VS Owns Yellow Bullet and Pirate


Ol' School member
May 20, 2020
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Why in the hell didn't they at least start with that platform that has been running the new software for quite a while ?

They messed that site up but it's still more tolerable to read with less ads than PBB is WTF ?

Monty sold it to them just like Lance did. Monty has stayed on and even still holds the YB Nats at Cecil County still Every year. He's not been as active lately but has came back recently to ask WTF himself.
I use to read yellowbullet a lot. Then it turned into nothing but politics, conspiracy theories and general whining and bitching. Never posted much, but it definitely got pussified.
Yellow bullet like pbb was good at one point before they sold out but now they are both shit.
I use to read yellowbullet a lot. Then it turned into nothing but politics, conspiracy theories and general whining and bitching. Never posted much, but it definitely got pussified.

They are now getting AG Jeff to install software to delete duplicate accounts. The Multiple account shit stirring trolls have been running rabid for a while :laughing:
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