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U.S. flag officers/Generals raising the alarm


EvilTwit since 2005
May 21, 2020
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Socialist Germany

Oct 17 2019: We “have seen the assaults on our institutions: on the intelligence and law enforcement community, the State Department and the press…. seen our leaders stand beside despots and strongmen….seen us abandon our allies and have heard the shouts of betrayal from the battlefield…. one retired four-star general… shouted, ‘I don’t like the Democrats, but Trump is destroying the Republic!’… If our promises are meaningless, how will our allies ever trust us? If we can’t have faith in our nation’s principles, why would the men and women of this nation join the military?”“As Americans, we should be frightened — deeply afraid for the future of the nation. When good men and women can’t speak the truth, when facts are inconvenient, when integrity and character no longer matter, when presidential ego and self-preservation are more important than national security — then there is nothing left to stop the triumph of evil.”

Aug 16 2020: “Today, as we struggle with social upheaval, soaring debt, record unemployment, a runaway pandemic, and rising threats from China and Russia, President Trump is actively working to undermine every major institution in this country. He has planted the seeds of doubt in the minds of many Americans that our institutions aren’t functioning properly. And, if the president doesn’t trust the intelligence community, law enforcement, the press, the military, the Supreme Court, the medical professionals, election officials and the postal workers, then why should we? And if Americans stop believing in the system of institutions, then what is left but chaos and who can bring order out of chaos: only Trump. It is the theme of every autocrat who ever seized power or tried to hold onto it…. Our institutions are the foundation of a functioning democracy. While they are not perfect, they are still the strongest bulwark against overzealous authority figures. The institutions give the people a voice; a voice in the information we receive, a voice in the laws we pass, a voice in the wars we fight, the money we spend and the justice we uphold. And a voice in the people we elect.

“Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who…tries to divide us.” “The Nazi slogan for destroying us…was ‘Divide and Conquer’. Our American answer [was] In ‘Union there is Strength’”

“I never believed that the Constitution was under threat until recently…. The slide of the United States into illiberalism may well have begun on June 1, 2020. Remember the date. It may well signal the beginning of the end of the American experiment…. There is no precedent in modern U.S. history for a president to wield federal troops in a state or municipality over the objections of the respective governor.”

“We are profoundly concerned about the course of our nation under the leadership of Donald Trump. Through his actions and his rhetoric, Trump has demonstrated that he lacks the character and competence to lead this nation and has engaged in corrupt behavior that renders him unfit to serve as President.In contrast, we believe Joe Biden has the character, experience, and temperament to lead this nation. We believe he will restore the dignity of the presidency, bring Americans together, reassert America’s role as a global leader, and inspire our nation to live up to its ideals. While some of us hold policy positions that differ from those of Joe Biden and his party, the time to debate those policy differences will come later. For now, it is imperative that we stop Trump’s assault on our nation’s values and institutions and reinstate the moral foundations of our democracy.”(From a letter signed by 73 former national security officials who served President Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43, Trump, or as Republican Members of Congress)

“We are dealing with a lawless President who has no allegiance to our Constitution or values. Trump is igniting a fire of violence. He is sowing division.”“Trump is involved in massive and constant abuse of power. His every instinct is extortionist. How can Republican Senators abide by his thuggish behavior. We have never encountered such a terrible man in the Presidency.” Aug 19

“I think an awful big concern is that the partisanship has gotten out of hand. The tribal thing has gotten out of hand. We don’t look at each other as fellow Americans … we look at each other as opponents. We don’t talk to each other. We yell at each other…. The separation of powers is very, very, very important. No president ever is a dictator or a king.”“I think we need to look harder at who we elect. I think we should look at people that are running for office and put them through the filter: What is their character like? What are their ethics?”

“This is really a collision between order and rule of law and increasing anarchy, which we see evidenced with this piece that you just mentioned, but also, Mika, you know, David Ignatius said a moment ago the Attorney General’s special position.”“I’ll give you two others, Secretary of Defense and the head of the CIA. Those three positions are so central to these institutions, and when we have to worry about whether an inspector general is going to be overridden in one of those three positions, you start to feel that needle moving from The Federalist Papers toward the island in the Lord of the Flies.”

“We have a Constitution. And we have to follow that Constitution. And the President has drifted away from it…. The first thing that troubled me is the whole birthers movement…. And then I was deeply troubled by the way in which he was going around insulting everybody, insulting Gold Star mothers, insulting John McCain, insulting immigrants…. that is dangerous for our democracy. It is dangerous for our country….““This is not the way the system is supposed to work…. the President…needs to understand the Constitution, understand the restraints on him and his authority, and talk openly with his military authorities about what is the right thing to do, and not fire them when he doesn’t get the answer he likes.”

“I don’t think [Trump] tells the truth… I think he is, [immoral]… Am I really willing to throw away or ignore some of the things that people do that are — are pretty unacceptable normally just because they accomplish certain other things that we might like?… If we want to be governed by someone we wouldn’t do a business deal with because their — their background is so shady, if we’re willing to do that, then that’s in conflict with who I think we are. And so I think it’s necessary at those times to take a stand.”

“[Trump] laid bare his disdain for the rights of peaceful protest in this country, gave succor to the leaders of other countries who take comfort in our domestic strife, and risked further politicizing the men and women of our armed forces.”

“According to The New York Times, Russian operatives offered bounties to the Taliban and organized criminals to kill American troops…. Trump’s response to bounty, even if not briefed, was weak… [his] first reaction was not, ‘How can I protect the troops?’ It was, ‘How can I protect myself?’”“As is so often the case with President Trump, the welfare of the nation and of our troops did not come up. This is not what leadership looks like. These are not the actions of someone who serves — or even cares about — the troops to whom he has a duty. These are the actions of a man concerned with self-preservation and little else.”

America needs MORE Kumbaya, and needs to stop thinking Kumbaya means "weak and spineless".
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Haven't been around for awhile, see you're still an idiot.

Barrack Obama divided our country more than Donald Trump. Trump is dealing with the backlash from the Obama years. You don't live here, so you wouldn't know that. But before Obama left office racial tensions were at an all time high, BLM was getting fired up and doing whatever they wanted, and so was ANTIFA.

Again, for the record, you're an idiot. Whoever wrote the above is purposely driving the narrative one way...however, when you read it, and if you actually know what is going on, you'll see it all applies to the left.

Aug 16 2020: President Trump is actively working to undermine every major institution in this country. He has planted the seeds of doubt in the minds of many Americans that our institutions aren’t functioning properly. And, if the president doesn’t trust the intelligence community, law enforcement, the press, the military, the Supreme Court, the medical professionals, election officials and the postal workers, then why should we? .

This really stands out to me.

President Trump in my opinion is not undermining these institutions as they have been doing a damn fine job of doing it themselves, point it out sure but actively undermining them no, those seeds of doubt were there long before he took office.

I have had my doubts about all of those listed with the exception of the military for a very long time. I only except the military because I am not educated enough in it's inner workings, my opinion might change with more education on that subject.

When you look at the list what do you see? I see problems, big ones. Intel goes bad all the time and when it does people usually die, the same with law enforcement and their "do as I say" mentality. The press? Really? Who the fuck with more than a few functioning brain cells believes a word they say? There hasn't been an honest press for many, many years. SCOTUS well not much to say here as we have all seen the decisions that come out of that mess, medical professionals are wrong all the time, election officials are biased and postal workers just don't give a fuck anymore, I don't even bother with mailing things anymore as I can't depend on them what so ever.

Does everyone feel like I do? Hell no they don't. There are a whole hell of a lot of people out there who have blind faith in these things and more. Critical thinking is a thing of the past, the very distant past. Fortunately there ARE a whole hell of a lot that DO think along my lines, mostly they stay quiet and under the radar, stick your head up and you become a target so we keep our heads down and do things differently.
Hmmmm so Trump has been pulling troops out of shit holes we shouldn't have even been in and havent started any new wars, of course the generals and military industrial complex hates him!! That's a good thing.

Arent you leftys supposed to be anti war and anti killing poor and oppressed people? Since when did you guys become world police lovers and swinging off the military's nuts?
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Why don't they just STFU and enjoy retirement?

Mistrust in our institutions, look no further than the VA system. A government run healthcare system for our nations vets and see how they have cooked the books and allowed vets to die.

The division in this country was started in the last administration and they were left unchecked and uncontrolled. Now they are bolden and think that the laws and rules of this country do not apply to them. When was the last time you saw a bunch of republicans actively harassing the police like we see today with BLM and aunty ifa? Now that people are fed up with their bullshit it is dividing the country. I don't think so.
Eviltwat being a **** again I see.
Evil twit where are all the daily isis and Taliban attacks like we had with Obama? Obama tied the hands of our soldiers. Trump unchained those hands. The generals that didn’t agree left. Yes the military complex is pissed pulling out of all these worthless shitholes is cutting off their endless piggy bank.

A brother of a good high school friend was in the tunnel chasing al Baghdadi when he blew himself up. We seen all the praise on tv for the dog Conan. What we did not see was trump meeting and shaking the hands of every man that was in the tunnel. He’s been on the delta team for quite a few years and that was the first time he ever got a thank you from the commander in chief.

Evil twit you need to get out of your trump is the most evil person in the world bubble. You live in a echo chamber that reinforces your already preconceived notions.
I see the dumbass is posting more stupid shit.

I read an article in a newspaper one time that said Germans who use IBB with the screen name Eviltwat are really just little bitches that wish they could be americans.

Go fuck yourself.

Sounds like a bunch of whiny globalists who are butthurt that they can't play with their over-priced toys on someone else's land.

I'm no fan of trumps but he is right that America has been footing a disproportionate share of the bill to defend freedom.
Americans wrote that. American Generals () said that. Direct quotes from them.
Are they all idiots?

You do realize that to become a General you are essentially a politician. With their own agendas and motivations just like any politician. They serve on boards of high paying corporations and special interest groups that have vested interest in keeping the money train running. Some dream of higher office and are positioning themselves as potential appointees IF the Dems happen to win. Some want to work for, or already work for CNN. News reports are their new battlefield.

To counter balance these tools there were just 250 former and retired Generals that endorsed Trump. But the media you follow probably did not cover that.
Orange man, bad. Should we be surprised when people who profit and prosper solely based on governmental largesse and the status quo under either party get shook up when an outsider says he's going to changes things and actually tries?
Sounds like a bunch of whiny globalists who are butthurt that they can't play with their over-priced toys on someone else's land.

I'm no fan of trumps but he is right that America has been footing a disproportionate share of the bill to defend freedom.

I agree this is what’s happening. Something that should have taken place 20 years ago.

I do like our .gov spending money on our sub fleet. My wife’s place of employment makes some awesomely expensive parts for the current and new classes of subs. The parts this company builds will help make these guys even quieter than they are now :smokin:
There is no precedent in modern U.S. history for a president to wield federal troops in a state or municipality over the objections of the respective governor.”

This part neglects to mentions that theres also no precedent for governors to tell there police to stand down, release criminals with no charges, allow public and private land to be invaded

im still concerned that with police being neutered that DHS unmarked car scoop ups will be more common, which isnt good, mayors and governors need to let the police do there job

locals need to handle problems locally or the feds WILL step in

I've seen several uses of "most divisive" president in history lately. Usually followed up by pointing to the riots as proof, and offering up Joe as the solution.

So basically, the democrats got their feelers hurt because orange man bad, and are threatening to continue rioting until another democrat is in office.

Using violence to enact political change. There used to be a word for that.
There is no precedent in modern U.S. history for a president to wield federal troops in a state or municipality over the objections of the respective governor.”
When did Trump "wield federal troops"? He did not. Troops have not and will never be deployed to enforce domestic law. It is perfectly legitimate for federal law enforcement officers to enforce federal law.
When did Trump "wield federal troops"? He did not. Troops have not and will never be deployed to enforce domestic law. It is perfectly legitimate for federal law enforcement officers to enforce federal law.

theyre talking about when the national guard had to come in for the riots, i forget which state or town that was

mayor told cops to fawk off and orange man said "dafuq?"
This part neglects to mentions that theres also no precedent for governors to tell there police to stand down, release criminals with no charges, allow public and private land to be invaded

im still concerned that with police being neutered that DHS unmarked car scoop ups will be more common, which isnt good, mayors and governors need to let the police do there job

locals need to handle problems locally or the feds WILL step in


The governors really are making people comfortable with authoritarian rule arent they? I agree with you, defunding the police will result in a federal police force which will bring the suck.

I'm happy that Trump is actually following the constitution and letting the states handle their shit, on the other hand a lot of states are doing a piss poor job, as in cracking ass hard on the people and driving them to violence and poverty. The part that sucks is the people are playing right into the governments hands and fighting each other and not the real oppressors.
You do realize that to become a General you are essentially a politician. With their own agendas and motivations just like any politician. They serve on boards of high paying corporations and special interest groups that have vested interest in keeping the money train running. Some dream of higher office and are positioning themselves as potential appointees IF the Dems happen to win. Some want to work for, or already work for CNN. News reports are their new battlefield.

To counter balance these tools there were just 250 former and retired Generals that endorsed Trump. But the media you follow probably did not cover that.

The common conception that all military people are conservative is a concept of the past. The rank and file might still be, but the top leadership is blue. Many in my family are career military, air force and navy, and the common thread from all of them is the fast advancers are nearly all liberal brown nosers focused only on their own career and dgaf about anyone else around them. Career promotions are selected by, and/or influenced by, non-military and typically political players. The military has been a playground of social engineering and restructuring since the 70s. Anyone wearing, or has worn, stars is treated like Hollywood heavyweights who think their opinion carries more weight than others, simple proof being they ranked to stars so obviously.... And most of those guys vote liberal, even while claiming to be staunchly conservative. Many even admit it publicly in interviews. The upper level culture is strange.
The governors really are making people comfortable with authoritarian rule arent they? I agree with you, defunding the police will result in a federal police force which will bring the suck.

I'm happy that Trump is actually following the constitution and letting the states handle their shit, on the other hand a lot of states are doing a piss poor job, as in cracking ass hard on the people and driving them to violence and poverty. The part that sucks is the people are playing right into the governments hands and fighting each other and not the real oppressors.

yep agreed, people are getting duped into thinking trump needs to fix this and that trump hasnt fixed it and thats why its broken

nope youve got like 20 people before its trumps problem, mayor, police chief, attorney general, congress reps, senators, and then once all of them admit there ineptitude, then they can call potus

all those fawkers are just hiding in the bureaucracy
god damn globalists are trying to control our thoughts!

5g mind control!

:laughing: i feel like alex jones whenever i jump into a politics thread
Orange man, bad. Should we be surprised when people who profit and prosper solely based on governmental largesse and the status quo under either party get shook up when an outsider says he's going to changes things and actually tries?

I feel this is a big part of it. Career politicians find themselves led by someone who doesn’t play by their rules are very upset and want him out.
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