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We stand on the shoulders of giants

If we are to have another contest in the near future of our national existence, I predict that the dividing line will not be Mason and Dixon's but between patriotism and intelligence on the one side, and superstition, ambition and ignorance on the other.

Ulysses S. Grant
Rudolf Hoss


One thing that i learned the hard way this year. Which i dont think i really grasped when reading Solzhenitsyn, Frankl or Dostoevsky, was how much people actually want tyranny imposed on them.

After covid, then the theft of the election, then the reaction from almost everyone around me, its clear that they do not want freedom. They do not want their fellow citizens to hold their own agency. They want to be dominated. They want the system being imposed on them. In fact, whats being imposed doesnt go far enough.

Fighting for someone who is not asking you to fight is a battle lost before it begins.
One thing that i learned the hard way this year. Which i dont think i really grasped when reading Solzhenitsyn, Frankl or Dostoevsky, was how much people actually want tyranny imposed on them.

After covid, then the theft of the election, then the reaction from almost everyone around me, its clear that they do not want freedom. They do not want their fellow citizens to hold their own agency. They want to be dominated. They want the system being imposed on them. In fact, whats being imposed doesnt go far enough.

Fighting for someone who is not asking you to fight is a battle lost before it begins.

I think this is what has always set America apart. There has been that independent will that the rest of the world cannot understand. Of course, that is what is being compromised and broken currently.

Well stated. Thanks for that comment.
One thing that i learned the hard way this year. Which i dont think i really grasped when reading Solzhenitsyn, Frankl or Dostoevsky, was how much people actually want tyranny imposed on them.

After covid, then the theft of the election, then the reaction from almost everyone around me, its clear that they do not want freedom. They do not want their fellow citizens to hold their own agency. They want to be dominated. They want the system being imposed on them. In fact, whats being imposed doesnt go far enough.

Fighting for someone who is not asking you to fight is a battle lost before it begins.

I love my man as my fellow; but his scepter, real, or usurped, extends not to me, unless the reason of an individual demands my homage; and even then the submission is to reason, and not to man.

Mary Wollstonecraft
One thing that i learned the hard way this year. Which i dont think i really grasped when reading Solzhenitsyn, Frankl or Dostoevsky, was how much people actually want tyranny imposed on them.

After covid, then the theft of the election, then the reaction from almost everyone around me, its clear that they do not want freedom. They do not want their fellow citizens to hold their own agency. They want to be dominated. They want the system being imposed on them. In fact, whats being imposed doesnt go far enough.

Fighting for someone who is not asking you to fight is a battle lost before it begins.

i didnt realize it either until this year

i think it boils down to selfishness and shortsightedness, they want what helps them at that moment

instead of thinking what is best for us in the long run

in there mind theyre looking out for the weak, but to forcefully deprive everyone to help the few will only anger or weaken everyone
I see it more as what happens when persons are raised with a lack of responsibility for their actions.

They may not want to be lead but have never not been while growing up. Never taught how to react to adversity without help, never allowed to fall just to learn how to get up, and always having a sense of a safety net below them in life.

Now, much like young children when they interact with their peers or siblings, they tell others what to do and how to be. Parroting the words they learned from their parents. Unbeknownst to them are the realities of the responsibilities of those parroted, passed down actions.
One thing that i learned the hard way this year. Which i dont think i really grasped when reading Solzhenitsyn, Frankl or Dostoevsky, was how much people actually want tyranny imposed on them.

After covid, then the theft of the election, then the reaction from almost everyone around me, its clear that they do not want freedom. They do not want their fellow citizens to hold their own agency. They want to be dominated. They want the system being imposed on them. In fact, whats being imposed doesnt go far enough.

Fighting for someone who is not asking you to fight is a battle lost before it begins.

you realize that the left sees the right in the exact same light, right?
you realize that the left sees the right in the exact same light, right?

Relativism. Dualism. Really, what value is truth? So who is right? It seems confusion is the first step in destroying freedom.

I neither want to be controlled or want to control others. However, I do make the conscious choice to adhere to a set of principles that I feel bound to. Honesty, integrity, responsibility, accountability, etc. Are those political?
you realize that the left sees the right in the exact same light, right?

I saw antifa looting and burning cities.
I saw ballots being counted after it was claimed there was a water leak that caused the halting of counting.
I saw ballots pulled out from under a table.
I saw Biden say that antifa is "just an idea."
I saw local and state politicians allow riots and protests while shuttering businesses.
I saw elected officials encourage and walk with violent protestors and rioters.
I saw antifa and blm prootestors brandishing firearms and receive no punishment.
I am seeing businesses shutter up and closing.
I am seeing the destruction of the Middle class.
I am seeing the silencing of opinion.

you cannot take away my observations with words. You cannot gaslight away logical deductions based on facts.

you are powerless.
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you realize that the left sees the right in the exact same light, right?

Interesting part of that article is that it says that arguing, or using logic, or presenting facts won't help. After reading that, I realized I would be wasting my time entering into a discussion about these things. Just an observation if you take what she's writing seriously.
Interesting part of that article is that it says that arguing, or using logic, or presenting facts won't help. After reading that, I realized I would be wasting my time entering into a discussion about these things. Just an observation if you take what she's writing seriously.

You realize that's an extremely dangerous stance, correct?
One thing that i learned the hard way this year. Which i dont think i really grasped when reading Solzhenitsyn, Frankl or Dostoevsky, was how much people actually want tyranny imposed on them.

After covid, then the theft of the election, then the reaction from almost everyone around me, its clear that they do not want freedom. They do not want their fellow citizens to hold their own agency. They want to be dominated. They want the system being imposed on them. In fact, whats being imposed doesnt go far enough.

Fighting for someone who is not asking you to fight is a battle lost before it begins.

Yup, most people want a mommy to coddle them and take care of them, make sure they dont get hurt, sometimes get yelled at and get a spanking, punish their siblings when they do something bad. And they will happily live like this if they can have their disposable income, all the food they can eat, netflix, and internet to pacify them.

Part of the problem with importing turd worlders and rapefugees is they literally have no concept of democracy and freedom. Its a european concept. They have lived like slaves for centuries, it's in their DNA. As they move here and outbreed whites, democracy and freedom goes bye-bye.

Foolishly we have not defended what we had. Nobody is going to leave us and our freedom alone and we live happily ever after.
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Foolishly we have not defended what we had. Nobody is going to leave us and our freedom alone and we live happily ever after.

All that the Capitol stormers had to do was not leave. That's it. Instead they slunk away.

Democrats held a rally in my burg decrying White Supremacy and Insurrectionists. No conservatives made an appearance in my County to support the Capitol stormers. In fact even here I detect some embarrassment about the whole affair.

I would suspect that you are deep in the social fabric of the faggotry I have long decried about on this site and others: A bunch of faggots going out to buy 5.56 ammo and talk tough, but who don't do all the intermediary and necessary steps like Civil Disobedience and Not Shutting the Fuck Up which needs to be done before we start hanging Antifa from light poles.

I will not feel the slightest ray of hope until I see, unprompted by me, someone shame another faggot for buying a Ford right now.

But plenty of you faggots are still making threads about buying new shit from companies that have openly said you are a White Supremacist and need to be hired less at their firms. You people neither deserve or would even care about politics, so if anyone owns a new vehicle from 2016 onward, you can simply shut the fuck up now.
All that the Capitol stormers had to do was not leave. That's it. Instead they slunk away.

Democrats held a rally in my burg decrying White Supremacy and Insurrectionists. No conservatives made an appearance in my County to support the Capitol stormers. In fact even here I detect some embarrassment about the whole affair.

I would suspect that you are deep in the social fabric of the faggotry I have long decried about on this site and others: A bunch of faggots going out to buy 5.56 ammo and talk tough, but who don't do all the intermediary and necessary steps like Civil Disobedience and Not Shutting the Fuck Up which needs to be done before we start hanging Antifa from light poles.

I will not feel the slightest ray of hope until I see, unprompted by me, someone shame another faggot for buying a Ford right now.

But plenty of you faggots are still making threads about buying new shit from companies that have openly said you are a White Supremacist and need to be hired less at their firms. You people neither deserve or would even care about politics, so if anyone owns a new vehicle from 2016 onward, you can simply shut the fuck up now.

And once again the FBI Agent Provocateur speaks :rolleyes:
All that the Capitol stormers had to do was not leave. That's it. Instead they slunk away.

Democrats held a rally in my burg decrying White Supremacy and Insurrectionists. No conservatives made an appearance in my County to support the Capitol stormers. In fact even here I detect some embarrassment about the whole affair.

I would suspect that you are deep in the social fabric of the faggotry I have long decried about on this site and others: A bunch of faggots going out to buy 5.56 ammo and talk tough, but who don't do all the intermediary and necessary steps like Civil Disobedience and Not Shutting the Fuck Up which needs to be done before we start hanging Antifa from light poles.

I will not feel the slightest ray of hope until I see, unprompted by me, someone shame another faggot for buying a Ford right now.

But plenty of you faggots are still making threads about buying new shit from companies that have openly said you are a White Supremacist and need to be hired less at their firms. You people neither deserve or would even care about politics, so if anyone owns a new vehicle from 2016 onward, you can simply shut the fuck up now.

Reported to your FBI handler.
All that the Capitol stormers had to do was not leave. That's it. Instead they slunk away.

Democrats held a rally in my burg decrying White Supremacy and Insurrectionists. No conservatives made an appearance in my County to support the Capitol stormers. In fact even here I detect some embarrassment about the whole affair.

I would suspect that you are deep in the social fabric of the faggotry I have long decried about on this site and others: A bunch of faggots going out to buy 5.56 ammo and talk tough, but who don't do all the intermediary and necessary steps like Civil Disobedience and Not Shutting the Fuck Up which needs to be done before we start hanging Antifa from light poles.

I will not feel the slightest ray of hope until I see, unprompted by me, someone shame another faggot for buying a Ford right now.

But plenty of you faggots are still making threads about buying new shit from companies that have openly said you are a White Supremacist and need to be hired less at their firms. You people neither deserve or would even care about politics, so if anyone owns a new vehicle from 2016 onward, you can simply shut the fuck up now.

What exactly are you saying here? What association are you making? You think because .001% of the protesters at the capitol decided to act like idiots and enter and cause damage in the capitol bldg. and possibly pull our country apart, that we should support that?

Lets play a game, if you go by the same standard as the left is using against Trump, according to your words it sounds like you are inciting violence and possibly traitorous actions.


after further thought, I believe you should be put on a no fly list, have your social media suspended and loose your job...

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