war to free themselves from tyrannical rule not just for themselves, but for their fellow countrymen and every generation beyond them. That is what I meant by something bigger than themselves.
Nope, not talking about humans, just animals in general.

Most hunters have no empathy towards their prey. The few that do, understand the greater importance of their kill.

We are nothing more than animals and our society as a whole is being pushed farther and farther towards individualism.

Cliffs: more and more people don’t fucking care about others.

Yes, I have. I don't derive joy from killing an animal, but I do derive joy from being able to provide food and sustenance for my family. I derive joy from being able to be outside on a cold and quiet winter morning breathing clean air. I derive joy from the beauty of watching fawns walking along and frolicking with mother doe.
actually killing the animal? No, I do not derive joy from it, but I do understand why its happening and how it contributes to the circle of life. I try not to waste any of the kill and try to insure that the animal does not have to endure any undue suffering.
Genuinely curious, do you have examples?

sure, to use easy famous one. Epstein island. a whole bunch of extremely wealthy people engaging in sexual trafficking and exploitations of children. those billionaires and millionaires all think they are good and decent people. if you were told that some of them were into child torture, would you even bat an eye or would it be completely believable because "well yeah, that makes sense"?

this country that we live in still has cannibals. dahmer being the famous example, but there are certainly others. not caused by a famine or anything like that, just people who want to hunt and kill and eat people. we aren't starving to death and eating the recently dead type of cannibalism.

for tribalism, it is comical because the claim is that conflict occurs where two tribes meet and black/white cop/not-cop are common examples in this country. but the counter to that is always "what about white/white violence!" because you are still 90% of the time intentionally killed by somebody you know. somebody within your "tribe". that is most of the violence. of course violence exists at the borders and such and whatnot, but it isn't most of it.
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