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Trump Town Hall

What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you think that she would enjoy that? Do you hate all women, or just the ones that try and sell failed ideologies on network TV?

Your wasting your keyboard strokes, talk about a strange handle for someone who is so negativity
As a President ,when asked about Roe vs Wade he gave the right answer period. He clearly states he does not want to influence her in any way.. And clearly states he did not ask her about any upcoming cases....

This was straight-up the most Presidential portion of the TH. His answer about ACB was stellar. Not only do I think he was coached correctly, I think he was absolutely sincere.
hand-held by Clinton's Press Secretary and Campaign Manager. (that's George Stephanopolous. The fact that he was given a moderator position is a joke).

Most people have forgotten that Stephy worked the Bimbo Eruptions war room for the Clintons
What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you think that she would enjoy that? Do you hate all women, or just the ones that try and sell failed ideologies on network TV?

just goin on what your sister told me.
Your wasting your keyboard strokes, talk about a strange handle for someone who is so negativity

But, some of the keys were dusty and shit.

I just can't believe that such happy happy people could have such a negative opinion of half the human race.
Sorry, nope. I'm not forgetting about SanDiegoCJ getting all hot and bothered by the Britney drag queen. :laughing:

But why shouldn't we heckle politicians for stupid shit they said or did in the past?

If they were a politician when they said it, heckle away. If they were campaigning to become a politician, sure. If they were working at all for the people, hold them accountable. But something said by a private citizen, 10 years back is acceptable or any action.

Like I said in the previous post. This was said by a Democrat real estate and construction mogul. At some point it's time to let it go.

And if you are going to hang on to it, at least frame it right. 2005 democrat Donald Trump.

The upcoming twitter tirades should be interesting.

Hmmm I don't know. That looks pretty good for Trump. 12.7 Joe, 10.4 Trump, those are good numbers for a campaign that is hinged on calling out the Media as biased. Trump does it every rally, the entire TH was him arguing with a Media bot with an earpiece (and he beat her).

These Town Halls have very much favored the President. Biden had a softball Democratic Administration official for a moderator, Trump had a hostile media bot. Democratic activists are pumping view numbers, and the ratings are controlled by Democrats. Democrats are more likely to watch a town hall on one of the Big 3 channels.

Here's a more significant metric:


You can't really juke this type of consistent discrepancy. Specific to the Town Hall? No, and that's the point.

Tucker is absolutely killing it right now, and with the Laptop scandal and Laptop Joe's video about firing a Ukrainian prosecutor, and the media blackout including Twitter and FB suppression of the story, Joe has more to worry about over an 18% victory than Trump.

If Joe had beaten Trump by 2x or more, then there'd be a worry.
That, and they're not allowed to change the channel.

It’s hard to believe that people didn’t see this was gonna happen. When trumps debate ended, sleepy joes was still going. Some of those watching trumps switched over when it ended:homer:
That, and they're not allowed to change the channel.

I had also heard that Tik Tok democrats were encouraging all their followers to log in on as many platforms as possible any user had access to in order to skew the numbers.
Most people have forgotten that Stephy worked the Bimbo Eruptions war room for the Clintons

He was the sean spicer of the first clinton administration. The President himself was a democrat. Nobody forgets this stuff. But, it doesn't disqualify them either.
It’s hard to believe that people didn’t see this was gonna happen. When trumps debate ended, sleepy joes was still going. Some of those watching trumps switched over when it ended:homer:

Bullshit! Sleepy Joe is just awesome and shit.

That motherfucker just oozes competence and righteousness, and lest we forget, a never ending devotion to the rule of law.
Then there is the nodding and thumbs up woman which had the Lefties crying


You know a lot of people tuned over to Biden’s after Trump Finished. I did, tought the media coverage difference was disgusting and turn it off.
Trump won in ratings:

Trump: 16 M
Biden: 14.1 M


NETWORK FINALS: The BIDEN TOWN HALL adjusted up 0.3 to 3.0 in final numbers, and the TRUMP TOWN HALL was up half a point to 2.2. The margin was closer in the older-skewing Total Viewers metric, where the total was 14.1M vs. 13.5M.

CABLE HIGHLIGHTS: However, those networks did change the lead in total viewers, with 1.8M on MSNBC and 720K on CNBC, for an overall total of 16M.

'Older Viewers' means beyond the 18-49 range, you know, 50+, the people who vote.
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Trump won in ratings:

Trump: 16 M
Biden: 14.1 M

Why do i get the feeling this is how the election results will go spreading over a few weeks. biden won big, biden won by a slim margin, biden got his ass handed to him.
Depends who you look at lots of different way to extrapolate numbers and who is counting. Neilson is the old stand by, where a single person represents about 3k people of similar demographic in a city/area. Now they can also use online metrics but those are much more easily skewed, at the end of the day its all propaganda. The only difference between China and America is at least they know their news is propaganda.
Why do i get the feeling this is how the election results will go spreading over a few weeks. biden won big, biden won by a slim margin, biden got his ass handed to him.

Exactly what I told my wife tonight. I predict they call it for Biden early then the shit show starts for the next 4 years.
Trump won in ratings:

Trump: 16 M
Biden: 14.1 M


NETWORK FINALS: The BIDEN TOWN HALL adjusted up 0.3 to 3.0 in final numbers, and the TRUMP TOWN HALL was up half a point to 2.2. The margin was closer in the older-skewing Total Viewers metric, where the total was 14.1M vs. 13.5M.

CABLE HIGHLIGHTS: However, those networks did change the lead in total viewers, with 1.8M on MSNBC and 720K on CNBC, for an overall total of 16M.

'Older Viewers' means beyond the 18-49 range, you know, 50+, the people who vote.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts." :flipoff2:
Why do i get the feeling this is how the election results will go spreading over a few weeks. biden won big, biden won by a slim margin, biden got his ass handed to him.

This is exactly why it needs to be a landslide either way. Not sure I can handle months of this shit. Not to mention the civil unrest that will ensue. fuck that, get out and vote!
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