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kinder and gentler
May 20, 2020
Member Number
lake erie

it's this lady or vermin supreme for me.

she had me at build nuclear reactors
[“I will work to remove government barriers to replacing coal-burning and oil-burning power plants in the United States with safe, non-polluting, high-tech nuclear power plants – and allowing off-grid use of solar power. Worldwide, I believe we need to consider all scientific & economic knowledge to care for our environment, not cherry-pick data to support a pre-determined outcome. Most pollution is generated in developing countries, so reducing pollution worldwide requires cost-efficient zero emission energy sources like nuclear.”
Safe yet they dont know what to do with the spent fuel rods.

"Allowing off grid use of solar power" ?

Controlling much ?
Safe yet they dont know what to do with the spent fuel rods.

"Allowing off grid use of solar power" ?

Controlling much ?

you realize that in order to get an occupancy permit in most parts of the country right now it has to be connected to utilities? you can build your own plumbing and septic, but you have to get electricity.
unless you're gonna claim to be amish.

that's thousands of dollars to hook up to an electrical utility that otherwise could be used to build said off grid solar/hydro/wind power system. and then they'll send you a bill even if you don't use any of their electricity, just because you're conected.
Nope I'm blissfully ignorant and non conforming to such things.

I donnn need no stinking permits.

you realize that in order to get an occupancy permit in most parts of the country right now it has to be connected to utilities? you can build your own plumbing and septic, but you have to get electricity.
unless you're gonna claim to be amish.

that's thousands of dollars to hook up to an electrical utility that otherwise could be used to build said off grid solar/hydro/wind power system. and then they'll send you a bill even if you don't use any of their electricity, just because you're conected.
and you re enrich the spent fuel rods and use most of it again.

except that process isn't allowed by law here.

5. CONCLUSIONS • Civil reprocessing of spent fuel utilizing the PUREX process has been successfully practiced on a commercial scale for over 40 years without occurrences of diversion of special nuclear materials. These operations have been both for the purpose of spent fuel management and for the recovery of uranium and plutonium for recycle as UOX and MOX fuel for light water and fast reactors. Such a combination of spent fuel reprocessing and recycling is leading to benefits in ultimate waste disposal. • Measures to improve the environmental protection performance of commercial reprocessing plants over the past 20-30 years have greatly reduced emissions and waste volumes. • Growth in global nuclear electric generating capacity through this century will result in the production of increasing quantities of spent fuel that must be dealt with by reprocessing and recycling in order to minimize the stress on uranium resources and mitigate waste disposal issues and concerns with increasing inventories of plutonium and other fissile materials. • The deployment of multi-national fuel cycle centres, operating under an international framework and most effectively implemented in those countries with a sufficiently large civil nuclear energy infrastructure, can serve to ensure a sustained supply of nuclear fuel and related services under conditions in which the risk of proliferation of technologies related to the production of nuclear weapons is minimized. Reprocessing of spent fuel will be an important function of these centres. • A number of options exist for the recycling of spent fuel. Some, including those that avoid separation of a pure plutonium stream, are at an advanced level of technological maturity. These could be deployed in the next generation of industrial-scale reprocessing plants, while others (such as dry methods) are at a pilot scale, laboratory scale or conceptual stage of development. • Next-generation spent fuel reprocessing plants are likely to be based on aqueous extraction processes that can be designed to a country specific set of spent fuel partitioning criteria for recycling of fissile materials to advanced light water reactors and/or fast spectrum reactors. The physical design of these plants must incorporate effective means for materials accountancy, safeguards and physical protection. • Innovative reprocessing methods must be developed for the reprocessing of fuel types that may be utilized in the future; these fuels may differ substantially from the UO2 or MOX ceramics used in current light water reactors. Continued research and development on these methods must continue in view of the expected evolution in fuel and reactor types. • The design of advanced reprocessing methods must deal in a comprehensive manner with (1) safety, (2) the control and minimization of plant effluents, (3) minimization of the waste generation, (4) the production of stable and durable waste forms, and (5) economic competitiveness. International collaboration on the development of advanced reprocessing methods, considering the magnitude of the challenges, is essential to facilitate the future deployment of these technologies. • A detailed mass balance analysis of fuel cycle scenarios is required for the deployment of advanced spent fuel reprocessing methods, taking into account waste production, safeguards, and the impact of partitioning on downstream operations such as the fabrication of fuel for the recycle of recovered actinides.

study from 2008, but then obama spent money on windmills instead.
because those made people feel better than saying
"Hey, energy is a problem, because we need it but we're killing the planet. These really smart people are saying we have enough fissile material to last us a hundred years if we science this shit up and build nuclear reactors. That will give us the time, and energy, we need to keep advancing science until such generation can be handled by renewable means"
Which is what the fucker should have said, and then proceeded to build nuclear reactors all around lake erie.

but no, we got windmills.
you realize that in order to get an occupancy permit in most parts of the country right now it has to be connected to utilities? you can build your own plumbing and septic, but you have to get electricity.
unless you're gonna claim to be amish.

that's thousands of dollars to hook up to an electrical utility that otherwise could be used to build said off grid solar/hydro/wind power system. and then they'll send you a bill even if you don't use any of their electricity, just because you're conected.

My parents live 10 miles passed bfe. They're so far out, you have to go back towards town to go hunting. 05-ish the water company ran a line out there down their road (no idea why?) and even refusing to hook onto it they still had a $15/month fee. Eventually they tied on and kept the well for yard stuff.

What happens when you simply refuse to tie on and pay the fee? Eventual property foreclosure? Bill collections services and a hit on credit score? Dunno :confused:

Its the same for power. If its a dwelling, you're gonna pay a service fee whether you're hooked on or not. "Its a free country".
My parents live 10 miles passed bfe. They're so far out, you have to go back towards town to go hunting. 05-ish the water company ran a line out there down their road (no idea why?) and even refusing to hook onto it they still had a $15/month fee. Eventually they tied on and kept the well for yard stuff.

What happens when you simply refuse to tie on and pay the fee? Eventual property foreclosure? Bill collections services and a hit on credit score? Dunno :confused:

Its the same for power. If its a dwelling, you're gonna pay a service fee whether you're hooked on or not. "Its a free country".

well since most water is municipal or at least quasi government, I'd imagine they just put a lien on your property and collect when it sells.

either way, somebody is gonna pay, because the law says someone will.
Cause rockets never go off course or explode...

you think it will be better or worse than all of the nuclear bombs we exploded above ground and in the atmosphere.

literally hundreds.

but oh no, loading some spent fuel rods onto a rocket is fucking too dangerous.

too expensive maybe.

you think it will be better or worse than all of the nuclear bombs we exploded above ground and in the atmosphere.

literally hundreds.

but oh no, loading some spent fuel rods onto a rocket is fucking too dangerous.

too expensive maybe.


Ol' Musky is making it cheaper and cheaper, and is running a very clean record for launch successes.

But they'll award the contract to Boeing so they can blow another couple billion trying to develop SLS. Or maybe something even bigger. Can't have Boeing go broke, even if they are incompetent. :lmao:
Enjoy your little fantasy world. :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

Explain to me these occupancy permits? You think the rest of the countries like California.

Texas is a pretty big state. Unless you live in the city there are no permits. You can do what you want in the county. Now granted if you take a loan out your bank will require some inspections. But if you’re paying out of pocket you can do what you want.
you think it will be better or worse than all of the nuclear bombs we exploded above ground and in the atmosphere.

literally hundreds.

but oh no, loading some spent fuel rods onto a rocket is fucking too dangerous.

too expensive maybe.


Yeah but we don't do that anymore for a reason. We figured out that we were damaging places and people by doing it. Plus we learned everything we needed to learn doing it that way. ;)

Just don't like the idea of putting a bunch of rods together and sailing them into the atmosphere because what can go wrong, will, eventually.

Don't get me wrong. I would love for that issue to be figured out so we can have Nukes back in wide use. If re-enrichment works then great!
As painfully explained above, there are no "spent fuel rods". They get enriched and re-used. France has been nuke for more than an entire generation with very little nuke waste. Our law is the problem, signed by the Peanut farmer, not the little hot particles.
regardless of whether you correctly think that nuclear power is the answer or not, this lady is now the L nominee.

she's smart, capable and reasonable.

which means that she has no chance and the only options the masses of "the other side can't win" voters will consider are misogynist and racist.

I'll be wasting my vote yet again this year.
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