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Certified Asshole
May 19, 2020
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Everybody just get the fuck along and discuss our differences like adult humans? Work our shit out and make this country Great again. Not pro or anti Trump just fucking awesome like it used to be? Possible? Or just keep buying guns, mags, and ammo?

Everybody just get the fuck along and discuss our differences like adult humans? Work our shit out and make this country Great again. Not pro or anti Trump just fucking awesome like it used to be? Possible? Or just keep buying guns, mags, and ammo?


Never happen. The left bases everything around feelings, emotions and the inability to control them
Actually, its called Libertarian. Republicans/Conservatives still feel the need to dictate how other people choose to live.

Libertarian is an edgy teen meme. Libertarians are trying to tell middle-class people that if they don't get out in their street with wheebarrows and shovels to repair it, they have to pay a toll to a local businessman to use that street. No thanks.

The only other alternative middle-class and poor people have to take control of their own infrastructure is to form guilds and HOAs. Imagine your HOA being in charge of all the roads.

So the Libertarian vision for the future is London in 1666. Everything is controlled by Guilds. You can't innovate anything. If you want to, you'll have to leave London and move to Sheffield, Manchester, or Birmingham and start your own Industrial Revolution because the Citizen's Groups (Guilds) won't let you do a goddamned thing at all.

Libertarianism is embraced by people with an incomplete sense of History.

People don't understand something: 18th and 19th century England, though mired in ancient class systems, was probably the most Libertarian body that ever existed. Cold-water row houses, child labor, the Workhouse, mass immigration until we really are Brazil, multi-national Corporations running ramapant and monopolizing every market, etc.

Libertarians are like Communists, exactly like them in the worst way: They believe people will behave according to a Utopia, and it just ain't so.

Luckily, Libertarianism can never work. When your kids have to drop out of 6th Grade to go work with you at the plant, eventually you and your neighbors are going to take your guns up to the Bossman's mansion, subdue/overwhelm his private security, who will run away once you capture one and start burning him alive outside the mansion gates, then you will grab Bossman and slaughter his family in front of his eyes and tie him to a pole. Then cut a slit in his lower abdomen and start drawing his intestines out while he shrieks in agony, and throw those intestines on a fire right in front of him so he can smell his own burning flesh and shit. Then you will castrate him and stuff his scrotum and penis in his howling mouth as you take an axe and chop him straight up the middle, when he will die. Then you will finish the quartering and beheading, and place the 4 pieces of his body on a stake at the front gate of rival Bossmen, and his head on a pike in front of his own Mansion, looking out over the dead bodies of his family.

Of course, the Bossmen will not like this scenario, not to mention the fact that you have just made your children into a bunch of Favella-monkey 3rd world bloodrats. So Bossman, and your wife, will demand more Government intervention and police protection so that such atrocities don't happen anymore.

Libertarianism is a problem that solves itself, but no need to go down that road.
As does the right. Emotion needs to be completely removed from politics.

The right does not base its opinions off emotion. They are based primarily off of facts. The left is so violent and volatile because they supplement facts and data with feelings... and the feelings override any basic logic.
Libertarian is an edgy teen meme. Libertarians are trying to tell middle-class people that if they don't get out in their street with wheebarrows and shovels to repair it, they have to pay a toll to a local businessman to use that street. No thanks.

The only other alternative middle-class and poor people have to take control of their own infrastructure is to form guilds and HOAs. Imagine your HOA being in charge of all the roads.

So the Libertarian vision for the future is London in 1666. Everything is controlled by Guilds. You can't innovate anything. If you want to, you'll have to leave London and move to Sheffield, Manchester, or Birmingham and start your own Industrial Revolution because the Citizen's Groups (Guilds) won't let you do a goddamned thing at all.

Libertarianism is embraced by people with an incomplete sense of History.

People don't understand something: 18th and 19th century England, though mired in ancient class systems, was probably the most Libertarian body that ever existed. Cold-water row houses, child labor, the Workhouse, mass immigration until we really are Brazil, multi-national Corporations running ramapant and monopolizing every market, etc.

Libertarians are like Communists, exactly like them in the worst way: They believe people will behave according to a Utopia, and it just ain't so.

Luckily, Libertarianism can never work. When your kids have to drop out of 6th Grade to go work with you at the plant, eventually you and your neighbors are going to take your guns up to the Bossman's mansion, subdue/overwhelm his private security, who will run away once you capture one and start burning him alive outside the mansion gates, then you will grab Bossman and slaughter his family in front of his eyes and tie him to a pole. Then cut a slit in his lower abdomen and start drawing his intestines out while he shrieks in agony, and throw those intestines on a fire right in front of him so he can smell his own burning flesh and shit. Then you will castrate him and stuff his scrotum and penis in his howling mouth as you take an axe and chop him straight up the middle, when he will die. Then you will finish the quartering and beheading, and place the 4 pieces of his body on a stake at the front gate of rival Bossmen, and his head on a pike in front of his own Mansion, looking out over the dead bodies of his family.

Of course, the Bossmen will not like this scenario, not to mention the fact that you have just made your children into a bunch of Favella-monkey 3rd world bloodrats. So Bossman, and your wife, will demand more Government intervention and police protection so that such atrocities don't happen anymore.

Libertarianism is a problem that solves itself, but no need to go down that road.

I can see where you are going and how you are stretching to make these conclusions. It is just like saying the democrats are communists and the right are fascists'. Your taking the extreme, then going further to make a point. Your not that naïve. Hard core libertarians are just as crazy the socialist lefties and the far right wing nuts. Every party has a blend like that. Dont take the fringe wackos and call them the average.

The truth is there a millions of libertarian leaning R's and D's and just don't know. They are not aware of the fiscally conservative socially liberal option. The libertarian party is horrible at messaging and picking candidates. As bad as it gets. They simply cannot put a sentence together to explain the moderate libertarian view. Their candidates are weirder than snake shit. They are very hard to defend and embarrassing to be a part of.

Utopia? Now your definitely looking like an uneducated ass on this topic. a Libertarian world would be full of hard truths, tragedy, and success. People who shouldn't be making it or prosper, would not, they would not get dragged on by the .gov to no positive end. They would die of drugs, abuse, shelter, and all sorts of very preventable things. But the people doing well, would be the people man kind wants breeding anyway.

I do hope to see a great moderate libertarian leader in my time. They message could easily join both parties if they found someone who could put a sentence together and stayed moderate.
Everybody just get the fuck along and discuss our differences like adult humans? Work our shit out and make this country Great again. Not pro or anti Trump just fucking awesome like it used to be? Possible? Or just keep buying guns, mags, and ammo?


Problem is someone's welfare check is always going to be too small, and it will always be the white mans fault.
Everybody just get the fuck along and discuss our differences like adult humans? Work our shit out and make this country Great again. Not pro or anti Trump just fucking awesome like it used to be? Possible? Or just keep buying guns, mags, and ammo?


Maybe because some have made a business of dividing us, and it's bad business and I'm not part of it.
I do hope to see a great moderate libertarian leader in my time. They message could easily join both parties if they found someone who could put a sentence together and stayed moderate.

Poke for NY governor 2024? 2026? i dunno when your elections are :flipoff2:
Utopia? Now your definitely looking like an uneducated ass on this topic. a Libertarian world would be full of hard truths, tragedy, and success. People who shouldn't be making it or prosper, would not, they would not get dragged on by the .gov to no positive end. They would die of drugs, abuse, shelter, and all sorts of very preventable things. But the people doing well, would be the people man kind wants breeding anyway.


Your point about me taking the extremes is correct: of course I did, I was using an extreme to illustrate a point. But between drawing and quartering an unscrupulous businessman and where we are now, there are a lot of unsavory, impractical, and repellent things about Libertarianism.

Let's take your idea about dying of drugs and exposure.

You think you are going to raise a civil society where children walk past hobos on the street dying of starvation? How about druggies under control of a chemical wiping out any chance of redemption because there is no Narcan in the police cruiser? Yeah no, that's not going to happen. Releasing the 'basement' of society drags the entire society down, this is not even disputed by anyone on any part of the political spectrum.

The idea that druggies are going to kill themselves off is Utopian thinking. Druggies and alcoholics go on for decades and decades, most don't want to die but want the next high. The only thing Libertarianism guarantees is that there are more drug zombies hanging onto the edge of survival, littering the streets and terrifying your daughter as she walks with her friends.

But then you can't afford private security because you seem reasonable. This means that you are going to work a reasonable week, in the Libertarian Utopia, keeping all of your just rewards from it. Then you are going to stop working and have dinner with your family, and maybe after the kids go to bed, a few beers then a nice 8 hours before the next day of harvesting the fruits of your own labors.

Except that's not how humans work. Many humans won't do that, they'll succumb to drugs or alcohol or despondency. Others are far, far more dangerous.

They won't stop working. They'll work and work and amass, and they are not interested in being Master of their own ship, they are interested in being your Master. All that time you waste having a fulfilling human life, they will use amassing more wealth and power until you have to submit to them.

Libertarianism doesn't even acknowledge that people like this exist. Libertarians believe THEY are the fittest people for society, when hard, cold, merciless facts reveal that having a reasonable human life and being 'fit' are two different things.

So when a Bossman that corners the highway market around your City suddenly raises tolls by 10x, you're not going to be harvesting the fruits of your labor, because you can't afford the seeds. You're going to be joining a mob to go put down the Highway private security so you can get the shit you need to make a living.

You are exactly the same as a starry eyed 20-year old Communist.
so conservatives can pretend to care about cities again?

Conservatives love cities, but cities hate us, so what do you expect? When 9/11 happened, NYC responded in a conservative way: People ordered their gibberish-blabbing taxi-drivers to pull over for firetrucks, groups went out in the street demanding revenge, everyone turned to their families and friends for support, and people re-asserted how great America was and how we'll stick together.

Then that wore off and NYC politicians went back to blaming working-class white people from Wisconsin for Tyrone's problems in Harlem.

It's not that conservatives don't care about cities, it's that we feel cities are hostile places who hate us and America. Very simple. You dishonestly tried to turn it on its head because you are a lying piece of shit leftist scum and until you are forced to confront reality, the conflict in the US will go on.

A nice terror attack forces your face right into the toilet of reality, and then for a temporary period, you Lefty scumchildren straighten up and fly right for about 18 months.
Conservatives love cities, but cities hate us, so what do you expect? When 9/11 happened, NYC responded in a conservative way: People ordered their gibberish-blabbing taxi-drivers to pull over for firetrucks, groups went out in the street demanding revenge, everyone turned to their families and friends for support, and people re-asserted how great America was and how we'll stick together.

Then that wore off and NYC politicians went back to blaming working-class white people from Wisconsin for Tyrone's problems in Harlem.

It's not that conservatives don't care about cities, it's that we feel cities are hostile places who hate us and America. Very simple. You dishonestly tried to turn it on its head because you are a lying piece of shit leftist scum and until you are forced to confront reality, the conflict in the US will go on.

A nice terror attack forces your face right into the toilet of reality, and then for a temporary period, you Lefty scumchildren straighten up and fly right for about 18 months.

conservatives hate cities. don't kid yourself. 9-11 gave rural america a new brown group to hate on that lived far far away. conservatives lapped up the idea that they hated our freedoms lol. and working class white people from WI went back to blaming tyrone for all WI's problems.

cities are just as america as rural areas. just like rural america doesnt like being told what to do by the cities, the cities dont like rural america telling them how it should be.
conservatives hate cities. don't kid yourself. 9-11 gave rural america a new brown group to hate on that lived far far away. conservatives lapped up the idea that they hated our freedoms lol. and working class white people from WI went back to blaming tyrone for all WI's problems.

cities are just as america as rural areas. just like rural america doesnt like being told what to do by the cities, the cities dont like rural america telling them how it should be.

Sounds like you hate small towns.

I don't know a person who "hates" any city, i know people who prefer to not live in them just becuase but hate.......

I've lived in the south all my life, bred and born....I've yet to see anyone with a KKK hat or anything of the like... the racism you speak of and hate comes from you believing everything the square picture tube shows you,

C'Mon Man!
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conservatives hate cities. don't kid yourself. 9-11 gave rural america a new brown group to hate on that lived far far away. conservatives lapped up the idea that they hated our freedoms lol. and working class white people from WI went back to blaming tyrone for all WI's problems.

cities are just as america as rural areas. just like rural america doesnt like being told what to do by the cities, the cities dont like rural america telling them how it should be.

Nope, conservatives hate ultra-liberal cities because they are not fair examples of what America is in total, yet they exercise disproportionate power due to economics. And not because Leftist voters in cities create wealth: they do not. Wealth creation in cities is almost exclusively the domain of very large Corporations run by conservative-leaning executives. The city masses live off of those drippings by running restaurants and boutiques, or on subsidies like NYC. The TV market in NYC is no more meritorious than the TV market in a regional flyover city, but the NYC TV market matters more because it reaches more people easily.

It's just cheaper to corral Cityfolk and so they get most of the attention.

You were fooled by this condition into thinking Cities count more, so you are part of the problem that conservatives hate.
Sounds like you hate small towns.

I don't know a person who "hates" any city, i know people who prefer to not live in them just becuase but hate.......

I've lived in the south all my life, bred and born....I've yet to see anyone with a KKK hat or anything of the like... the racism you speak of and hate comes form you believing everything the square picture tube shows you,

C'Mon Man!

Personally I actually love small towns. The town I spend a lot of time in is a one stop sign, under 250 population kinda small town. I dislike big cities. but that doesn't make the people that live there any less american than me.

and you're kidding yourself if you dont think hate orgs like the KKK still arn't going on or the south isnt racist to a degree.

not everyone in rural america is racist sure. but you can't say with a straight face that because you dont personally see it that it must not exist. sure the media makes it out to be 50x bigger than it really is, but it is still there.
Nope, conservatives hate ultra-liberal cities because they are not fair examples of what America is in total, yet they exercise disproportionate power due to economics. And not because Leftist voters in cities create wealth: they do not. Wealth creation in cities is almost exclusively the domain of very large Corporations run by conservative-leaning executives. The city masses live off of those drippings by running restaurants and boutiques, or on subsidies like NYC. The TV market in NYC is no more meritorious than the TV market in a regional flyover city, but the NYC TV market matters more because it reaches more people easily.

It's just cheaper to corral Cityfolk and so they get most of the attention.

You were fooled by this condition into thinking Cities count more, so you are part of the problem that conservatives hate.

You keep talking about me like you know me. cities dont count more. rural doesnt count more. fundamentally I think all people are equal. conservative leaning executives? lol prove that statement please.

so what you're saying is population matters in voice. and you dont like being the minority? where have i heard that complaint before?....

whats amusing to me is you will say the economy matters the most to the country yet you can't fathom the idea on where that economic engine is actually pumping the most.
Personally I actually love small towns. The town I spend a lot of time in is a one stop sign, under 250 population kinda small town. I dislike big cities. but that doesn't make the people that live there any less american than me.

and you're kidding yourself if you dont think hate orgs like the KKK still arn't going on or the south isnt racist to a degree.

not everyone in rural america is racist sure. but you can't say with a straight face that because you dont personally see it that it must not exist. sure the media makes it out to be 50x bigger than it really is, but it is still there.

I did not say it doesn't exist.... racism exists on all levels, but calling every white male in America a racist, as the media does, isn't going to fix the issue.

Have you ever looked up stats on racial crime, or how many of X people are killed by cops etc?
I did not say it doesn't exist.... racism exists on all levels, but calling every white male in America a racist, as the media does, isn't going to fix the issue.

Have you ever looked up stats on racial crime, or how many of X people are killed by cops etc?

the media does not call every white male a racist. i hate the MSM and they dont do that.

sure what kinda stats do you wanna talk about? the one where if you are a young black male the #6 cause of death in america is police shooting? that one ok?
Keep buying guns and ammo.

We are past that point. Keep buying plate steel and bulldozers is where we are. And heavy artillery. There is a Sherman parked a few hundred yards from me right now. I need to go over there and start working on getting it running. It ran when parked somtime in the 60s or 70s. :tank:
the media does not call every white male a racist. i hate the MSM and they dont do that.

sure what kinda stats do you wanna talk about? the one where if you are a young black male the #6 cause of death in america is police shooting? that one ok?

You do know more whites are killed by cops than blacks,

A young black male is 80% more likely to be killed by another black male than anything else.
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