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Union steward, is it worth being one?

Where to start... first off I hate what the union stands for they fucking endorsed creepy Joe for fuck sakes. I was gonna pull my papers and talked to alot of guys that feel the same, problem is with out it the company will walk all over you. In my opinion its a thankless job being a steward , you are gonna deal with the shit bags that play the union card more than they should. But you will also be able to do good for the good gals and guys you work with. It's a double edge sword. My question to you is when is your contract up? Are you going to be able to go to negotiations soon and hopefully get things back where they should be? If not I'd pass, if so I'd do it and if you do, listen to the what the good workers want not the shitbags that wine louder. We just got rid of are idiots that thought they were untouchable should have seen there face when they realized they were voted out.
Fuck Stewards.

I, as a project manger, picked up a broom to clean after we walked an excavator across the road. As I'm sweeping the steward drove by. Ran me up and down saying I'm taking work away from his laborer. Told him to fuck off. His laborer was sitting in his car on "break"

THIS. I used to get chewed out all the time for welding stuff around the plant by the steward. I look around and say show me a guy that can do this right now and I'll stop. Yep all on their "15 minute" break which actually ties them up for an hour. Now I just ignore them especially if it is one of my projects. Most of the union welders are glad I am doing the shitty work in the plant anyway so they can kick back in the shop.
We don't have the typical "not your job" type of union where I'm at, and I attribute this to piece rate pay on all the production jobs. I'm not supposed to work on my machine, but I have a small tool box in my locker. Nobody's ever going to say shit.
After all these years,this Post PROVES that you are really ARE a Snitching lil BITCH that thinks he's Above Everybody Else.


What a Fucking Bitch.

Snitches wind up in Ditches.

Wow! Im guessing youre union? That sounds like a threat.
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Wow! I'm guessing you're an ignorant, glue-huffing moron?

I'm guessing the same.

Your work environment is very probably highly toxic to the people you "employ", I sure understand that YOU as the OWNER hates things like this.
I think I should work for you JUST to create one and stick to your sorry ass.

And you can't even spell business right, bro... And don't capitalize all the damn words please, makes you look like a 5yo idiot . . .

When ev13wt can call you out on your idiocy & be 100% right, you're fooked :laughing:
I got exactly the opposite out of his post and I do t see where there's was any snitching going on. Care to quote that part of his post for the rest of the class?

My last job was union and the steward is a lazy piece of shit and the business agent is a spineless **** too. So much for teamsters being a solid brotherhood when they side with the company and only protect the most worthless workers. Anyone that wasn't lock step inline would get railroaded to the door but the shitbags could wreck equipment and nothing would happen.

The money was really good though. :lmao:

I agree. I saw that as the perfect way to manage a union workforce. Communicate clearly, document, and push shit workers out before they drag down the intelligent hard working folks making a living. Business that dont operate that way won't operate at all for long...
OK, Champ,Fish On, because we haven't engaged in a while. Back when a Certain Woman and Her Husband and you went "Fishing" :grinpimp:

Back on Topic of your question.

I've Owned My Own Buisness for close to 30 years. I've run 3 Buisness during that time,besides My own.,at the Same time. I Run Several Buisness as Project Manager,Including the Largest Hospital in this area.

​​​​​That's not to mention how many Side Projects in between that I've built from the ground up. No matter what it was. Residential and Commercial. Me personally,can build the whole Project if I had too. But I wised up and started hiring shit out :laughing:

If I were to guess, I've never had to really Supervise over 100 people at Max at anytime.
​​​​​I Specialize in Custom Residential Custome Homes. I also,have branched off over the years to Commercial stuff just to change pace. That opens up a Big window of Experience.

I Always treat My People with Trust, Loyalty and Respect. You don't have to be a Snitch/Bitch to make things work out for Everybody. Sounds like to me,you don't understand how that works.

Dude you lost me. If you are talking about wertyzmom, I haven't seen them in years. Still good people, I just lost touch. I can say you left such an impression from the last time we "engaged", i have no fucking clue who you are:laughing:

Learn auto correct, my head hurts from the rest of your drivel.
So in some of those toxic environments why don’t people just find new jobs? Skilled labor is a nightmare to replace quickly and can cripple a company in short time.
So in some of those toxic environments why don’t people just find new jobs? Skilled labor is a nightmare to replace quickly and can cripple a company in short time.

Edit TLDR sometimes we keep a chubby bitchy girl around a little too long

My workplace became more toxic as time went on, as time went on I also gained vacation, a tiny pension, and a preferred shift, I had more kids, that were covered on my pretty cheap insurance, one place the union held the line, our wages were flat as industry rose, but when Obama care came down, the company had to eat that.

In my case it was, make the best of it, have an escape plan, then when negotiations broke down and the company threw down an overall cut as their last best and final, we walked, maybe 50% of the work force, some scabbed quickly, some over time, lots of guys found equal or better jobs and won't be back, a handful of the scabs from my small skilled trades shop have since left and started their own small businesses. I'm doing odd jobs, sometimes auto, sometimes tiling, sometimes unloading a moving truck, I'm not getting rich, but I'm doing ok.

my union is also supporting us better than I'd have imagined

if/ when we get a contract, I'm going back to work to get the kids braces and get myself a vasectomy. If I can't move myself into a somewhat cushy salary job quickly, I'll have to decide if I want to lay l low or move on, maybe start my own shop
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What union and what trade ? Makes a difference. Your job is to know and understand the contract, word for word. Send shit to the BA that is grievable but know that most of it isn't and you need to have the sack to tell the member that it isn't and show them why.
I was a shop steward for IUOE local 3 for 12 yrs, I was good at it. I never lost a grievance and I hate unions but it was a necessary evil. I got involved in contract negotiations and loved it. Considered becoming a business agent but but chose not to.
So in some of those toxic environments why don’t people just find new jobs? Skilled labor is a nightmare to replace quickly and can cripple a company in short time.

Not in the .gov contractor world unfortunately. :homer:
I was guessing he was drunk... because none of the rambling made any sense in the context of Santa's posts. :confused:

I can't remember him from the other place, but he came across as he has some kind of internet beef from a long time ago.

I will say I have been on both sides of the aisle in private and public sector in my 25ish year career. Every time I think I've seen it all, something else trumps it. :(

Here is a good example why.


I did it for a year many years ago. I spent the majority of my time dealing with the 2% shitbirds. The other 98% were good workers and rarely needed anything. I took that shit home.
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