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May 19, 2020
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Mountainair, NM

Guatemala Tries to Block Caravan of 9,000 Honduran Migrants Headed for US


January 17, 2021 Updated: January 17, 2021
GUATEMALA CITY—Guatemalan soldiers blocked part of a caravan of as many as 9,000 Honduran migrants Saturday at a point not far from where they entered the country seeking to reach the U.S. border.

The soldiers, many wearing helmets and wielding shields and sticks, formed ranks across a highway in Chiquimula, near the Honduras border, to block the procession of migrants.

Guatemala’s immigration agency distributed a video showing a couple of hundred men scuffling with soldiers, pushing and running through their lines, even as troops held hundreds more back.
Honduran migrants hoping to reach the U.S. cross the border patrolled by Guatemalan soldiers, in El Florido, Guatemala, on Jan. 16, 2021. (Sandra Sebastian/AP Photo)
Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei issued a statement calling on Honduran authorities “to contain the mass exit of its inhabitants.” On Friday, the migrants entered Guatemala by pushing past about 2,000 police and soldiers posted at the border; most entered without showing the negative coronavirus test that Guatemala requires.

“The government of Guatemala regrets this violation of national sovereignty and calls on the governments of Central America to take measures to avoid putting their inhabitants at risk amid the health emergency due to the pandemic,” Giammattei’s statement continued.

Guatemala has set up almost a dozen control points on highways, and may start busing more migrants back to Honduras, as it has done before, arguing they pose a risk to themselves and others by traveling during the coronavirus pandemic.

Governments throughout the region have made it clear they will not let the caravan through.

Mexico continued to drill thousands of National Guard members and immigration agents on its southern border, in a show of force meant to to discourage the caravan from crossing into Mexico.
Honduran police stand guard at the crossing border with Guatemala, in El Florido, Honduras, on Jan. 16, 2021. (Sandra Sebastian/AP Photo)
On Friday night, two groups of more than 3,000 Honduran migrants each pushed their way into Guatemala without registering, a portion of a larger migrant caravan that had left the Honduran city of San Pedro Sula before dawn. A third group entered Guatemala Saturday.

Video shared by the Guatemala Immigration Institute showed cheering people streaming in while border agents looked on and tried to keep them from blocking traffic.

The Honduran migrants walked deeper into Guatemala, driven by deepening poverty and the hope of a warmer reception if they can reach the United States border. However, several previous attempts at forming caravans have been broken up by Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras.

On Friday, the migrants had set out at about 4 a.m. from San Pedro Sula, young men and entire families carrying sleeping children. Some quickly caught rides while others walked along the highway escorted by police.
Migrants hoping to reach the distant U.S. border rest on the side of a highway, in Jocotan, Guatemala, on Jan. 16, 2021. (Sandra Sebastian/AP Photo)
Before the large breach Friday night, Guatemalan authorities had reported picking up only small groups of Hondurans and returning them to the border. But Guatemala has set up almost a dozen control points on highways, and may start busing more migrants back to Honduras.

The migrants leave with little certainty about how far they will make it. Regional governments have recently appeared more united than ever in stopping their progress.
Migrants hoping to reach the distant U.S. border walk along a highway, in Jocotan, Guatemala, on Jan. 16, 2021. (Sandra Sebastian/AP Photo)
Francisco Garduño Yáñez, head of Mexico’s National Immigration Institute, said in a statement Friday that his country has “to guarantee our national territory” and called for “an orderly, safe and legal migration with respect for human rights and with humanitarian policies.”

On Jan. 13, the 11-nation Regional Conference on Migration “expressed concern over the exposure of irregular migrants to situations of high risk to their health and their lives, primarily during the health emergency.”

On Jan. 14, Mexican officials said they had discussed migration with U.S. President-elect Joe Biden’s pick for national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, and raised “the possibility of implementing a cooperation program for the development of northern Central America and southern Mexico, in response to the economic crisis caused by the pandemic and the recent hurricanes in the region.”

When hundreds of Hondurans tried to form a caravan last month, authorities stopped them before they even reached the Guatemala border. Other attempted caravans last year were broken up by Guatemalan authorities before they reached Mexico.

By Sonny Figueroa and Claudio Escalon
Are Hondurans good workers? Hmmm, they will get jobs and be useful while just as many blacks born here will not work and say whitey holds them down...
Too bad the losercrats impeded the approval of the wall for so long. Would be great if it was fully built by now.
Those little fuckers are in for a world of disappointment if they make it to the new border wall. By the time they come up with a plan to get over it half of the US border patrol in the area will ge ready and waiting on the other side.

Those little fuckers are in for a world of disappointment if they make it to the new border wall. By the time they come up with a plan to get over it half of the US border patrol in the area will ge ready and waiting on the other side.


With orders to do nothing about them.
Those little fuckers are in for a world of disappointment if they make it to the new border wall. By the time they come up with a plan to get over it half of the US border patrol in the area will ge ready and waiting on the other side.


With food, water, medical, interrupters and buses to your city
With food, water, medical, interrupters and buses to your city

The Dems better get after changing policy ASAP. *I'm sure they are already on top of it though......

Trump passed some shit preventing that from happening. Even the fake asylum claim doesn't work. With the new policy those fuckers have to wait in their own country and will not be brought to the US like they were before. Alot of things have been changed in the last 4yrs reguarding immigration that people are unaware of because the MSM refuses to cover it, and if they do, spin the fuck out of it to make Trump look bad.
It will be interesting on how the dems describe this. Don't have more than 6 people at your thanksgiving table.. Oh a crowd of thousands that's ok
The Dems better get after changing policy ASAP. *I'm sure they are already on top of it though......

Trump passed some shit preventing that from happening. Even the fake asylum claim doesn't work. With the new policy those fuckers have to wait in their own country and will not be brought to the US like they were before. Alot of things have been changed in the last 4yrs reguarding immigration that people are unaware of because the MSM refuses to cover it, and if they do, spin the fuck out of it to make Trump look bad.

Internetional law says they must apply for asylum in the first country they cross into, but historically they have just passed them along till they get to our border. IIRC Trump worked a deal where the other countries stopped that from happening of course since he is no longer president the globalists have started again
Are Hondurans good workers? Hmmm, they will get jobs and be useful while just as many blacks born here will not work and say whitey holds them down...

I do work w/Hondurans, most of them have good work ethics. The Jamaicans here are moving up faster than the :mr-t:-
Hooray for cheap lawncare?
Hooray for cheap lawncare?

Paul Shaklin has a parody song about McCain telling some hispanic guy about how welcome he is in the country, then after the guy shouts "Viva McCain, McCain for presidente" McCain says so you'll do the lawn for ten bucks "Si" Wow I can't get any Americans to do 10 acres for that
Funny how the bideophiles say its suddenly not racist to keep them out

I'm really waiting to see how they handle this. This might be the first big showdown between the administration and the extreme left in their own party.
Lived in honduras for 18 months, most of them are hard working. Married one and brought her back to the states, went from no college to her bsn in 4 yrs. But she came from a pretty well off family, mom was a surgeon, dad is an electrical engineer.
How long until ChinaJoe forces the American taxpayers to fund buses to and from the shitholes, giving his future votes free rides to the US? It just isn't fair to ask them to make that treacherous journey, what with the beer flu and all.
man, regardless of how you feel about them coming here, i cant imagine how terrible it has to be there to take off with infants, children, adolescents etc. and walk several thousand miles.

its heartbreaking to think the conditions that a 5 year old must endure coming through all those other countries on that journey.
man, regardless of how you feel about them coming here, i cant imagine how terrible it has to be there to take off with infants, children, adolescents etc. and walk several thousand miles.

its heartbreaking to think the conditions that a 5 year old must endure coming through all those other countries on that journey.

You know whats worse? Not one fucktard in charge of either country really gives a flying fuck.
You know whats worse? Not one fucktard in charge of either country really gives a flying fuck.

well, i dont know about that. it seems the leaders of our country are going to send your hard-earned dollars that they forcibly took from us citizens and use it to develop another country.

nothing says "i care" like throwing money at a problem that money alone WILL NOT fix.
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