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Water beads???

Fun stuff. They would SUCK almost worse than stripper glitter if you could disperse them...
Kids had some. Yea giant pain. They had them in a kiddie pool in the back yard. I don’t think we ever got them all cleaned up before we sold.
theres a video of a guy/couple throwing a jar in their bathtub. overflowed into their apartment, ruined the entire building's plumbing. cool concept, but no way would i trust kids to not dump them in the drains
yea, we've got those too. I'm afraid of them around sink drains. the outside is covered in them. :laughing:
Really how good do they work?

My neice's would kill me if I sent those to their kids! :lmao::lmao:

They work great. I use the same things.

Thats what is in these things.
every time it rains I see thousands of them in the yard!

Hmm. Now you have me thinking of dumping thousands of them in my yard to retain some moisture and MAYBE get some fking thing to actually grow...
Hmm. Now you have me thinking of dumping thousands of them in my yard to retain some moisture and MAYBE get some fking thing to actually grow...

It would be an interesting experiment, might want to try a planter or two first
Made the mistake of getting some of these for my kids. It does clearly say on the package not to let them get into your plumbing drains.

my issue was my kid deciding to take them out of the cup they were growing in and toss them all over the house. They mush up if you step on them and are a bitch to clean up when they are still wet. They take a day or two to fully dry and shrink back down too.
As an experiment; I would like to flush a bottle of beads down a toilet to see what happens in real life. It might cripple a New York high rise in short order. :eek:

Is it good for adult ritual party?
Yes, for your adult ritual party you must fill a hot tub with them and institute a "no bathing suits" rule, then whichever person carries the most beads out of the tub without using their hands will be lifted in the air while everyone chants, as the legend commands. If the ritual is done correctly, a river of Orbeez shall rain down upon their head.
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