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What's next for Trump?

What's next for Trump?

  • He will go quietly and with dignity.

    Votes: 9 10.5%
  • He will go kicking and screaming.

    Votes: 77 89.5%

  • Total voters

Roc Doc

May 20, 2020
Member Number
Way out West.
So it looks like we're going to get Creapy Joe as POTUS, and Trump will kick and scream fraud, with no real substance to his claims. But he will leave come January, and presumably to Florida, but will he shut up, or continue to Tweet and claim victory? I can't see him going back to Apprentice, but maybe another equally insipid reality show?

Walk off into the sunset?
Burn that mutherfucker down?
part of me thinks he will run his mouth for 4yrs as a told ya so, then challenge Harris/Pelosi in 2024

There will probably be very little left to preside over by that point.
IMHO, there will be another attempt to charge him with something by the new administration. Just to put an explanation point on the "no outsiders allowed."

I can for sure see that.

I picked he will go quietly.

I will say people do need to rethink a 3rd party as a "wasted vote" trump was basically a 3rd party candidate that got elected. His own party tried to take him down working with the Dems and he still got elected and they never were succesfull. It took a full scale pandemic and openly rigging an election to do it.
I can for sure see that.

I picked he will go quietly.

I will say people do need to rethink a 3rd party as a "wasted vote" trump was basically a 3rd party candidate that got elected. His own party tried to take him down working with the Dems and he still got elected and they never were succesfull. It took a full scale pandemic and openly rigging an election to do it.

What evidence is there that the election was rigged? Seems to me that the states we all knew were going to be blue, went blue. Florida was a bit of a surprise it went to Trump, but it surprised me last time too.
like what?

Who know? There's plenty of classified shit that could probably make a lot of the swamp dwellers look really, really bad. POTUS has the sole authority to declassify anything he feels is justified. I'm sure they'd try to impeach him again or something, but meh.
He’s going to go kicking and screaming. Finger pointing and lawyers until January. He’ll be divorced by spring. He’ll have a new reality show by July.
He'll kick and scream but the 'reality show' predictors are a bit unambitious, lol. Trump will start a bank/investment house. There's already talk of him becoming the figurehead of a large Hedge Fund.
He'll kick and scream but the 'reality show' predictors are a bit unambitious, lol. Trump will start a bank/investment house. There's already talk of him becoming the figurehead of a large Hedge Fund.

He has a constant need for attention that he won’t be able to let go of. One way or another he’s going to continue to be on tv.
recounts are next..

-President Trump’s campaign manager Bill Stepien says the president plans to “immediately” request a recount in the battleground state of Wisconsin. In Wisconsin, if a race is within 1 percentage point, the trailing candidate can force a recount.
He'll kick and scream but the 'reality show' predictors are a bit unambitious, lol. Trump will start a bank/investment house. There's already talk of him becoming the figurehead of a large Hedge Fund.

From his past business ventures, I'd say he doesn't know shit about fuck when it comes to finance. He's always used OPM, and a hedge fund certainly does use OPM, but it also demands ROI, which is the part he's not that good at.
The country has gone full retard and failed to keep the eye on the ball. The ball was personal freedom, low taxes, and a job friendly economy. Voters were swayed by the constant media propaganda against conservatives, propaganda on COVID, and the fact the other guy didn't have a big mouth. Who cares if the guy has a big mouth...it's about the policy, stupid.

We'll be back to bowing to China, entering awful climate agreements, and sending money to Iran in no time. Thank god they didn't get the senate, so we can at least have gridlock and can kick the court packing and tax increase can down the road a couple more years.

Oh, and California has finally ruined Arizona. Congratulations assholes.
The country has gone full retard and failed to keep the eye on the ball. The ball was personal freedom, low taxes, and a job friendly economy. Voters were swayed by the constant media propaganda against conservatives, propaganda on COVID, and the fact the other guy didn't have a big mouth. Who cares if the guy has a big mouth...it's about the policy, stupid.

We'll be back to bowing to China, entering awful climate agreements, and sending money to Iran in no time. Thank god they didn't get the senate, so we can at least have gridlock and can kick the court packing and tax increase can down the road a couple more years.

Oh, and California has finally ruined Arizona. Congratulations assholes.

Texas is next. Just saying.

I think the SCOTUS is safe for now. Only one is really old and he's a lib anyway, so if they replace him with another lib it's no loss of traction, and I believe McConnell will block any new nominee from the Dems that is under 70 anyways.
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