What are the Feds doing?


May 21, 2020
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Can somebody help me decode this? Tucker Carlson has been bringing it up and I can't seem to find an answer.

Are the Feds allowing all of this bullshit to go on so that Trump gets re-elected? How can the FBI come out with notice after notice about 'White Supremacists' while BLM is an actual terrorist organization active in the streets?

How can people get away with tweeting about inciting riots, calling for sedition, the overthrow the of the government?

Reza Aslan and MANY, many others have directly called for violence. Destruction of government property. Assaulting people.

Maxine Waters called for harassing people.

AFAIK, all of this is illegal and actionable. So why is nothing being done, and more importantly, why is Trump doing nothing?

Does anybody have some insight on this, because I can't figure it out.
Yeah, dunno. It is strange. For a ‘“law and order” stance, Prez hasn’t quashed the mayhem. I figured by now that some investigator reporter would have also disclosed who is financing the riots.
Can somebody help me decode this? Tucker Carlson has been bringing it up and I can't seem to find an answer.

Are the Feds allowing all of this bullshit to go on so that Trump gets re-elected? How can the FBI come out with notice after notice about 'White Supremacists' while BLM is an actual terrorist organization active in the streets?

How can people get away with tweeting about inciting riots, calling for sedition, the overthrow the of the government?

Reza Aslan and MANY, many others have directly called for violence. Destruction of government property. Assaulting people.

Maxine Waters called for harassing people.

AFAIK, all of this is illegal and actionable. So why is nothing being done, and more importantly, why is Trump doing nothing?

Does anybody have some insight on this, because I can't figure it out.

It's simple. If they (the cities) don't let them loot and riot in local areas, all hell would break loose about racism. THEN shit gets wild. So they all let it slide. Because they KNOW the protesters are too stupid for their own good.

Further: the President wants the violence, so he and his militias (or the actual solders) can start a civil war in one of the 4 scenarios for the election. "How can we have an election without law and order!?"

Only a landslide Biden win doesn't turn into a civil war at this point. And I really doubt a landslide win is going to happen.
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It's simple. If they (the cities) don't let them loot and riot in local areas, all hell would break loose about racism. THEN shit gets wild. So they all let it slide. Because they KNOW the protesters are too stupid for their own good.

Further: the President wants the violence, so he and his militias (or the actual solders) can start a civil war in one of the 4 scenarios for the election. "How can we have an election without law and order!?"

Only a landslide Biden win doesn't turn into a civil war at this point. And I really doubt a landslide win is going to happen.

You're stupid if you think a landslide Biden win wouldn't result in absolute war. It most certainly would, because although you won't believe this, he's not leading support anywhere but possibly in major cities. You would know that if you actually lived here. I believe war is imminent if Biden wins. If Trump wins, we'll be okay.

My guess is, as soon as the election is over, if Trump wins, we'll see this stuff end by force. For sure. They picked an election year to go stupid for a reason.
So close...
The dumb fuck from Germany actually started to say something that makes sense, then fucked it all up in his usual manner.
Yes, Trump wants the violence to stop. But if he goes in there without the states asking for help, derpdy-derps will claim him a racist yet again. Difference being, enough people will believe that bull shit stacked on top of the "Trump attacks peaceful U.S. citizens" headlines. He knows it could swing enough voters to the other side to actually affect the election. So no, he isn't letting the violence continue out of desire, but rather as a tactic to get re-elected. Which is still fucked up on both sides (him and the voters).
I agree with realsamsquanch. The governors, mayors, etc. need to get their temper tantrum kids under control. If the children do end up too many and too much force, bring in the grandpa (fed level) of force.
Can somebody help me decode this? Tucker Carlson has been bringing it up and I can't seem to find an answer.

Are the Feds allowing all of this bullshit to go on so that Trump gets re-elected? How can the FBI come out with notice after notice about 'White Supremacists' while BLM is an actual terrorist organization active in the streets?

How can people get away with tweeting about inciting riots, calling for sedition, the overthrow the of the government?

Reza Aslan and MANY, many others have directly called for violence. Destruction of government property. Assaulting people.

Maxine Waters called for harassing people.

AFAIK, all of this is illegal and actionable. So why is nothing being done, and more importantly, why is Trump doing nothing?

Does anybody have some insight on this, because I can't figure it out.

WTF are you and tucky calling for? A police state where you get disappeared for criticizing the government? Dealing with riots is a local level thing, not a federal one.
Can somebody help me decode this? Tucker Carlson has been bringing it up and I can't seem to find an answer.

Are the Feds allowing all of this bullshit to go on so that Trump gets re-elected? How can the FBI come out with notice after notice about 'White Supremacists' while BLM is an actual terrorist organization active in the streets?

How can people get away with tweeting about inciting riots, calling for sedition, the overthrow the of the government?

Reza Aslan and MANY, many others have directly called for violence. Destruction of government property. Assaulting people.

Maxine Waters called for harassing people.

AFAIK, all of this is illegal and actionable. So why is nothing being done, and more importantly, why is Trump doing nothing?

Does anybody have some insight on this, because I can't figure it out.

It's meant to be be confusing.

I believe we are watching the biggest PSYOP to ever have been launched, both the right and the left are in on this and it has been planned and going on for decades.

If you stand back and look what both sides are doing and how they are interplaying with each other, it makes a hell of a lot more sense than trying to look at it from one side or the other.
The phrase ~ "Give them enough rope to hang themselves" comes to mind...

Yep, I think the Enough Rope tactic is at play here. Which makes me angry at Trump, but more specifically Kuschner who is the likely source of this strategy.
States rights. The federal gov't should protect fed property while letting the states burn. The federal gov't should help states that ask for help to some extent, but that's it.

This stuff has been crossing State lines since the beginning 6 years ago. Maxine Waters is a Federal Official, and she called for civic disorder and legitimately incited a riot using her Federal platform. Rioters are crossing State lines, even Kyle crossed a State line, the funding is across State lines, this is a Federal matter.

The modern FBI was created to deal with criminals that simply drove from Missouri to Kansas and spent their winnings out in the open, celebrated by the population (which had their farms foreclosed on by Banks so fuck Banks).
WTF are you and tucky calling for? A police state where you get disappeared for criticizing the government? Dealing with riots is a local level thing, not a federal one.

  • Nobody in the US has been 'disappeared'. They have their faces out for all to see on Federal indictments.
  • The violence and funding are across State lines, and actions by Federal officials are Federal matters.
  • The precedent of Federal law enforcement applied to deal with large problems is perhaps the most well-established legal precedent in the US. All kidnappings for ransom and bank robberies are automatic FBI involvement, for example, even if they take place within a State, which most of them do.
  • Calling for coast to coast violence is by definition a Federal matter.
  • Federal law enforcement is used on by-definition State-level matters like the Michigan Militia for example. A Federal task force on the Portland radical underground is wholly appropriate.
  • 3 Federal Agencies plus military were involved in Ruby Ridge even though Randy hadn't done anything outside of a 10 mile radius of his lonely hilltop.
  • DOJ and FBI routinely investigate and prosecute crimes that take place in one borough of NYC.
  • Local government officials are busted by the DOJ on a regular basis. When a local official calls for violence that results in actual violence and death, that is easily a Federal matter.
The precedents go on and on...
  • Nobody in the US has been 'disappeared'. They have their faces out for all to see on Federal indictments.
  • The violence and funding are across State lines, and actions by Federal officials are Federal matters.
  • The precedent of Federal law enforcement applied to deal with large problems is perhaps the most well-established legal precedent in the US. All kidnappings for ransom and bank robberies are automatic FBI involvement, for example, even if they take place within a State, which most of them do.
  • Calling for coast to coast violence is by definition a Federal matter.
  • Federal law enforcement is used on by-definition State-level matters like the Michigan Militia for example. A Federal task force on the Portland radical underground is wholly appropriate.
  • 3 Federal Agencies plus military were involved in Ruby Ridge even though Randy hadn't done anything outside of a 10 mile radius of his lonely hilltop.
  • DOJ and FBI routinely investigate and prosecute crimes that take place in one borough of NYC.
  • Local government officials are busted by the DOJ on a regular basis. When a local official calls for violence that results in actual violence and death, that is easily a Federal matter.
The precedents go on and on...

Nonsensical is proclaiming "that's how it has been done for years!" to defend things outside the scope of what the feds are constitutionally mandated to do.
Its all a fabrication to justify writing new laws to shut down future real protests, riots, civil war. Think patriot act.
You're stupid if you think a landslide Biden win wouldn't result in absolute war. It most certainly would, because although you won't believe this, he's not leading support anywhere but possibly in major cities. You would know that if you actually lived here. I believe war is imminent if Biden wins. If Trump wins, we'll be okay.

My guess is, as soon as the election is over, if Trump wins, we'll see this stuff end by force. For sure. They picked an election year to go stupid for a reason.

University of Michigan estimates 83% of the US population lives in urban areas(aka major cities). source:http://css.umich.edu/factsheets/us-... is estimated that 83,to live in urban areas. If Biden's leading in support there, he's leading in support in 83% of our population. Just throwing that fact out there, do with it what you want.
Nonsensical is proclaiming "that's how it has been done for years!" to defend things outside the scope of what the feds are constitutionally mandated to do.

So the Federal government investigating Weather Underground is just a meaningless precedent in your opinion. Gotcha. I'll place your opinions in the appropriate space.

Its all a fabrication to justify writing new laws to shut down future real protests, riots, civil war. Think patriot act.

But the FBI has come out with report after report that 'white supremacists' are our major terrorist concern!

Here are some white supremacists burning up a black business.


University of Michigan estimates 83% of the US population lives in urban areas(aka major cities). source:http://css.umich.edu/factsheets/us-... is estimated that 83,to live in urban areas. If Biden's leading in support there, he's leading in support in 83% of our population. Just throwing that fact out there, do with it what you want.

You wanted us to think that urban dwellers should run the country, and that 83% of the United States supports Joe Biden. That's ridiculous.

Urban dwellers depend more on the government, they have an easier time voting because they have access to closer polling stations with public transportation and more infrastructure, it is easier to organize urban voters because they are in closer proximity.... in all ways urban voters are hilariously over-represented in the vote.

But we've got you on record: You think 83% of the population will vote for Joe Biden.
You wanted us to think that urban dwellers should run the country, and that 83% of the United States supports Joe Biden. That's ridiculous.

Urban dwellers depend more on the government, they have an easier time voting because they have access to closer polling stations with public transportation and more infrastructure, it is easier to organize urban voters because they are in closer proximity.... in all ways urban voters are hilariously over-represented in the vote.

But we've got you on record: You think 83% of the population will vote for Joe Biden.

You sure have put a lot of words in my mouth with that. I said none of what you implied. The majority of the US population lives in Urban areas, so if Biden is somehow ahead there, it would not be a unbelievable for him to win the election.

Also who in their right mind would would think that a candidate would carry 100% of a demographic like Urban Population Dwellers??? I definitely do not think 83% of the population will vote Biden.

You might also want to find a new way to stir the pot other than using straw man arguments. It's painfully obvious what you're doing.
Further: the President wants the violence, so he and his militias (or the actual solders) can start a civil war in one of the 4 scenarios for the election. "How can we have an election without law and order!?"

The depths of your delusion are almost unfathomable to me. Yet there are so many more on your level. :eek:
You sure have put a lot of words in my mouth with that. I said none of what you implied. The majority of the US population lives in Urban areas, so if Biden is somehow ahead there, it would not be a unbelievable for him to win the election.

Also who in their right mind would would think that a candidate would carry 100% of a demographic like Urban Population Dwellers??? I definitely do not think 83% of the population will vote Biden.

You might also want to find a new way to stir the pot other than using straw man arguments. It's painfully obvious what you're doing.

Classic defensiveness after being called out.

Do with that what you will. Weasel word dishonest guy.
University of Michigan estimates 83% of the US population lives in urban areas(aka major cities). source:http://css.umich.edu/factsheets/us-... is estimated that 83,to live in urban areas. If Biden's leading in support there, he's leading in support in 83% of our population. Just throwing that fact out there, do with it what you want.

Yep, thank goodness for that electoral college. Which basically means the information provided has fuckall to do with the presidential election.
Says the guy who put words in my mouth that I didn't say and then argued against those points rather than what I actually posted. :rolleyes:

You're a leftist and used to being comfortable making lurid accusations, using weasel words, bunk statistics, and other logical fallacies. Half the country believing that black men are being targeted by police when it is statistically factual that it is non-hispanic whites. Your entire thought process is a cheat.
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