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Trumps farewell speech


Red Skull Member
May 19, 2020
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Mountainair, NM

Trump Gives Farewell Speech: ‘The Movement We Started Is Only Just Beginning’


January 19, 2021 Updated: January 19, 2021
President Donald Trump released his farewell speech on Tuesday afternoon, saying he will pray for the success of the forthcoming administration.

“We are—and must always be—a land of hope, of light, and of glory to all the world. This week we inaugurate a new administration and pray for its success in keeping America safe and prosperous,” Trump said. “We did what we came here to do—and so much more. Above all, we have reasserted the sacred idea that in America, the government answers to the people.”

“We restored the idea that in America, no one is forgotten—because everyone matters and everyone has a voice. I took on the tough battles, the hardest fights, the most difficult choices—because that’s what you elected me to do. Our agenda was not about right or left, it wasn’t about Republican or Democrat, but about the good of a nation, and that means the whole nation.”

Trump added that on Wednesday, the United States will “inaugurate a new administration and pray for its success in keeping America safe and prosperous.”

The commander-in-chief also trumpeted what he saw as his top achievements in office, including efforts to normalize relations in the Middle East as well as his administration’s efforts to take on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). He also touted the fact that he started no new wars—noting he was the first president to do so in decades.

“We revitalized our alliances and rallied the nations of the world to stand up to China like never before,” he said. “As a result of our bold diplomacy and principled realism, we achieved a series of historic peace deals in the Middle East. It is the dawn of a new Middle East and we are bringing our soldiers home. I am especially proud to be the first president in decades who has started no new wars.”

Offering his remarks about the breaching of the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C. for the first time in weeks, Trump disavowed the violence on Jan. 6 during the Joint Session of Congress.

Trump also thanked First Lady Melania Trump, family members, various staffers, and the U.S. Secret Service.

The president also struck an optimistic tone, saying he built a potent political movement.

“Now, as I prepare to hand power over to a new administration at noon on Wednesday, I want you to know that the movement we started is only just beginning,” Trump said.

White House officials said on Tuesday that the speech was recorded on Monday.

Trump, meanwhile, will reportedly skip the ceremonial swearing-in of Biden on Wednesday and will depart the White House on Wednesday morning. Before his account was suspended by Twitter earlier in January, Trump said he would not attend the event.

President-elect Joe Biden on Tuesday promised that even as he departs for D.C., to be sworn in, “I’ll always be a proud son of the state of Delaware.” Biden added: “It’s deeply personal that our next journey to Washington starts here—the place that defines the very best of who we are as Americans.”
Well, I don’t fucking know, but I’m not at ease and especially on guard for my family.

It will just be another point of education for my son that I will have to teach him because public education will cover this shit up.
He gave the u.s. a massive redpill. Seems like more and more people are waking to the massive corruption of the gov and big tech. Just dunno if it's too little, too late.

we got 2 years of bullshit before the next round of "elections."

meanwhile the extremists on both sides are going to do nothing but siphon off more support out of the middle.
I’ll never vote republican again. Hopefully a new party emerges or I’ll just sit back and watch this place burn.

You know, this has *always* bugged me, but it was also the happiest day of my life because of it.


WHY in the FUCK! did the republicans pass over so many more qualified people and ultimately put this outrageous figure as their lead candidate?

Hear me out: born in the late 60s, lived through the cold war, cadets at 13 years old, signed up at 17, was fully qualified on FALs, semi and auto (different), M-72s, Karl Gustavs, how to long range scout, and living off the land for 1+ months was part of the training, and this was when I was in High School. (My parents took us out camping in the deep woods, so it wasn't much of a stretch).

Falklands in '81 was the only time the Empire showed it's executive overt hand, the Iron Lady was on the way out (She was cool, earnest for the better good). Everything after that was a fast turmoil. And we grew up with it, as TV got stupider, we still watched, and saw and observed.

Got called back for the Serbo-Croatian War, when I was in University and told them to fuck right off. I'd started to get a clue how all this shit was structured and possibly why it was that way.

Saw LOTS of political upheaval and "regime" changes and so on during this time. A LOT of asshole moves by the U.S., err, I mean the C.I.A. and all that fucking bullshit. Lots of other countries doing the same shit in smaller skirmishes.

So back to:


WHY in the FUCK! did the republicans pass over so many more qualified people and ultimately put this outrageous figure as their lead candidate?

After the incessant 9/11 bullshit and every single thing after (this is where the media control honed it's teeth), and then FObama.

The shoe-in Queen in waiting that 'owned' the World waited while the republicans stepped aside. It was a slam dunk. No fixing necessary! Why did the republicans fold in 2006? WHY? Were they instructed to "give" the election away by putting up a clown that everyone "knew" via media and really knew nothing else about him? He was as surprised as anyone.

And then that evil **** heard it hard and true: "We'll take this fucking clown over you. We're done with this bullshit.".

I *cannot EVER* forget how incredibly happy I was the morning I woke up to hear that. I went to bed the night before thinking that the Universe had fucked the Earth over.

It's been embarrassing watching Trump muddle his way through the last 4 years, but I tell you we need to see more people with balls who aren't indentured political hacks to get into it (with good, strong people at their side). I sincerely believe he tried. HARD.

Was Trump qualified for this? No. Did he have heart and turn a *lot* of shit around? Yes, yes, he did. Maybe not because he had the brains for it, or the "right" personality (for show), but he did give a shit about people.

Which is all one can hope for when electing a puppet or a patsy for a monster that pulls the strings from the shadows.

Yeah, I know, starry bra. Don't care.


Love live the Republic!
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You know, this has *always* bugged me, but it was also the happiest day of my life because of it.


WHY in the FUCK! did the republicans pass over so many more qualified people and ultimately put this outrageous figure as their lead candidate?

Hear me out: born in the late 60s, lived through the cold war, cadets at 13 years old, signed up at 17, was fully qualified on FALs, semi and auto (different), M-72s, Karl Gustavs, how to long range scout, and living off the land for 1+ months was part of the training, and this was when I was in High School. (My parents took us out camping in the deep woods, so it wasn't much of a stretch).

Falklands in '81 was the only time the Empire showed it's executive overt hand, the Iron Lady was on the way out (She was cool, earnest for the better good). Everything after that was a fast turmoil. And we grew up with it, as TV got stupider, we still watched, and saw and observed.

Got called back for the Serbo-Croatian War, when I was in University and told them to fuck right off. I'd started to get a clue how all this shit was structured and possibly why it was that way.

Saw LOTS of political upheaval and "regime" changes and so on during this time. A LOT of asshole moves by the U.S., err, I mean the C.I.A. and all that fucking bullshit. Lots of other countries doing the same shit in smaller skirmishes.

So back to:

After the incessant 9/11 bullshit and every single thing after (this is where the media control honed it's teeth), and then FObama.

The shoe-in Queen in waiting that 'owned' the World waited while the republicans stepped aside. It was a slam dunk. No fixing necessary! Why did the republicans fold in 2006? WHY? Were they instructed to "give" the election away by putting up a clown that everyone "knew" via media and really knew nothing else about him? He was as surprised as anyone.

And then that evil **** heard it hard and true: "We'll take this fucking clown over you. We're done with this bullshit.".

I *cannot EVER* forget how incredibly happy I was the morning I woke up to hear that. I went to bed the night before thinking that the Universe had fucked the Earth over.

It's been embarrassing watching Trump muddle his way through the last 4 years, but I tell you we need to see more people with balls who aren't indentured political hacks to get into it (with good, strong people at their side). I sincerely believe he tried. HARD.

Was Trump qualified for this? No. Did he have heart and turn a *lot* of shit around? Yes, yes, he did. Maybe not because he had the brains for it, or the "right" personality (for show), but he did give a shit about people.

Which is all one can hope for when electing a puppet or a patsy for a monster that pulls the strings from the shadows.

Yeah, I know, starry bra. Don't care.


Love live the Republic!

So when did Evernoob get an alternate account?
There are reports that some in the republican party want to "purge" Trump.

GOP senators wrestle with purging Trump from party | TheHill

Republican senators are wrestling over what they want their party’s future relationship with Donald Trump to be after he leaves office on Wednesday.

Faced with a deeply divided Senate Republican Conference, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is giving his colleagues free rein to vote their conscience when the Senate tries Trump on charges that he incited an insurrection.

McConnell is telling colleagues that he himself hasn’t decided whether to vote to convict Trump on a House-passed article of impeachment and associates describe the GOP leader “as furious” over that attack on the Capitol by a pro-Trump mob.

The New York Times reported that McConnell has told associates that he sees the impeachment effort as a way for the Republican Party to break with Trump, although the GOP leader later discounted what he called “speculation” in the press.

A Senate vote to convict Trump would need at least 17 Republican votes to be successful, if all 50 Democratic senators vote to convict. A second vote could be held to prevent Trump from running for office again. That would require a simple Senate majority.

While a good number of Republican senators would like to break free of what they see as the destabilizing and often erratic leadership of Trump, Republican strategists and aides warn there is a serious political risk to banning him from future political office.
Main stream Washingtonian Repubs do not like Trump Period. The Turtle wet his finger and stuck it up in the air to see which way to turn, because he wants to keep being invited to the good parties in Washington
Main stream Washingtonian Repubs do not like Trump Period. The Turtle wet his finger and stuck it up in the air to see which way to turn, because he wants to keep being invited to the good parties in Washington

Ya think?
There are reports that some in the republican party want to "purge" Trump.

GOP senators wrestle with purging Trump from party | TheHill

Republican senators are wrestling over what they want their party’s future relationship with Donald Trump to be after he leaves office on Wednesday.

Faced with a deeply divided Senate Republican Conference, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is giving his colleagues free rein to vote their conscience when the Senate tries Trump on charges that he incited an insurrection.

McConnell is telling colleagues that he himself hasn’t decided whether to vote to convict Trump on a House-passed article of impeachment and associates describe the GOP leader “as furious” over that attack on the Capitol by a pro-Trump mob.

The New York Times reported that McConnell has told associates that he sees the impeachment effort as a way for the Republican Party to break with Trump, although the GOP leader later discounted what he called “speculation” in the press.

A Senate vote to convict Trump would need at least 17 Republican votes to be successful, if all 50 Democratic senators vote to convict. A second vote could be held to prevent Trump from running for office again. That would require a simple Senate majority.

While a good number of Republican senators would like to break free of what they see as the destabilizing and often erratic leadership of Trump, Republican strategists and aides warn there is a serious political risk to banning him from future political office.

Fucking Gary.

You tell me why the good Rs stood down to let 2016 happen, as it wasn't expected to.
They simply fucked up in 16.....and nearly again here in 20.

No fucking way I will ever believe Hillary got more votes then Trump, and sure as fuk was not 82 million legal living humans voting for Biden. If either one of those piles of shit actually cracked 55 million....then we will surely get what we deserve for being useless ****z.
It sux that all will be blamed on Trump...and his family.....and his family will be crucified in constant.....

We will see what happens with the pillow guy. That will be the barometer for me. If he gets leveled....we are definitely Venezuela.

Store food my fellow no testosterone having MOTH FOCKLES.....they need to de energize our energy independence....and manage our decline. Voting is definitely not a tool.
I could only deal with the first 8 minutes..

sooo many lies..

he took credit for the vaccine

and he spoke of before the virus and now after the virus.. taking more credit.. bullshit, the virus isnt over
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