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BRC Twelve Days of Legal Updates| Day 4: SOUTH FORK WALLA WALLA, OR

BlueRibbon Coalition

Chelsey Gregory


Instead of building roads the Bureau of Land Management is indefinitely blocking homeowners from accessing their homes in Oregon. South Fork Walla Walla had experienced significant flooding. Portions of an access road that had been used for decades by the property owners to access their cabins up the canyon had been washed away. A single track trail used by hikers, equestrians and dirt bikes, had also been damaged in places. The BLM was now using the damage to the roads and the trail to deny access to these cabins- their homes.
Tell the Bureau of Land Management and Congress to let these people go to their cabins.
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Read full article from our Executive Director Ben Burr HERE


BlueRibbon Coalition’s Executive Director Ben Burr was invited a 2nd time to be on Glenn Beck’s Podcast about the subject.

The podcast Episode goes into detail on this latest federal land grab in South Fork Walla Walla. Give it a listen below:



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