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Ventura called it


I, Coño
May 21, 2020
Member Number
9 years ago. He wasn't the first.

First 5 minutes or so are cringed worthy, but the rest to 25 mins are on point. (Haven't watched the rest).

Don't give a shit about the personality but the words ring true.

Start at 10:00 for the gist that applies to current events. Ironic that this is a Google talk.

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Man I should have led with this:

[OP's post]Ventura called it.[/post]

He sure did!

But I didn't, a much more lame comment appeared here.
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9 years ago. He wasn't the first.

First 5 minutes or so are cringed worthy, but the rest to 25 mins are on point. (Haven't watched the rest).

Don't give a shit about the personality but the words ring true.

Start at 10:00 for the gist that applies to current events. Ironic that this is a Google talk.

Even a blind squirrel will find a nut every once in a while. :flipoff2:
he would have done a far better job at draining the swamp than trump, trump didnt drain the swamp he just wanted you to think he was
He was a good governor
we got refund checks when there was a budget surplus
[486 said:
;n298073]He was a good governor
we got refund checks when there was a budget surplus

ron paul did that regularly with his budget while in office :grinpimp: one of the things i admired about him, instead of searching for things to spend it on he would return it
honestly even just the title of his book that I haven't read says enough for me to like him
"democrips and rebloodlicans"
[486 said:
;n298275]honestly even just the title of his book that I haven't read says enough for me to like him
"democrips and rebloodlicans"

ive been using that analogy for well over a decade :laughing:
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