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Trump plans last-minute crackdown on China before Jan 20th.


May 21, 2020
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So Trump is interested in the welfare of the United States, and looking for moves to narrate his legacy. This is it.

Now Biden will be forced to ease up on China, which he will likely do because of the economy and re-election hopes in 2024.

How fast will the China narrative be buried in the Democrats' Identity Politics communist subversion?


Nov 15, 2020 -
Politics & PolicyScoop: Trump plans last-minute China crackdown

Jonathan Swan, Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian

President Trump will enacta series of hardline policies during his final 10 weeks to cement his legacy on China, senior administration officials with direct knowledge of the plans tells Axios.

Why it matters: He'll try to make it politically untenable for the Biden administration to change course as China acts aggressively from India to Hong Kong to Taiwan, and the pandemic triggers a second global wave of shutdowns.

  • Watch for National Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe to publicly describe in granular detail intelligence about China's nefarious actions inside the U.S.
Details: Trump officials plan to sanction or restrict trade with more Chinese companies, government entities and officials for alleged complicity in human rights violations in Xinjiang and Hong Kong, or threatening U.S. national security.
  • The administration also will crack down on China for its labor practices beyond Xinjiang forced labor camps.
  • But don't expect big new moves on Taiwan or more closures of Chinese consulates in the U.S., officials say.
National Security Council spokesperson John Ullyot told Axios, "Unless Beijing reverses course and becomes a responsible player on the global stage, future U.S. presidents will find it politically suicidal to reverse President Trump’s historic actions."

Behind the scenes: Senior administration officials are discussing expanding a Defense Department list of Chinese companies deemed to have ties to the Chinese military.

  • An executive order issued last week barred U.S. investment in 31 such companies, and any additions would likely face a similar restriction.
  • Officials plan to target China's growing use of forced labor in the highly competitive fishing industry. Coerced and unpaid labor isn't just a human rights concern — it can also give Chinese fisheries an advantage over rivals in an industry with geopolitical significance.
  • Trump officials have been looking to move more hawkish China experts into senior roles across the government, another senior official added.
What they're saying: "Director Ratcliffe will continue playing a leading role, in coordination with other national security principals, in delivering a necessary mindset shift from the Cold War and post-9/11 counterterrorism eras to a focus on great power competition with an adversarial China," DNI senior adviser Cliff Sims tells Axios.
  • The Biden transition team declined a request for comment.
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"Director Ratcliffe will continue playing a leading role, in coordination with other national security principals, in delivering a necessary mindset shift from the Cold War and post-9/11 counterterrorism eras to a focus on great power competition with an adversarial China,"

So we are bored with "terrorism" now?
"Director Ratcliffe will continue playing a leading role, in coordination with other national security principals, in delivering a necessary mindset shift from the Cold War and post-9/11 counterterrorism eras to a focus on great power competition with an adversarial China,"

So we are bored with "terrorism" now?

we'll only know if the next president refuses to sign off on the patriot act continuations.

we all know congress will push to keep it up
we'll only know if the next president refuses to sign off on the patriot act continuations.

we all know congress will push to keep it up

We already know the answer to that LOL! Anyone with a dissenting opinion in america is going to be a terrorist soon enough. Hell if you question the COVID narrative or even read some dumbass haikus on 8chan you are are a labeled as such.
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Meh, Biden WILL bring Jobs, economic prosperity, booming economy, happiness, increased military buildup..... to CHINA! Seriously.

The EU, China, Canada, Mexico are thrilled to death to get Trump out. Those countries will grow, America will fall. That is what WILL happen. it will NOT get better under Biden and sure won't when Harris is President. Think it out past 2 or 3 years. You can see it.
Meh, Biden WILL bring Jobs, economic prosperity, booming economy, happiness, increased military buildup..... to CHINA! Seriously.

The EU, China, Canada, Mexico are thrilled to death to get Trump out. Those countries will grow, America will fall. That is what WILL happen. it will NOT get better under Biden and sure won't when Harris is President. Think it out past 2 or 3 years. You can see it.

In all seriousness helping mexico get their shit in order is one of the primary ways to save ourselves from chinese dependence.
We already know the answer to that LOL! Anyone with a dissenting opinion in america is going to be a terrorist soon enough. Hell if you question the COVID narrative or even read some dumbass haikus on 8chan you are are a labeled as such.


relevant article, it's long so i won't quote it all, but it is trying to lay out the case for "strong american enduring influence in the ME militarily to act as containment against Iran". it's all over the place, but it certainly shows what can/will likely become a thought, especially given bidens open stance that he is against ME withdrawl.

relevant article, it's long so i won't quote it all, but it is trying to lay out the case for "strong american enduring influence in the ME militarily to act as containment against Iran". it's all over the place, but it certainly shows what can/will likely become a thought, especially given bidens open stance that he is against ME withdrawl.

Predictable stance!!
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