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Voter Suppression?


In Hell
May 20, 2020
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Tinfoil time. So I was reading on another site and someone mentioned all of the shit democrats pull to sway votes. One of the things they brought up is that many if not most senior citizens lean conservative.

Now we had all these democratically controlled states who piled so many infected people into these ill prepared nursing homes killing tens of thousands of senior citizens. Its enough to make any intelligent person question what their true motives were
Yup. Citizens with nothing to hide are becoming distrustful of government and "authorities"

welcome to the party
Tinfoil time. So I was reading on another site and someone mentioned all of the shit democrats pull to sway votes. One of the things they brought up is that many if not most senior citizens lean conservative.

Now we had all these democratically controlled states who piled so many infected people into these ill prepared nursing homes killing tens of thousands of senior citizens. Its enough to make any intelligent person question what their true motives were

How many of these dead people will be mailing in straight D vote ballots this year? That's my question and something I really believe could happen.
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